Chapter 5
I am so sorry for the wait.😔
Life came up. Hope you enjoy and if anyone would like for this story to have a little something extra please tell me in a comment. Enjoy the chapter.😎
Kanan's pov
I put Ezra down and grabbed random items to form the goals. I looked over to see Ezra already in a position waiting for me to make my move. "You ready old man?" Ezra taunted with smile. "Ready as I will ever be blueberry!". Ezra I could tell did not like that and so the game started. I every now and then got close to the goal but he was really good at blocking. In the end it was Ezra with 15 and me with 9. "Could we go to 20?" I asked with a grin. "Okay grandpa!" He said laughing. I smiled a turned around to grab my water bottle but was startled to the sound of a scream from Ezra. I immediately turned around to find him on the ground holding his ankle. I ran to him and pulled his hands away from his ankle so I could see the injury. I gasped and saw his ankle black and blue, he could have a broken ankle. I scooped him up causing him to yelp from his ankle moving. I then grabbed the ball and ran into the ghost setting the ball down and searched for Hera. I found her I the cockpit, "Hera medbay asap!". We went to the medbay and Hera had me set him down. "Alright I need space, out Kanan.". I looked at Ezra laying on the table groaning in pain, should I leave him? Before I could answer my own question Hera had pushed me out of the medbay. So I sat down and took a nap, when awoke Hera was standing over me. "How's Ezra?" Hera smiled "Nothing serious just a sprained ankle. He must of rolled it when you guys were playing soccer.". I sighed in relief. "Good to know. Can I see him now?" Hera chuckled and said yes, the next thing I know I'm running down the hall to the medbay. I opened the door to reveal my padawan in a scrunched up ball on the bed with his ankle in a cast moaning. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I rubbed his back. "Just lovely." I laughed, It was good to know his humor was still intact. "Just give the pain killers a little more time to set in, you'll start to feel better then.". He gave me a half smile and curled back up into his ball form. I soon heard him breathing with ease asleep and then I drifted away also.
When I awoke Ezra was still asleep but Hera at some point had snuck into the room and had a camera in her hands. "Couldn't help it, someone has to keep track of fond memories." We quietly laughed. "Think we can relocate to my room?" "That would be fine but don't let him move around to much." I smiled gratefully and picked up Ezra as genitally has I could. He Shuffled in my grasp and settled down still asleep. Hera opened the door to the medbay and made our way down the hall to my room. Once we reached it Hera said her good bye and returned to the others. I proceeded to my bed and then set Ezra down, locked the door, and then crawled into my bed next to him and fell asleep.
Ezra's pov
I felt warm arms wrapped around me and opened my eyes to see that I was no longer in the medbay but in Kanan's room. I slowly sat up trying to get out of Kanan's grasp only to be pulled down from my master's arm wrapped around my abdomen. "Where do you think you're going?" I heard from Kanan. I groaned with frustration. "Strict orders from Hera, you are not to get out of bed." "Well I'm bored." Kanan finally let go and said he had a solution. Do I wanna know? He reached into the box of items and pulled out the karaoke set and mics. "Want to try it out?" I laughed nearly falling off the bed. "Sorry I don't sing." Kanan chuckled "Well then we can just take another nap then." "Noooo!!" I screeched. "I'll play your game then.". Kanan then proceeded to set it up and handed me a mic. "Who wants to go first?" I pointed at him, after all it was his idea. "Okay then." He put on a song and started.
Sorry I didn't feel like writing all the lyrics so I just did the YouTube. Please watch. Some are sung by girls so just imagine Kanan or Ezra singing it. Tell me if you liked my choices.
I was surprised at how good Kanan could sing. Kanan smiled and then handed me the mic. "Your turn." I felt myself start to shake and sweat and the middle of it all Kanan's hand on my shoulder. "You'll do fine." I smiled and put on a song of my choice, here goes nothing.
Kanan's pov
Wow someone can sing! Why didn't he tell me? He frowned and his shoulders sunk. "I told you I don't sing. I sound like dying goose." "Ezra you were amazing!" He gave me a half smile and put the mic down on the table. "Your turn." He said with a laugh, I chuckled and put on my next song.
I finished my song, hopefully he was getting my hidden little messages in my songs. He smiled and grabbed his mic from the table. "My turn." I was surprised that he was actually excited to sing.
