Hello I'm alive.
Hey guys your problly like where was I, I have deen going with life and acsully this book will not continue. I guess about half of the people just left but please don't. I want to make this book into a hows my life thing and updat thingy. So first of i want to talk abouuuutttt.....well my life so far some of you guys know that I'm adopted. Just blew lots if peoples mindes. Okay well i need to clarify something, I'm going to tell you my life so far.
My life so far
My name is sierra but is not acsully sierra is salena or some thing like that. I grew up with a new family i didn't know i was adopted at the time but was told when i was adout 8 or 9. My life is good I guess, you can look at the parents i have and think I'm not related to them. I don't look like them and well I'm not there child. I have sibling i just.........haven't got to meet them yet. My family tried to find them but couldn't. I have a baby brother, i saw it and he...he...looked like me. I have 2 sisters and 5 or 6 brother's i think. I wish to see them one day. Some days i don't know what to do. I wish i just knew who i trewly am.
Hahaha. I remember at school one time one of my frends made me cry 😖. It was because he was saying something that made me think of my real family. I've alwaysed wondered why. My real mom had the chance to kerp me but no. She did nothing to keep ME. Why did she not do anything to keep me. Thats my question. She had 2 months to do it but she....she did nothing to keep me. I won't to be mad at her but i can't. I can't, i feel like i need her but i don't won't her. I won't to scream for help but i just don't know how to. I won't to cry but i can't. My heart is broken. I can feel it and it hurts me. Why did she leave me did she not love me for who i was. Was i not good enofe for her, i won't to know. She came and visted me my new family tells me but if she visted and was happy to see me why did she not do what was said so she could keep me. All she had to do was get a car a home things for me and a job. Why could she not just do thouse things. My real mom gets.......nvm. Mu mom has other children why not take care of me to after i was gone with a new family. Look what she did she had another kid and she keep him. But what adout me I'm left for a family to come and help me sence my mother doesn't won't me. I won't to scream at her why did she not keep me, why did she leave me.
I can't. Why she leave me.
Look at me.
DDid she not want her little girl. Did she wont me gone.
I'm going to stop before o cry 😢 to much.
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