The next day flew by faster than I had hoped, since I wanted it to be slow when I was with Peter. I was sitting in his bedroom, writing down ideas for how we would finish the project when a memory of yesterday popped in my head.
I slammed my pen on his desk, hearing a small crack come from the pen as I spun to face him, Peter's face shoved deep in his calculus book.
"Lift your shirt and turn around." I said quickly, a look of shock crossing Peter's face as he stared at me. He laughed nervously, tilting his head.
"W-What?" He said, setting down the book.
"Let me see the bruise." I said a little coldly as I thought of every moment Flash has beat up Peter.
"Bruise? I don't have a bruise." I frowned, crossing my eyes.
"Show me the bruise on your right hip." I said, raising a brow.
"I don't have a bruise on my right hip. It's on my left-" He swore under his breath, rolling his eyes as he slowly stood up, lifting his shirt to reveal the bruise. I stood up, walking over to him.
"Can't you just get Flash to stop beating you up? You guys are constantly getting into fist fights and you do nothing about it." I said, remembering all the bruises and busted lips Peter was getting almost every day because of Flash.
"I-I try. But he doesn't stop." He sounded like he was lying, but I pushed past it.
"If you don't get him to stop, I will." I said with a slight anger. Peter gulped, nodding slowly. "Now, how about we finish this pro-"
"Hey Peter I was thinking that maybe if you're going to be Spider-" Ned walked in, dropping the notebook in his hand as I stared at him, his eyes of fear staring back at me.
"SPIDER-MAN FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN IDEA-" Ned quickly said, trying to play it off cool. And somehow, I bought it.
"You're going to be Spider-Man for Halloween? Isn't that in like, a month?" I said, turning to Peter, whose face was stone cold as he stared daggers into Ned.
"Uh yeah, but I always like to plan ahead. Unlike NED, who likes to show up without warning!" Peter said, glaring at Ned, who was still staring at me. I could hear Ned and Peter's racing hearts as I looked between them, frowning.
"Are you guys good? You look like you're about to have two heart attacks." I said, both Ned and Peter laughing nervously. I shrugged, grabbing my bag. "I should get going anyways, I'll call you later, Pete. Bye Ned." I said, shutting Peter's door on the way out. I said goodbye to Aunt May, shutting their apartment door before I ran outside, flying up to Peter's window, but out of their field of vision as I listened to their conversation.
"No, Ned. I haven't told her. And to be fair, I don't know if I will. Because every time I try and tell her, something get's in the way. I don't know if I will ever get the chance. Hey, Phantom! I could tell her first. Since you know, me and her are partners and trust each other, I guess." Peter said as my breath hitched. Is he talking about me?
"Maybe I can tell her for you! I have to tell someone." Ned said. I used my X-Ray vision to see them both, watching as Peter was shaking his head, running a hand through his hair.
"No Ned. I have to be the one to tell her or I'll lose her trust." I frowned, questioning who he was possibly talking about. I shrugged, hearing enough as I flew away and back home.
My phone buzzed, a call coming from my dad. I smiled, answering it as I landed on my balcony, walking into my room.
"Hi dad! I heard you were going on a business trip tonight. When will you be back?" I asked, tossing my bag on my chair.
"Oh honey, I didn't know you knew about that. I uh.. I'll be home most likely within the next week." I frowned, wishing it would only be a few days.
"Aw, okay. Well I'll probably be going to bed. I love you dad." I said with a smile. I heard a small laugh after a sigh.
"I love you too, kiddo. Sweet dreams. Sir, the wings are rea-" The phone call abruptly ended and I stared at my phone in confusion.
"Wings?" I said to myself, sitting on my bed. I shrugged it off, along with my shoes as I slipped under the covers, quickly falling asleep.
('Dead and Gone')
I didn't know what time it was, as I had misplaced my phone somewhere in the middle of the night, but I heard the aggressive blowing of wind from somewhere in my house.
