Chapter 10
So sad!😭 Last chapter! Well like I said please follow me cause I will be back for more as soon as I get back from my vacation. It will be a while so please don't give up on me because I promise you I'm coming back. Please leave a comment on what you liked or disliked about this story. If anyone thinks they want me to do a sequel let me know or if you have a story suggestion. I will greatly consider it.😉 Watch the video! It's so funny! Could someone tell me how to make a story show as completed?
Enjoy this chapter.
Ezra's pov
I woke up on lothal in the market place. I looked around and saw no one. Where is everyone and how did I get here? I heard screams and immediately recognized them as my family. I turned down an alleyway to where the sounds were coming from. When I reached them I found my family laying around dead. Not one of them moved. "Kanan! Hera! Guys! Please!" I gathered all of them into my arms, grabbed Kanans still hand, and cried into the pile of lost ones in my arms. They're gone, all of them. I couldn't save them. As numerous of thoughts flooded into my mind I heard a lightsaber ignited. I looked up and saw the Inquisitor standing in front of me with an evil grin spread across his face. "You did this!" He laughed evilly and walked forward in a battle ready position. I had to go but I didn't want to leave them.
I couldn't... My heart shattered in a million pieces the moment I released Kanans hand and my family. "Goodbye Kanan." I cried as I turned to run and didn't stop. I left them, this is all my fault. I soon made it to my tower, I must of lost the Inquisitor somewhere back there. I leaned on the railing of the balcony as I cried my heart out. Goodbye Sibean my big paint crazy sister, I'll miss your paintings. Goodbye Zeb, my smelly big brother. Goodbye chopper my best friend who was there when I needed you. I thought of the incident with Hondo and how he saved my life. It brought a faint smile to my face that was soon lost. Goodbye Hera, the mom who gave me a shoulder to cry on. Goodbye Kanan... My Master, caretaker, teacher, but ultimately my... My dad. I cried all the more and soon felt myself falling into an endless black abyss. I landed on the ghost floor in me and Kanans room. I looked around and found Kanan sleeping peacefully in bed. Thank the force it was just a dream. I moved into a corner of the room and let the tears fall. I wanted Kanan to run to me and wrap his arms around me but I didn't want to wake him. I couldn't take it anymore. I crawled into bed with him and wrapped my arms around him and felt him unconsciously do the same. I put my ear to his heart, it felt safer here, hearing the sound of his heart beat alone was enough to comfort me. I soon fell asleep.
Kanan's pov
I awoke when I heard Hera walk down the hall, guess it's time to get up. I went to get up but I stopped when I discovered Ezra smuggled up to my chest. He had tear streaks on his face and was having a hard time breathing, like he had just got done crying. I thought about what could of happened, whatever did happen it shook him up bad. I picked him up as gently as I could and sat down in a chair with him in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair and sang a lullaby that I remembered my father had used to sing to me when I was a baby. I don't remember him much but every time I hear this song it gives me a faint image of him. As I sang I ran my fingers through his hair and rocked him back and forth.
Why are you striving for these days?
Why are you trying to earn grace?
Why are you crying? Let me lift up your face, just don't turn away.
Why are you looking for love?
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough? To where will you go child? Tell me where will you run, to where will you run?
Cause I'll be by your side wherever you fall, in the dead of night wherever you call, and please don't fight these hands that are holding you.
My hands are holding you.
Cause I, I love you, I want you to know. That I, yeah I love you. I'll never let you go. No no
Cause I'll be by your side wherever you fall, in the dead of night wherever you call, and please don't fight these hands that are holding you.
Yeah my hands are holding you, yeah.
And please don't fight these hands that are holding you,
Yeah my hands are holding you.
Kanan's lullaby
I skipped some of the song because it was a lot to write but you need to watch the video to hear the tune when you read it.
Once I was finished I heard a knock at the door, so I laid Ezra on my bed and kissed his forehead. I answered the door to find Hera with a data pad in her hand. "We have a mission and need both you and Ezra." I nodded and closed the door. I hated to wake Ezra but I had to. "Ezra? Time to wake up." I gently shook him and after a few seconds of this he finally stirred and looked up at me with his big sapphire eyes open wide. "What's up?" "Mission time to go." He got up, got dressed, and then we both headed to the com room. When we arrived Hera and Zeb were playing holo chess but Sabine wasn't present. "Shouldn't we be getting ready to head out for that mission?" I asked "What mission?" Hera grinned. Me and Ezra looked at each other confused. "What are you up to?" "O nothing much just waiting for Sabine to finish with your guys room. "What!" Me and Ezra yelled in union. We both booked it to our room to find Sabine walking out of it. "Just in time it's finished." "What's finished?" I asked curiously. "Just a little something Hera asked for me to do. Go check it out." We all went into my room to find painted on the wall by my table a painting of me and Ezra.
We smiled "Thanks guys it looks great!" Ezra said with a big smile "Yeah it's amazing !"I joined in. "Okay boys time for breakfast, it's pancakes." The rest of the crew ran down to the kitchen and so I turned too to leave. I stopped and looked back when I noticed Ezra hadn't moved a foot. "EJ?" He snapped out of his trance and looked at me with watery eyes. He just hugged me and cried as I cooed. "Hey what's wrong?" He sniffled "I just don't want to lose you and the others." I ran my fingers through his hair. "Ezra we aren't going anywhere, we won't leave you." "But what if you guys die? What then?" I cuddled him closer to me at the thought of him being alone again. "You'll never be alone, because if we die our spirits will go on in you." I stopped crying and wiped his eyes. "That's good to know." He said as he gave me a half smile. "Come on lets go get breakfast." I grabbed his hand but stopped when I remembered something. "I'll be by your side you know?" He side hugged me as we walked to the kitchen.
"I know, I know."
Well that was it folks hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Like I said at the top I'll be back so be sure to follow me if you want more. Please let me know if you want a sequel even though I'm not sure how to make a sequel to this but if you guys have any ideas please tell.😀
Let me know what you thought of Kanans lullaby! I really want to know if that was fitting somewhat.
Be back soon I shall!😀
Col out😎❤🍍🐬✌
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