CANDY. (and paint...)
"ezra you and I have to go on a suppy run In capital city. Them were leaving lothal." Kanan said puting on his fingerless gloves.
"Thank goodness I'm sick of this grass land." Sabine said.
"Hey! I grew up on this grass land." I said defending my home planet. But really I was sick of it.
"hey! I grew up on this grass land" She stuck out her tounge and mocked me in a derpish tone. I got up and kanan pushed put heads back.
"Come on." He said and I followed him. He gave me the signal to depart. I saw something I couldn't resisted. It was magical. It was magnificent. I NEEDED IT.
And I saw paint.....
I casually walked by and picked the sack up and the paint, I slipped that into my bag. I acted like nothing happend. Then the mad noticed as I plopped some in my mouth. He started chasing me. HIS MISTAKE. I felt my pupils grow. My heart rate quickened. I started bouncing.
"thief!" He yelled and chased me to a Dead end. I turned and started laughing like a mad man.
"MY CANDYYYYYYY MUHAHAHAHAHAHAYAYA" he started running for the hills. How could I not chase him.
"Ezra! What in the galaxy are you Doing?" Kanan asked slightly mad.
"HE TRIED TO STEAL MY CANDY!" He looked down and noticed the candy in my hand.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I noticed the sack of candy in his hand. I tryed to grab it but he ran. He was on the outskirts of town already.
"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH MEEEEEEE--" HE cut his self off by falling on his face. I picked him up.
"Get off! GET OFF! GET OFFFFFD!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!" He started kicking my chest. I looked at my belt, I had some rope.
I tied him up.
"That's not how you tie a knot." He said.
"Yes it is."
"It won't hold the great and power full ezra. In fact it wouldn't even hold the week and powerless kanan." He laughed like a evil master mine.
"No knot could hold me." I said and dragged him back to the ghost. He was squirming but I managed.
"What happened?" Hera asked.
"Candy." They all nodded. We all started talking about what we need to keep away from him. I turned and he wasn't there. Oh no.
I directed everyone to look in there rooms. I looked in mine. He wasn't there thank the force. Then I Heard A bang in zeb and ezra's room.
"What are you doing kid?" Zeb asked to a purple ezra who was spraying himself with purple paint.
"Is this edible?" He asked himself. Then, like the ezra we all know, ate it.
"No! That is not edible! Why would you even-" I started the my attention was toomey by ezra rollling around in candy rapers. His eyes were wide and he was breathing fastly. Sugar rush. he lyed down and started running Around sideways on the floor in a circle. He was laughing.
Then I tryed to take the sack and he screamed like a 4 year old girl.
"Ezra! Give me the candy." I said calming myself.
"No never mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine." He hugged it.
"Give us the candy and no one gets hurt."
"Hmm...." he said and picked up the spray paint and sprayed it in his mouth and then spit it. "I was right it taste just as bad as the first time." He said and ran out spraying the paint in his mouth.
"Ezra? Why are you eating paint?" Sabine asked.
"That's going to make you sick." Hera warned.
"THE GREAT AND POWER FALL EZRA NEVER GETS HURT." he said and walked into the ladder. He rubbed his forehead. "NEVER!!!!!"
1 hour of chasing ezra/ running from ezra
Kanan's POV
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ezra Was Running Back And forth. We all got tired of chasing him but we did mange to hose him off outside but he got untied again. He dropped his candy and he's having a panic attack without it. He started slowing down. The whole crew got up from where they where sitting. (On the ground against a wall).
"Finally he's down." Hera said. As ezra started slowing.
"No....weeknesses.....power...." he said as he was collapsing.
We all walked into his room and I threw him in his bed. Then we heard sabine stomp in.
"How many cans of paint did that kif consume?" She said angerly. We lookrd at the paint covering his lips then all of hs walked into sabines room. There was 7 empty spray paint cans, and a gallon bucket.
"He's gonna be sick tommarow" hera said shaking her head.
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I woke up on my bunk. There was a horrible taste in my mouth, like paint. Ew. I got up and my stomach really Hurt for some reason I walked to the common room where the crew was. They all pointed stun guns at me. "The sugar demons up!" Kanan yelled I turned and went back to my room so I could go back to sleep.
Hera walked in. "Is the paint getting to you?" She asked and kanan came in.
"What?" I asked and cocked my head.
"You ate alot of paint when you where on a sugar rush." Kanan explained.
"You let me!" I said in disbelief.
"For record I tryed to stop you." Hera chimed in. I groaned in pain. and put a blanket over my head. "Do you need anything?" She asked.
"Uh-uh." I said like a three year old. They walked out.
we walked into the common area again. "What up with the kid?" Sabine asked.
"Ate too much paint." I said
"Serves him righted." Sabine said.
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