the long years-9
I'm kinda stuk on what to wright so plesce help me and i will be wrighting 3 or 4 chapters today and tommorw.
Ezra's Pov
it has been 8 years on the goest and the crew trets me like a baby. kanan always gose esay on me with jedi traing and i'm geting tired of it, i'm 15 and i was thinking of leaving becase i'm bored of doing nothing an kanan is doing baby training with me.
Kanan pov
something was up with the kid and i needed to find out. i asked ezra about his armor leg peace and he quickley awnserd with it's nothing then i knew something was up and i asked agian he said i don't want to talk about.
3 pov
"Ezra" kanan said
i don't want to talk about it pluse its stuped said Ezra
the crew looks at ezra with a glar saying give it up ezra just terns his head looking out the window then said" I fell down some stares and fell off my bed and landed on my nea that had permitly dameged it and this peace of armor helps me walk" (Ezra staded up and then zeb grabed the armor peace and ezra fell over on to the florer)
ZEB, Ezra scremed as the zeb ran from the room
Kanan pov
i watched zeb take the armor peace from ezra's leg and he fall to the ground then zeb smiled and ran.Ezra yelled at zeb to give it back but it was no use zeb was gone out of siet.
I helped ezra up and then he said now how am i going to walk now and with out that i can't walk at all even with balence from some one and if i land on my nea i will probley have just sit down and do something. i placed ezra on the coutch with his leg on some pillows and then sabine tuched ezra's leg were the armor peace is spost to go and ezra yelled in pain SABINE DON'T TOUCH IT whall crying in pain.
Sabine's pov
i touched the spot were ezra's leg peace is spost to go but i quicley moved my hand when he started to yell at me and cry in pain i went next to him and kissed him on the mouth he stoped crying and scraming then i got up and befor i new it he was asleep then kanan said well that works.
Hope u like help me with what happends next will ezra get his armor peace back or not, will him and sabine start to secretly date and sabine has a baby girl or boy #MayTheForceBeWithU
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