O my gosh 2 chapters in 1 day!😱
Wow I must really love ya
O and check this awesome tribute!
Three weeks later
Ezra's pov
It's been three weeks since I've left the ghost crew and so far life has been easy. For food I hunt and scavenge plus I found some awesome tools in the boxes left behind by the empire! Including a mp3 player! Which I was currently listening to. My favorites were
"Try Everything"
I loved it so much but at the same time it made me sad because it reminds me of Kanan. But that was then, this is now. Besides he doesn't want me anymore. I doubt that he misses me even.
Kanan's pov
I missed him so much. This was my doing though but I'm going to fix this. Right now I was heading to a town called "Ashton" to pick up some supplies. Besides I can look for Ezra while I'm there. I soon landed and then headed off to go pick up some supplies. I founded the store that I had been looking for. They say they were selling spare hyper drive parts which the ghost was in need of. I walked in and was surprised to see a young boy running the counter and from the looks of it the store. He looked up from a list and smiled. "Hey! Need something ponytail?" I laughed at the name that I had just been called and headed for the counter. "Yeah I heard tha..." I stopped when I looked down at his list and saw names on it. One of them was Ezra. I ripped it off the table and brought it closer for a better look. "What is this?" "Why would you want to know?" I sighed realizing that he needed to hear the truth. "I'm looking for someone." He frowned and looked me directly in the eyes "Sorry can't help you. Our program is for people who want to be alone." I walked out frustrated that I still had no luck with finding Ezra but something tells me I'm close.
Ezra's pov
I was heading into town today to trade to some old parts I had found in a shot down shuttle. It was a long walk as always but it was worth it. But today felt different. I turned the corner in the ally but was knocked down when a stranger and me collided causing my hood to fall off and that's when I heard it. "Ezra?"
Kanan's pov
I was walking past an ally when a stranger walking down the ally ran into me and fell straight to the ground. His hood fell off reveling a scared teen with dirty blond hair. I felt something weird. A force signature? Coming from him? I immediately recognized him despite the changes. "Ezra?" He looked up at me with fear in his eyes and started to tremble. "Ezra I.." but before I could finish he turned and ran. "Ezra please wait!" I used the force to pin him in place, has much as I hated to. I walked towards him slowly and wrapped my arms around his thin frame. When did he last eat? He shuddered from my touch but soon melted into a pile of tears. "Ezra I'm so sorry." He pulled out of my grasp. "What do you want?" "To start over." He cried "What so you can beat me to a pulp again?" "No not at all! Ezra me and the others well... We've been worried sick! I've been worried sick." I felt raindrops hit me and looked around. It was pouring. "Follow me." he said in a stoic tone. I proceeded with him. Eventually we arrived to what looked like an abandoned wearhouse. By the time we got inside we were soaked to the bone. Ezra opened the door and brought me inside. I looked around saw a living space with an old couch, boxes, and a fridge. Most likely he was living here. "Ezra?" He sat down on the couch and shivered. "You okay." He refused to give me an answer. I sat down next to him causing him to move away from me. I wrapped an arm around him and brought him closer. "Ezra I'm so sorry." "Sorry doesn't cut it!" I was taken back at his response and then remembered that morning. I told him that. It dawned on me, his arms. I gently grabbed them while he fought back. "Ezra please I want to help." I sent calming waves through the bond. What little of it was left anyway. I used to do it to him when he was stressed and it was working apparently. He stopped struggling and started to breathe better. I rolled up his sleeves and teared up at what I saw. Both of his arms had little puncture wound scars and bruises. He broke down, curdled up into a ball , and hid his face in his knees. While he was in his protective form I hugged him tightly and buried my nose into his hair. What once was a fresh linen smell now was a dusty, dirty smell. I ran my fingers through his hair and caught some dried blood hidden, he was a mess. "Kanan I'm sorry... It was all my fault." he said shivering. "Ezra no it wasn't. I shouldn't of taken my frustrations out on you. I was having a bad day and I should of told you." I soon heard soft breathing and looked down to see my son asleep in my arms curled up into a ball. I smiled, put myself comfortable position, and brought Ezra closer to my chest. I was startled when he unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at him and sang a lullaby I wrote for him after he left.
Let me know what you thought of the song.☺
Once I was finished I felt Ezra rustle from my side. "That was beautiful Kanan." I smiled. "Thanks. I wrote it for you." I could sense his happiness but it soon disappeared and was replaced with fear. "Ezra?" I felt sadness crash over me like a tidal wave and the room was filled with his emotions. "To bad it's all just a lie." I heard him whisper.
This is a modern day drawing of Hiccup but like I said, he looks exactly like him. So this is Carter minus the design on the
T-shirt. So what did you think of this chapter? Let me now.☺
Col out😉
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