Chapter 9
Hello got a new one!
Kanan's pov
So Ezra, I wanted to ask you something. He looked at me curiously "Which is?" "So I was thinking that since you have trouble sleeping and all that maybe you could move in my and take my top bunk? Besides I would be able to keep my eye on you better." He looked shocked and stood up "Kanan I'll be fine, really." maybe I should tell him my real reason. "Ezra I wasn't asking if you could do it for yourself... But maybe for me?" "What about the others and moving all of my stuff in here?" I chuckled "I'll tell Hera and help you with the move." He smiled and asked if he could go grab his stuff and of course I said yes. Within about five minutes he was all moved and and ready. That was fast.
While he was grabbing his stuff I asked Hera if she could take us to one of lothal's beaches so that me and Ezra could get some outdoor fun time. She agreed and set the coordinates to a close by beach. Hera even asked Ashoka if she wanted to join us. Her reply was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! YES!!! I haven't had a beach day in years!!! Count me in!!! I'll bring Rex too!!!" Overall she was very excited.
Ezra was putting some things on his self I gave him. "Hey Ezra grab your swimsuit." He looked at me like I was from a different planet. "Why? Or should I ask?" "Probably not." He grabbed his swim trunks and went to change in our bathroom. When he came out I was already changed and the ship had landed at the beach site.
"Hurry up we're going to be late!" "Late for what exactly?" I opened the ramp to the ghost to reveal the crew, Ashoka, and Rex in swimsuits playing on the beach. Ezra smiled but then frowned. "Ezra what's wrong?" He just shook it off, acted like nothing happened, and smiled"Nothings wrong." We all built a sand castle and then played volleyball. We had two teams. Team 1 had Ashoka, Ezra, and Zeb. Team 2 had me, Hera, Rex, and Sibean. In the end team 1 had won the game, and they even had less players than us! Afterwards we all sat around and drank pineapple smoothies. I all of a sudden had an idea. I threw Ezra on to my back like a shepherd carries his sheep and threw Ezra into the water. He just screamed and kicked around in the water. After about a minute of this we all were confused and worried. He was only in three feet of water but he acted like he was in three hundred feet of water. His knees soon gave out from underneath him causing him to clasp into the water. He had a panic attack. It's all my fault. I ran into the water and carried him to shore. He started to cough up water and laid down on the sand. I was kneeled down over him, hopefully he was okay. Everyone was worried standing around us. Ezra then slowly sat up and went back to breathing normally. "I hate water." I heard him mutter as he laid back down with his eyes closed. "Ezra?" He didn't answer and seemed completely out of it. "Hey Ezra?" Still no answer "Come on answer me." He was still, too still. Is he even breathing? Everyone had was scared and turned to me. "Everyone here needs to go now." They all nodded and went inside the ghost. I was now in tears. Did I kill him? "Come on Ezra, come back to me. Please?" All was silent "Baby boy?" Nothing. I hugged him as tightly as I could and wept into my dead sons shirt. Son.... I wish I would of told him how I feel, but I held back and now he's gone. "Kanan you're squeezing me to tight. Can't breathe." I looked down to see my sons big sapphire eyes starring at me. "Don't ever do that again." He responded with laughter "I'll try not to." "Do or do not, there is no try." We both bursted into laughter and an excited crew came out of the ghost, happy that Ezra was alive. "Ezra what happened?" He looked down at the ground and frowned. "I can't swim." I heard him say even though it wasn't nearly a whisper. I pulled his chin up so I could see his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" He shuddered "Because it's stupid." It dawned on me. He grew up with no one to teach him. I picked him up and carried him bridal style to the water which freaked out Ezra a ton. "Kanan please no!!!" He kept pleading with me to take him back to shore and was soon in tears shaking with fear. It broke my heart but this was for the better. I slowly lowered him into the water even though he fought against me. The water is shallow so he could stand, I made sure. He didn't even bother to try to stand and went straight to kicking and desperate attempts to paddle. I sent him calming waves through the force to try to soothe his fear and tried to hold him still. "EB keep your eyes on me. Eyes on me EB." He soon discovered he could stand and was red with embarrassment. "It's okay." I assured him "Your just warming up." Everyone on the beach cheered him on and gave him encouragement which made him feel slightly better. After an hour of teaching he was finally swimming on his own. "Kanan I'm doing it!" I smiled "Keep going! Your doing great!" We soon turned in and said our goodbyes to Ashoka and Rex, changed out of our wet clothes, and returned to our rooms for the night. Ezra was already on his bed looking at the ceiling. "Hey Ezra come here." I motioned to a spot on the floor next to me and had him sit down in front of me. I grabbed three pieces of his hair and made a padawan braid. I had one when I was his age. It was something that masters did to their padawans as a sign of ownership in a way. It was a gift that every padawan received from their master. When I was finished I grabbed a rubber band and tied it. He immediately reached for it and started to play with it. "What is it?" "It's a padawan braid. Masters normally give their padawan one." He turned around and wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you Kanan." I returned the gesture gladly.
Alright time for bed. He climbed up to his bunk and was soon asleep and so was I.
Here's a picture of my cat cause I felt like sharing my bff to you guys. She rocks!😻
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave a comment bye!!!
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