Chapter 9
AGENT KALLUS stood and watched with narrowed eyes as his assigned army of stormtroopers swarmed the Imperial docking bay.
He adjusted his helmet slightly, then slowly scanned the area with vigilant precision. All of the stormtroopers were single-mindedly adhered to the mission at hand. Good, Kallus thought gelidly.If a rebel so much as steps foot on the premises, my troopers will be on them like mynocks on a power cable.
Failure was not an option, Agent Kallus knew very well. After what had happened to Taskmaster Myles Grint and Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko, he absolutely must not fail - especially not on the behalf of one measly stormtrooper who stopped for a snack break.
Unfortunately, Agent Kallus seemed to be a favorite of failure.
Suddenly, the storage building on the other side of the docking bay exploded in a huge mushroom cloud of silver glitter and billowing purple smoke, sending a handful of unlucky stormtroopers flying. Agent Kallus' amber eyes widened in fury as he stepped forward and bellowed at the other troopers, who were running for cover or rushing to the aid of their fallen comrades: "THE REBELS ARE HERE! FIND THEM - NOW!"
The stormtroopers heard and obeyed him immediately. They all sprinted towards the wreckage, their blasters out and ready.
Agent Kallus growled, reaching for his Bo-Rifle. This would be just like that clash on the Imperial Star Destroyer - only this time, he was ready... and these foolishly sentimental rebels would notbe getting their snarky Padawan back this time.
Kallus smiled gruesomely and crept off, anticipating that the exploding building was nothing but a distraction. He would not allow an incompetent stormtrooper to ruin his chances of pleasing Grand Moff Tarkin and saving his own skin. If you want something to be done right, then you must do it yourself.
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