It's okay
Ezra, Hera, Kanan, Sabine and Zeb stood in front of a old empire base. It's looked as if it was never a building, just a mine. The caverns smelled horrible, indescribable. But it held maps and secrets the empire still uses.
"Okay, here's what I'm thinking," Kanan paused and looked up, "Heavy go last, that means you buddy." He patted Zebs shoulder. "Zeb, me, Hera, (sorry love), Sabine, than Ezra."
"Sabine should go first, Ezra is heavier. All muscle, sweetie." Hera told a grumpy Ezra.
"Zeb test this theory." Kanan smirked. Zeb picked up both of them with each hand. They both struggled, to free themselves from a lasats grasp and raised Ezra a little higher. "Guess that settles it." He said to his love.
"What! are you sure?"
"My armor adds 5 pounds. Plus ladies first." Sabine added.
Ezra looked proud. Shortly after he looked offended.
"I don't know how much it will hold, if you hear a crack, get out."
Kanan pulled Sabine to the side. "If he falls, grab him. If we have to bolt out grab him. I'm trusting you with my padwan, basically my life.
Ezra gulped, stepping inside the broken down place. Every time he stepped dust poofed up.
Sabine, Hera, Kanan, then Zeb entered. Ezra could sense their uneasiness.
"Kanan! I think I see it!" Ezra said excitedly.
"Good job, Ez. Where?" He replied quietly careful not to disturb any rocks.
"Across that bridge! I'll get them." He said running. The bridge was thin, the only things keeping it up were thing slabs and ropes.
"No!" He yelled but Ezra was already half way cross.
"Don't worry I'm BRIDGEr, for crying out loud!" He laughed at his pun.
Hera's green face was pale green and you could see where her fingers clenched her checks.
One of the support beams gave out when Ezra was 3/4s ways cross. He yelped. Another one gone. The two out most beams, most supportive beams were gone.
Ezra quickly made the decision to run back. "It's collapsing!"
The crew started to run as well. Kanan trues to pull Ezra to him but a wall of rocks cut off his view. The cave suddenly steadied itself.
"Ezra!" Kanan said trying to dig. He tried and tried.
"Aye, It's not worth it, we will get da kid." Zeb said.
"Kanan!" A faint call came. "I'm stuck! I can't move my arm!"
"We're coming Ezra, hold on a little longer." Sabine said.
"My baby! How are we going to get him?" Hera said, full mother hen mode.
Then they despised a plan. First Zeb would put the metal beams from their last supply run to hold the cave.
Meanwhile, Ezra's arm was trapped under a great, genormous rock. His light Saber was right out of his free arms reach.
Dust swelled in his eyes making them water. The smell that welled Ezra's nose made him gag.
His torso felt to torn in two. He felt a couple scratches on his face and bruises everywhere. His leg was in an awkward angle because of how he fell.
He moaned at pain. He didn't bother screaming.
The Crew tried digging. So far they had only meant a small dent, Zeb had made that by ramming his side into it.
Sabine wiped sweat and looked up. She saw what looked as if it were a trap door. "Vents." She whispered, "Ventalation shaft!" She said louder.
"No one here can fit your armour is to bulky." He said, dully.
"What if-- what if I take the gun holder and the top armour off. I have a black long sleeve, underneth."
"That.....that is so crazy it might work." Kanab said.
She took her belt off and began to take of her armor when kanan and Zeb turned covering there eyes. "I already have it on it is just under my armour." She said rolling her eyes and stripping her gear.
Zeb held his hands one on top of the other. Sabine took a breath and put a foot on his hands.
Ezra tried holding his breath, but no progress was made. His leg was twisted in an awkward position. His arm was flattened. He chewed his lip trying to make the pain leave. He was more than unsuccessful. If anything it felt worse.
Finally be gave up. Tears poured down his face, with no hope of controlling them. They poured down his face and off his chin, he gritted his teeth. The tears were of pain and settling dust.
This would be the only time he rather be hit in the face with a light Saber, again.
Sabine landed on the other side of the wall. "Guys I'm over." She yelled.
She walked in the pitch black. "Ezra? Ezra?" She called. She heard a cry.
Ezra heard Sabine yell his name. He decided he rather live and let her tease him for crying, then die and she'd still know because his tear filled face.
So he cried. And he let himself cry as loud as his throat felt possible at the moment, which wasn't a very hight limit.
After a minute he felt like he couldn't go on, so he whimpered. "No! Ezra I need to hear your voice and follow it!"Sabine yelled.
"Can't..." he said, his voice hoarse. He used his free hand and grabbed a small rock near him and tapped and tapped and tapped.
He heard steps, corresponding to his taps. Tap, footstep, tap, step.
Sabine knelt beside him, "It's okay Ezra. I gotcha. I'm going to push the rock, okay?"
"Hey Sabine?"
"I don't know why you love being alone so much." He whispered.
She chuckled at him. "We're different."
"Can I stop now?" He asked anxiously.
"Stop what?" She asked confused.
"Being awake, I just wanna let go." He said chewing his lip.
"No, No! You need to stay awake, you may only way the weight of lot cat but I can't carry you alone! I'll hurt you!" She said tapping his cheek. She got up and leaned against the boulder that was on his arm. She just barley moved it. "Move!"
"I can't!"
"Do it!" She yelled. He desperately tried to move but was taking to long. Sabine struggled to keep it up but finally she just stretched with her leg and kicked his arm out of the way.
She breathed and sat down. She relaxed brushing through her hair. "Yes. One down one to go." She laughed.
Ezra on the didn't move, or react. Inside it felt like someone had just snapped his arm off.
"You alright?" She asked. He replied in a whimper. "Shh, it's gonna be okay."
She tucked her arms under his armpit and dragged him to the vent. "worm with me here." She muttered.
(I'm going to skip this bc I haz no idea how she'd get him up there)
Zeb carried him carefully to the ship. Once inside the cargo hold, they layer him down and bandaged him.
"Kanan?" Ezra said and coughed.
"Do I get a lol- cough- ipop?"
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