Chapter 3
Hi people!☺ What did you guys like about the last tribute? This is another one I fell in love with. Truly a beautiful father and son relationship here. EmilyBray0 thank you so much for the ideas! I will be using them, and the soccer one you might hear through out the whole story here and there.😀
Please if you have the time leave a comment on what you liked or disliked about this chapter so I can keep tabs on if I am pleasing my readers. I also love suggestions! Once again thank you Emily for your contribution to my story.☺
Kanan's pov
I awoke to the sound of screams and shot straight up to find my padawan screaming through tears in my bed. He was screaming and repeating "you will pay.". I immediately reacted with soothing words and hugs trying desperately to snap him out of his nightmare. After about 2 minutes of pure fright he finally came back to reality trembling and crying. I hugged him and ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down and told him he was alright. What did the kid see in order to shake him up this much?
Ezra's pov (nightmare)
I looked around me and found myself in my old house here on lothal. Weird.... Where is everyone? "Kanan?!? Hera?!? Sabine?!? Zeb?!? Guys come on out this isn't funny anymore!" "O I believe this is quite enjoyable now really." I turned around to the familiar voice to find the person it belonged and gasped at who I saw. Inquisitor. "What do you want!" "O dear boy I believe it is what you want." He moved aside to reveal my friends/family captured. " Now shall we discuss business?" I looked at Kanan, hopefully he would give me a suggestion so I won't have to figure this out on my own. He looked at me than the Grand Inquisitor. "Ezra don't give him anything! We're not worth it! Not for you." Well that was not the suggestion I was thinking of. "No can do master." I turned to the Inquisitor. "What do you want ugly?" He smiled in his creepy way. "I need an apprentice and I think I found one." Kanan immediately turned into overprotective master/father. To be honest I love it when he is like this.... Sometimes... Kanan then got out of the storm troopers grasp and stepped in between me and the Inquisitor and firmly stood his ground. "Touch the boy and you will regret being born.". The Inquisitor laughed and pushed him aside causing him to be grabbed by a storm trooper again. I spat in his face "I will never join you! Never!". I yelled so loud I saw Hera flinch. "Well then I guess there is no need for your friends then.". He gave a hand signal and storm troopers then fired at them. They all fell bleeding and convulsing. I screamed their names praying they were alright and just phased but they never answered me. "You will pay! You will pay! You will pay!" I screamed at the Inquisitor. I then reached for my lightsaber but couldn't find it anywhere. "Looking for this padawan?" I saw him holding both Kanan's and my lightsaber. Knowing I was outnumbered I took a few steps back thinking of retreat but I soon felt myself falling into what seamed like a black endless pit. I then awoke back on the ghost in Kanan's room. I felt Kanan wrap his arms around me and I couldn't help but return the gesture. I cried into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair in a soothing manner, I wanted to stay like this forever.
Kanan's pov
He finally awoke with a scream that could shatter glass, so I hugged him and thanked the force he woke up. He then wrapped his arms around me and cried so I ran my fingers through his hair again to calm him down. "Ezra it was just a nightmare, you and everyone else is fine, you're safe, I won't let anything happen to you." I cooed. He soon calmed down and somewhat loosened his grip on me. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He shook his head side to side, I took that as a no. "Alright we can talk in the morning.". I sat him back down on my bed and moved back over to my chair but was stopped by a small shaking hand latched on to my arm. "Kkkkaanan could you stay ppplease?" I smiled and crawled back into my bed next to Ezra and wrapped my arms around him. "Of course.". He buried his head into my chest and started to shiver. I reached down for a extra blanket and wrapped it around him to give him more warmth, he soon stopped shivering. He then went still, I assumed he fell asleep. Sure enough I heard soft breathing coming from the bundle I had my arms wrapped around. He would every now and then shift a little but settle back down with his head buried in the blanket. I smiled and rested my head on his. I soon fell asleep to the soft breathing of my padawan/son. When I awoke I heard a knock at my door. I looked down to Ezra still in his little bundle asleep next to me and gently moved him on the bed away from me, allowing me to go answer the door. "Who is it?" I asked whispering trying to not wake Ezra. "Me love, I have breakfast for you and Ezra." It was Hera, I had her unlock the door and grabbed the tray from her then kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you so much." She looked at me and with sadness in her voice asked me what had happened. "He has some mental problems I am trying to work out, it will take awhile. I need you to research PTSD symptoms and some therapy ideas. Also research his parents, I have a feeling that is where it all started." "Is it that bad?" I frowned. "Apparently.". The room went silent but the I had an idea, would it work though? "Hera next shopping trip that comes up have Zeb pick up some soccer balls, art supplies, karaoke set, books, anything recreational. Please?" Hera looked at me like I was crazy. "Okay I don't know how that helps our situation but you are the boss." I smiled "Thank you Hera.". We shared one last kiss but all good things come to an end. She locked the door and I soon heard footsteps down the hall. Hopefully this will work, I grabbed the food tray and sorted out the food on my table waiting for Ezra to wake.
So what did you guys think? Please leave a comment or a suggestion. I would love it.☺
Unfortunately I will be really busy with school starting and other things going on in my life that chapters will probably not be posted as often.😭 I apologize. The story will still be continuing! Not over yet people so please keep reading! I hate it when people start a story I love and then don't finish it so I refuse to do it to others. Love all you guys and don't stop writing!
Your supporter and author,
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