I smiled realizing his little message and wrapped him in a big hug, I think he's starting to get my point. We decided that we were out of breath and turn off the karaoke set and put it away. Ezra yawned, guess I whore him out. "Alright nap time." "No I'm not sleepy." he said still yawning. "And I'm Darth Vader." I said while pushing him down on to the bed. He laughed and sat back up making me push him down again, stubborn kid. I tucked him in, pulled up a chair and a book. He refused sleep so to calm him down I ran my fingers through his hair, even though he batted them away at first. I didn't care, he soon was sleeping thank the force. About an hour later I heard whimpering coming from Ezra. Nightmare? I realized it was just a natural body response to pain and remembered his ankle. Immediately I ripped of the blanket to see that he had moved his cast into an odd position. I quickly moved it back into place and was startled by a knock on my door. Ezra had stopped whimpering and seemed normal again so I answered. I expected Hera but was greeted by the most unpleasant and timely person at my door instead. The Inquisitor. I looked around and saw the rest of the crew knocked out. "What do you want?" He smiled "Where's the child Jedi?" I moved in front of him blocking the door way. "Well seems I know the answer." He force shoved me and knocked me temporarily unconscious. When I came through I saw him kneeled down by Ezra at my bed running his fingers through his hair. I tried to run to him but was held back by a chains wrapped around my hands. I then tried using the force to pull him away from Ezra but found I could not. "The force will not be able to save you this time Jedi. After all those chains are designed to control force users." I growled, I was scared to see him move aside slightly to reveal a IV tube injecting some sort of clear liquid into Ezra. The Inquisitor noticed my observation quickly. "Just a little something to mellow him out . It won't harm him... Too much." Drugs. They could be harmful if he is overdosed. He looked at me and then moved his attention back towards Ezra still running his fingers through his hair. "To bad you won't be able to save him once the others come." I soon heard the sound of a shot fired at my chains, they then fell to the ground. I looked up to see Hera standing beside me battle ready with her pistol. He ignited his lightsaber but I had an idea. "Hera get ready to take off and make sure the ramp is lowered." She nodded and ran to the cock pit. I then grabbed the chains and swung them at the Inquisitor's legs, once the were caught on him and dragged him to the open ramp down the hall, unfortunately he got loose right at the ramp and ignited his lightsaber again. I then let go of the chains and used the force to push him off the ghost. Maybe he died in the fall? I wasn't worried about him but Ezra. I ran back to my room and pulled out the IV tube the Inquisitor had put in him. "Hera get down here." No longer then 5 seconds I heard her down the hall. "What's wrong?" I handed her the IV bag, she frowned. "Let me go get some supplies to help speed up the metabolism process but that there isn't a whole lot I can do for him." She ran to the medbay to grab her supplies and returned with a cup of medicine. "Hold his head up." I did as I was told then Hera poured it slowly into his mouth, hopefully this will help. He eventually awoke with a coughing fit. "Why is the world spinning?" He asked barely awake. "The Inquisitor decided to pop in for a visit. You have drugs in your system." He groaned. "It'll eventually wear off." I said trying to be of some sort of help. Hera came in with dinner so we sat and ate together. After we finished Hera left to check up on the others after being knocked unconscious. Man I hope this doesn't happen again.
Ezra's pov
I fell asleep after Kanan had forced me to. I came conscious to a cold feeling and discovered I couldn't move. What's going on? I felt in like I was asleep but yet awake. I was startled when I heard the sound of a what sounded like someone getting thrown to the wall. I heard chains clanking and out of no where something penetrating my arm like a needle. "Quiet child, we wouldn't want to wake your Jedi now would we." I heard someone say, it sounded familiar. Whoever it was then started to stroke their fingers through my hair like what Kanan does to me but it was different. A little rougher than Kanan though. My arm started to feel like pins and needles, it hurt. The mystery person most of sensed this, they grabbed my wrist and began to massage it slowly easing the pain. It felt nice, except for when they moved up to where the object in my arm was. Wait a minute, if they felt my pain the person must be force sensitive! Inquisitor or ally? Well I felt cold at first so that means... Inquisitor! They apparently heard what I thought and jabbed the object in my arm further in. Definitely an Inquisitor. I didn't get to finish my thought before I blacked out completely from the pain in my arm. When I awoke Kanan told me what had happened. It explained a lot really. Later Hera came in with dinner and we all were able to eat together as a family.... finally.
Hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave a comment as this story is close to it's end so this is your last chance to get input on it.
Col out😀🍍🐬✌
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