I could smell a fire, turning to see the beach lit up in flames with a broken plane. It looked to be a cargo plane, and I assumed Spider-Man had saved everyone who may have been on it.
I stood up hazily, walking out of my room to look for the noise. I walked into the library, watching in fear as Spider-Man set my father down on the chair. His mask was half ripped, but I still couldn't see his face, as I was too busy staring at my dad, who was laying next to broken metal wings.
I gasped, covering my mouth as I shook my head. No. He can't be...
But I knew the truth.
My dad had killed all those people. And now he was being repayed with death. Spider-Man killed my dad, but I knew he didn't mean it. I was still angry, pulling out a gun from the shelf next to me.
"How could you!" I said, going to shoot Spider-Man. But he was gone. I dropped the gun, running next to my dad, tears flowing down my face. I had barely seen this man, he was always busy in his lab, so I was only crying because it was the death of my father.
"Dad please... Please wake up. You can't die I need you." I said, taking his hand in mine, sobbing in his face. "I know you killed all those people but I can't lose- oh my god..." I looked at the tv in the library, seeing that so many people at Oscorp were dead because of my father.
Norman Osborn, a few clients and other workers...
And my mother. My father killed my mother. And now I was an orphan.
I screamed in my dad's face, hitting him in the face and everywhere in the body, feeling my body illuminate as my hands caught fire. I burst through the open window, flying to Peter's house. I had calmed myself down by the time I got there.
I knocked aggressively on his window, seeing him open the window. I climbed through, sobbing.
"Felicity? What are you-" I fell into his arms, my sobs most likely ringing in his ears.
"He killed them... My father killed all those people, and now he's dead.." I said as Peter brought me to his bed.
"F-Felicity..." I clung to Peter, shoving my face in his shoulder as I shook my head.
"He killed my mom, Peter. I'm only 16. I don't even have a job. Mykie doesn't even work full time at my house. I and now me and Harry are orphans because of my dad. And-" I shut my mouth, feeling the urge to burst into a ball of flames.
We sat there in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.
('Be Alright')
2 months. It's been 2 months that I've been an orphan. Thankfully, the school year had ended, me and Peter aced our project, and I got all the money my parents left for me, meaning I could keep the deed to the house. Me and Harry apparently had been turned into the CEO's of Oscorp, and split the money we get.
I hadn't been Phantom in over a month, Spider-Man had taken care of New York while I took a break, and Peter hasn't left my side since the funeral. I enjoyed his company, he just wanted the best for me.
There was a knock on my balcony door, and I flipped in my chair to see Spider-Man, hanging upside down.
"Well. It's about time you showed up." I said, walking out onto the balcony.
"Yeah. I guess I should really have just waited. I'm um.. I'm sorry about what I did... And I'm sorry about your mother." He said, looking down. I shook my head.
"I never saw them. So I guess I don't feel so sad as I should. And you're okay. Yeah, you killed my dad, but the bitch deserved it." I said, stepping closer to Spider-Man.
And then I put my hands on his neck, searching for the seam of his mask.
"Wait-" He said through his mask. I paused, before pulling it down, not fully revealing his face. I gently cupped his face in my hands, leaning forward and placing my lips on his soft pink and thin ones. He leaned his neck forward for a slightly more aggressive kiss before pulling away.
"So you'll kiss me but you won't let me see your full face?" I said with a smirk. Spider-Man fixed his mask, shaking his head.
"Maybe some other time." He said, swinging away, hollering happily. I ran to the railing, gripping the glass tightly with a smile on my face.
I rocked back, touching my lips as I walked back into my room, doing a happy dance.
Next step: Get him to reveal his face.
Ah yes, the iconic Spider-Man kiss. Two superhero partners kiss as one of them is in their suit and the other is a normal teen. Simple. Also, I should tell you that the past two months, Peter has been talking with the avengers. Don't worry, Felicity will soon get that chance, but after Peter and Felicity reveal their secrets to one another because well, you'll find out why later.
<3 A.
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