Usually my alarm clock would just bother me when I woke up, I would never pay attention to it until it was beeping for a full minute. But the constant blaring thumping in my ears felt like they started bleeding.
I yelled silently, holding my ears as the beeping grew louder and louder before I smaced my fist down on my alarm clock, shattering it into a million tiny pieces. I froze, staring at the mess I just created.
"What the fu-" I stopped midsentence to see Mykie standing in the doorway with my morning coffee. I shot up, the pain of a headache having subsided since I got home yesterday.
"Oh, g-good morning Mykie." I said with a fake smile, hoping she had not just witnessed me demolish an innocent alarm clock.
"Good morning, Miss Dagger. School starts in 2 hours. Would you like me to start a bath for you or will you be taking a shower?" I thought for a moment, looking back at the clock. I had honestly barely touched it, so I feared what would happen if I touched the bathtub.
"Uh I-I think I'll take a shower." I said, gently taking the coffee. I took a sip, the coffee almost disgustingly cold. As if on que, I felt my hands heat up, warming the coffee. I stood there frozen once more, staring at my hands that were glowing white.
Mykie hadn't noticed, as she left once I took the coffee. I looked around, setting the coffee on my nightstand, running to my bathroom. I went to slam the door shut, stopping and gently closing it. I stood in the middle of my bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror.
My hair had turned completely off-white, my eyes slowly changing white as well. My body was illuminating with white too, my hands on fire. I had the urge to scream, but I couldn't, not wanting to alarm anyone.
I closed my eyes, rocking back and forth as I took in deep breaths shaking my hands as I tried to calm myself. The door handle jiggled, and I snapped my head around, watching as I returned to normal, and Mykie walked in with a towel.
"Felicity, you're pale! Are you feeling alright?" She said setting down the towel and running towards me. I backed up quickly, stopping her in her tracks.
"Uh.. Y-yeah I'm fine. I'd like to take a shower now. P-Please leave." She stood there for a moment before putting her hands behind her back, nodding and stepping out.
I quickly removed my clothes, turning on the shower and stepping in, ignoring the icy cold water that quickly got hotter. I sat down on the seat, bringing my legs to my chest, staring at my hands.
"What did it do to me?"
I can hear everything.
"Did you hear? Peter got sick on the field trip!"
"I heard Felicity almost got killed."
"Harry Osborn goes to this school?"
"Valarie Hix is out of your league, dude. Don't even attempt."
I ran to the girls bathroom, standing in front of the door, hands to my ears as I shut my eyes tightly, trying to drown out the noises I was hearing. I could hear the scuttling of the cockroaches around, the buzzing of flies, the rushing of the water in the pipelines.
My ears felt like they were about to explode.
I calmed myself down, which helped. All the noises faded, and I took in a deep breath, heading to my locker.
"Hey Felicity!" I jumped, turning to see Sarah. I frowned, looking for Valarie.
"Where's Valarie?" I asked, still looking.
"She went home sick. Didn't even last 5 seconds in the door before she threw up everywhere. Now let's go! The bell is about to ring." I nodded, closing my locker door as I walked to first period with Sarah. I noticed Peter, hunched over a notebook, his hood was over his head.
I dropped my bookbag down, sending a pain into my ears as it dropped with a thud. Peter winced, holding his ears.
"Sorry, Peter." I said as I sat down.
"I-It's fine." He said quietly. I leaned towards him, trying to look at what he was writing.
"Saving up for a car? Cool." I said, pulling out my books. He turned to face me, a small smile on his face. I smiled back. "How are you going to do it?" I asked. Peter shrugged, pulling out his camera.
"Maybe I'll try and get a job at the Daily Bugle." He said, setting his camera down on his desk.
"Oh coo! I was thinking of getting a job there too." I said, watching as a smile formed on Peter's face. Mr. Warren walked in, looking at both me and Peter.
"Miss Dagger, Mr. Parker. I didn't expect you two to be here today." He said as me and Peter shrugged.
"Well, I feel fine. Back is just a little sore from the impact." I said, turning to Peter.
"Yeah I think the radiation may have just made me sick." He said quickly, shoving a book in his face.
"Well. Just don't get sick in my class." Mr. Warren said, sending a small laugh through the class. I turned to talk to Barry, but he wasn't here today. I frowned, pulling out my phone to text him.
F: Hey Barr! Where are you?
B: Oh hey Felicity. My dad is being moved to Iron Heights Prison in Central City. Everyone is moving there. Me, Iris, and Joe are moving today. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
I felt a small pain in my heart. I had grown up with Barry since I was born, watched as his father was falsely accused of something so terrible. I wiped away a small tear, taking in a silent yet shaky breath.
