Chapter 1
Ezra's POV
We were running through the streets of Garell, citizens were staring as shots were being fired. The city was in complete terror ever since the imperials arrived that morning. "Spector one to spector two," says Kanan, "We're gonna need a pick up!" He says. "On my way Spector one." Hera replied. As more storm troopers arrived our space was smaller and smaller. I watch Sabine who was struggling to block the shots, of course it was tricky for me too, but I have light saber. We run until we reach a dead end, "Karabast!" Yells Zeb. "Just start firing, Hera will be here soon and Ezra block some shots." Says Kanan trying to keep a steady voice. We block as many shots as we can, it felt like million of bullets were coming our way and Hera was a million miles away. I start to struggle even more with the shots until I hear a swish in the air. It was Hera in the Ghost! I look up to smile in relief but a shot whizzes pass me in the blink of an eye. Before I can even turn around I here a scream. I turn around to see Sabine cradling her arm, I watch blood flow out of her, Kanan sprints over and picks her up bridal style and jumps onto the Ghost with her in his care. Soon Zeb hops up onto the ramp and lastly I jump on still firing at the troopers. I fire until the ramp closes up and I turn to face Kanan and Zeb who were trying to calm Sabine down. Kanan's shirt was covered in blood from her arm and he was rubbing her neck and whispering, "Sabine, Sabine calm down you'll be alright!" She didn't look alright to me though. Her arm was pouring out blood, her face was stained with tears, and she was shaking horribly. I shiver at the sight of her, it was my fault, I am the reason why she is shot, if I wasn't so distracted I could've blocked the shot and saved her! I thought. My mind was racing and there was buzzing in my ear. "We need to get her to the med-bay!" Shouts Kanan. Zeb picks up Sabine and runs her to the Med-bay without even hesitating. Kanan looks back at me, "You coming kid?" He asks. I think about what I am putting her through and I have tears threatening to spill in my eyes. I look down at the floor, "I can't." I say, "I don't want to hurt her anymore." I tell him before running away to my cabin.
Author Note:
Hey guys! Just so you know this is my first fan fiction ever so I will need helps for some ideas so don't hesitate to leave me a suggestion in the comments! I am planning to have this book in a series just so you know and I try to update as much as I can! This book is going to take place in season two but I will have a few things that are different. Thank you!
Ps. There will usually be an Authors note at every end of the chapters so remember to check them out for some important news!
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