I was asleep when I saw ezra fall from the vents into my room.
"Ezra what are you doing in here?" I asked grupily due to....well I don't know....TEENAGERS FALLING FROM THE SKY!!
"Hic." He said.
"What?" I raised an eyebrow
"Hic." His sholders bounced.
"Oh I see you have the hic-ups." He nodded. "This is going to be a long day."
We both walked out to train. He hic-uped along the way.
"So today we will-"
"Hic." He intruped.
I cleared me throat, "ahem, today we-"
"Hic, hic" I glared at him in annoyed. "Hic- sorry -hic- Mas- hic."
"Foget training." I said walking into the ship. He followed, I didn't need the force to know that every two steps I heard a 'hic'.
He departed to his room.
Ezra came into his room where zeb was sleeping.
"Hic." Escaped ezra's mouth. He quickly threw a hand over it. For a few moments, he sighed in relief.
"Hic. Oh -hic.- no." Zeb was waking up.
"Kid! Quit that." The lasat yelled.
"Sorry -hic- can't." Ezra replied.
"Get out." Zeb said turning on his side.
"Hey! Hic, it's my room, -hic- too." Zeb got up and grabbed ezra's shirt.
"Hic." He smiled weekly and shrugged. Zeb threw the kid! He hit the wall- hard.
"And stay out!" He yelled
"Hic. You can't do -hic- that!"
"Yes, hic, I can." Zeb mocked him in a squeaky voice.
"I don't sound -hic- like that" he said and zeb shut the door. He climbed into the vents into the cockpit. "Hey, her- hic- a."
"Hey ez-"
"Hic." She turned to look at the sky. "Hic." He did it again. She was getting agravated. "Hic. Hic."
"Ezra, we all love you but, can you please let me concentrate on piloting." She said calmly.
He frowned and walked out. He pulled himself into the vent (in the common room."
'Kanan doesn't want me, hera doesn't want me, I can't in my room. Wait!' His thoughts were intruped by, - hic- 'I'll go see sabine'
He crawled to sabines room and plopped out onto the floor. "Hey ezra." She said not looking up.
"Hic!" He said loudly which made sabine mess up.
"Ezra!" She yelled.
"I'll -hic- leave now." He looked down and went into the halls. He still had hid his head down. And he was constantly hic-uped.
"Hey kid, anything wrong?" Kanan asked.
"I -hic- keep -hic- annoying -hic- every -hic, hic- one."
"Then I'll help you get rid of them." He patted his padawan back.
Kanan's POV
I started brain storming. Then I got it.
We scare him.
"Crew meeting, spector 6 stay behind. This is about you." I said into the comm. They all came into the cockpit.
"So what's this about?" Sabine said.
"Where going to get rid of ezra's hiccups." I smile.
"What's the plan?" Zeb asked.
"We scare him." Hera said simply.
"What's he scared of?" I asked myself rubbing my chin.
Hera snapped her fingers. "Ah ha. We could use the inquisitor."
"Oh yeah the mask ezra
And I made to train with. " I said and they all nodded.
I walked into my room and got the mask. I put it on and heard ezra in the vents, hiccuping and I heard a crash in the common room. Time for action.
He walked into my room and I had the dummy of the inquisitor in front of me with a mask on my face. Ezra opened my door and....
I walked into Kanan's room. I saw the training dummy and kanan with behind it with his head. Predictible.
I punched him and kanan fell back.
"Hey kanan." I said casually. "Did you know the inquisitor was here?" I saod Sarcasticlly.
"Ha Ha very funny. If you knew it was me why did you punch me?"
"Cuase it was funny....wait do you hear that?" I asked.
"What?" He asked.
"Me not hiccuping!" They celebrate and come into the cockpit. " I don't have -hic-" perfext timing...... I sighed. "Never mind -hic-"
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