F: Oh. You're fine Barry. Just remember to text me every once in a while. Tell Iris and Joe I said bye. Don't forget to come visit, too.
B: I could never forget to not visit one of my closest friends.
F: Good. I have to go Barry. I'll talk to you after class. Love you.
B: Love you too :)
I put my phone away, a weak smile on my face. Peter tapped my shoulder, leaning over towards me.
"I-I was wondering if you wanted to walk around tonight? I kinda need the fresh air." He asked, his chin resting in the crook of his elbow. I smiled, nodding as he smiled back, turning to face Mr. Warren.
It was probably around 8 PM. Uncle Ben had dropped us off at the library, saying he would pick us up around 10. I gave Ben a hug as I left the car, stepping onto the sidewalk as Peter grabbing his bag.
"Don't do anything stupid, kiddos. At least something as stupid as I probably would do." Me and Peter laughed as Ben rolled up his window, driving away. Peter turned to me, a wide smile on his face.
"You ready?" He asked as I picked up my duffle bag, a grin on my face.
"Let's go beat someone for money." I said as we walked across the street, a newspaper in our hands.
"This is a joke right? You kids are far to frail for Bone-Saw. You'll be snapped in half." Me and Peter looked at each other in our ridiculous costumes. His red ski-mask covered everything but his eyes, his sweatshirt with a spider ripped at the arms. I looked down at mine, my white hair Peter bought as a wig flowing in the hard wind from the fans.
"I think we can do this. He needs the money." The girl looked up at us, sighing as she signed us in.
"You better be ready for a trip to the hospital. On your left." Me and peter smiled at each other, walking backstage.
"These people just need 3 minutes in the ring to win up to $3,000 dollars!" The referee yelled into the mic, the crowd cheering as me and Peter stood behind the curtain. "Now give it up for-" He went silent, removing the microphone as he yelled to us.
"What're your names, kids?" Me and Peter turned to each other, shrugging as Peter leaned in.
"Uh... The Human Spider..."
"And the Phantom?" We both said, very unconfident about the name choices.
"Alright... Give it up for.. The Phantom and the Amazing Spider-Man!" 'Back in Black' started playing as the curtain rose, everyone starting to boo at us as we walked to the ring. I slowly started to feel less confident, noticing Peter feeing the same.
"Now, just survive 3 minutes, and you get your money. Simple." I said as we stepped into the ring. I froze as Bone-Saw stood up, who was definitely taller than me and Peter. A buzzing noise sounded, my ears ringing as I watched a cage fall.
"Hey wait! We didn't sign up for a cage!" Peter yelled, the referee shrugging as Bone-Saw walked up to me.
I shrugged. "Better now than dying." I sighed, knowing my eyes had turned white by the look on Bone-Saw's face. I jumped higher than humanly possible, wrapping my legs around his neck, swinging around and planting my hands on his back, forcing him to flip over. I almost landed under him, but quickly moved, landing on his chest.
I turned to Peter, who I could tell had a look of shock on his face. "D-dude. When did you learn to do THAT?" He said as I jumped up, Bone-Saw weakly standing up.
"I took lessons." Peter quickly drop kicked Bone-Saw, sending him flying into the cage. I stood frozen for a moment. No way a person like Peter could do that. I watched as Peter put on what looked to be a watch. Shooting a weird web like substance onto the top of the cage, swinging back before planting his feet into the chest of Bone-Saw.
I stopped my hands from bursting into flames, running up to Bone-Saw. I was quickly hurled back, hitting my back into the cage. I groaned, moving weakly as Peter called out my name. I shook my hand, telling him I was fine.
I looked up to see Peter on top of Bone-Saw, the referee slamming his fist down, declaring me and Peter the winners. I stood up, a wide smile on my face.
"$200?! We signed up for $3000!" I yelled as the man counted his money, laughing.
"You wanted $3000? You should have been in there for 3 minutes! You were in there for 2! Now get lost." I grunted, snatching my money as Peter did, a sad look on his face.
"It's fine Peter. We can get money somewhere else." I said as we walked to the door, letting in a man. Peter shrugged as we walked to the elevator. We stepped in, closing the elevator door.
"Want to go to the gas station and get something to eat?" I asked, Peter nodding.
"You were thrown pretty hard. Is your back okay?" He asked, poking my back gently. I winced, knowing it would leave a large bruise.
