Chapter 11
Ezra's POV
I walk down the hall to the escape pods. I hop in one not bothering to look at the gas tank. I pull the pod away from the command ship as I begin to take off. I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing, I was just gonna see where my mind took me. "Here goes nothing." I tell myself as I escape hyperspace. Blue and red streaks come out and I barely have any control over the ship as it tosses and turns. As I break out I start to fly once again. About 1 hour and 30 minutes in red lights flash as my ship only isn't almost out of fuel, but is getting pulled in by a star destroyer. Suddenly a ship hits the star destroyer. It wasn't the ghost though. It was a round ship with big lights. I push the steer to connect to the ship, the mystery ship once again fires as I break free. I didn't have enough gas to go anywhere so I connect with the mystery ship hoping that they would help. The door opens and there stands a wookie and a man with brown hair with a leather jacket. "Welcome to the Millennium Falcon." He says. "Uh, thanks." I say feeling awkwardly. "So why are you here on my ship?" He asks. "I ran out of fuel, do you have any?" I ask. He shakes his head, "Been running low on it, anyways who are you?" He asks me. "Jabba the Hutt." I say, lying. "Tell me the truth." He says, "I know Jabba." He tells me rolling his eyes. "Land-" I begin to say, "Nice try." He says raising his voice, "Old friend of mine." He says. I sigh, "Ezra Bridger." I say with shame in my voice. He nods, "The name's Han, Han Solo." He tells me. I just give a small nod back. "So where were you going?" Han asks. I look to the floor, "Oh I uh, don't know, just needed a break from the-" "Rebel Fleet." He says finishing my sentence. I nod again. "You see I'm a Jedi," I say. "Oh don't get me started on the force thing." He says, "I don't believe in it." He tells me. I shrug, "Suit yourself." "What was so bad about being a Jedi?" He asks. "Well, I kinda left the order so I am in between the Jedi and the dark side." I tell him. He nods again, "So you really aren't a Jedi anymore." He says, I nod. "I just you know, don't know what side to go on." I tell him, "Or even if I should be on a side." I tell him, he shakes his head, "Kid all I know is that you have to pick the side you'd actually miss. Not the side with just power. The side that gives you freedom and justice, the one with the ones you love." He says. I nod, "I think I know what to do." I tell him. He smiles and laughs a little, "Where are your friends?"
Kanan's POV
"What do you mean he left again?" I ask Ahsoka as she stares at me in shame. "He told me he needed to figure it out on his own and must of token an escape pod!" She says. "How did he break out of hyperspace? He's barley flied at all in his life!" Says Hera. "And here's worse news," says Rex. "The Empire is planting more attacks on Hoth." He informs us. We sigh in stress, "Well there is no time to get Ezra, Kanan get Zeb and Sabine." Orders Hera. I nod quickly and walk down the hall to get them two. As we all gather up in the cockpit we discuss the plan until we all make a unanimous choice. Eventually the white planet of Hoth is pictured in front of us. Hera steers the ship to an abandoned cave. "Why are they here?" I ask. "I don't know but I don't like the look of it." says Hera.
Ezra's POV
I begin to tell him the base location until the wookie who apparently went by the name of, 'Chewbacca' interrupted us. His howls his 'words' as Han sits there shocked. "Rebels are being endangered on Hoth, what?" He says. The wookie says more and puts a picture on. I look at the picture and see Kanan, Hera, Sabine, all the crew! "My friends!" I say, "That's them, they're on Hoth!" I say.
Authors Note
I loveeeed writing that chapter. Han Solo is one of my favorite characters! What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Also, don't be afraid to write a suggestion for a new chapter or even a new story! Happy Tuesday!
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