"I think I'll manage. How did you get him on the ground?" I asked as the elevator door opened. Peter shrugged.
"I uh. Well you did help with that. I kinda just had to punch really hard." He said as I looked at his knuckles. which where bleeding. We stepped outside heading to the gas station.
"Well one thing is for sure," I started, limping as Peter did. "I am NEVER doing that again." We both laughed as we walked into the gas station.
Peter grabbed a chocolate milk and cream soda for him and me as I grabbed our snacks. I watched as a man grabbed a six pack of beer. We walked to the front, paying for our food and drinks.
There was a crash, both me and Peter turning to see the man grab the money from the cash register. I noticed a star on his wrist before Peter pulled me out, the man running out the other door.
"Hey... HEY STOP THAT MAN!" The cashier said, running out the door we came from. "Kids stop him!" We both wanted to, but I could tell Peter had a bad feeling.
"I-it's not our problem." I said as a gunshot went of, me and Peter jumping. We turned our head to see where it came from, seeing a man on the ground.
"Felicity. Someone's hurt." Peter said, grabbing my hand as we ran across the street. (I recommend playing "When I Met You" now)
We stopped as we hit the sidewalk, my hand slapping across my mouth as I shook my head. Peter slowly walked over to Uncle Ben, who laid there, bleeding out. We both fell to our knees next to him as Peter applied pressure to the wound, tears bursting out of our eyes.
"Uncle Ben? Come on Uncle Ben." He sobbed, looking at his uncle. I covered my mouth as I sobbed, screaming for help. Ben looked at me and Peter, a fake smile on his face.
"H-hey kiddos..." Peter looked at Ben, his eyes puffy. "T-take care of A-aunt May... I love you guys.." Peter shook his head as I now hand to put pressure on the wound, Peter taking Uncle Ben's hands in his, before Ben let out his last breath.
Peter screamed, slowly looking at me with anger in his eyes. I stood up, removing my jacket. I handed Peter my phone. "Call the cops or something." I said as I ran, looking for the man.
"FELICITY WAIT!" was all I heard before I ran into an alleyway, seeing the man that killed Uncle Ben. I felt my hair change it's color, along with my eyes. My hands burst into a white flame as I glowed white.
"Holy shit wait- Spare me some mercy!" He yelled, backing into the fence.
"DID YOU SPARE HIS UNCLE ANY MERCY?!" I yelled, throwing a ball of white flames at the man. I felt myself float into the air, my rage growing.
"P-please! Let me live!" I only yelled, flying down and grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt before I flew up into the air, setting him on the edge of the roof.
"Jump." I said, my voice low and angered. The man turned, a smile on his face as he cocked his gun pointing it at me. I quickly grabbed it, the gun melting in my hand. He froze in fear as I kicked him in the gut, watching as he fell into the alley way. I took in a breath, calming down as I flew down, running back to Peter, who was still at Uncle Ben's side.
"D-Did you f-find him..." He said quietly. I shook my head, not wanting to tell Peter I just killed someone.
"W-we'll find him Peter." I said, placing a bloody hand on Peter's shoulder.
(Play 'Hallelujah')
I walked into Peter's apartment, his hand in mine as we stared at the floor. Aunt May looked at our puffy eyes as we looked at her. Apparently, that was all she needed to understand what happened as she covered her mouth, bursting into tears as we embraced each other, tears falling out of all of our eyes.
Aunt May quickly left us, locking herself in her bedroom. "H-hey Felicity... Can you stay over?" I stared at Peter for longer than I should have, nodding slowly as we walked to his bedroom.
We slid down on the frame of his bed, our hands still tangled together. He rested his head on my shoulder as he cried, my thumb rubbing against his hand. I rested my head on his, shutting my eyes as I cried.
We both stood up, embracing each other in a long hug, rocking back and forth. "I'm so sorry Peter..." Was all I could say before he jumped up to the top bunk, shoving himself under the blankets. I knocked my shoes off, doing the same on the bottom bunk.
I shut my eyes tightly, feeling more tears come down as I heard Peter's quiet cries. I thought for a moment. I had to calculate in my head before I climbed up, Peter staring at me.
"F-Felicity what are you-" I shut him up by laying in front of him, my face buried in his chest as he hugged me, his chin resting on the top of my head as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I listened quietly to his heart beating, which was beating quickly as I fell asleep.
I can't lie when I started crying over Uncle Ben's death in this. His death always hurt me in the Marvel universe. (Other than Tony's but you know what I mean.) I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. I'm starting to use the music more now but it definitely fit this chapter the most.
<3 A.
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