I woke up with a bright orange shirt over my body. I looked around, confused as I stared at three people, who smiled widely at me through their face paint.
"Hi!" One of them said as I frowned.
"H-hi.. where.. where am I?" I said, sitting up.
"Municipal holding facility." The man I was leaning on said
"They said they found you unconscious at the train yard." One of them said, leaning over his friend. "Very dangerous."
"We gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold." The third guy said as I looked at the shirt, smiling awkwardly.
I sighed "Thanks. You guys are nice. You speak really good English."
"Welcome to the Netherlands."
"I'm in the Netherlands right now?" They all smiled, nodding. I quickly stood up, limping over to the cell door.
"Guard?!" I said, looking around for the guards. I ignored the talking behind me, ripping off the lock and opening the door.
I walked past the guards room, frowning as the guard wore my mask before shaking it off, running outside.
"Ew gross." I said as I stepped in goat excrement. I walked over to a man, gasping out of breath for no reason.
"Hey umm.. can I borrow your phone?" I asked, pointing at their phone. The man smiled nodding as he handed me his phone. "Wow you guys are... REALLY nice."
I paused for a moment before calling Happy. "Okay... Pick up, pick up, pick up... Hey. Hey! Uh... I messed up. I need a... I need a ride. Where am I? Uh... where am I, sir?"
"Het is Broek op Langedijk." I frowned, trying to say it before giving up.
"Could you. Could you say it into the phone?" The man nodded, repeating the words. "Thanks. Here's your phone." I said, hanging up as I rang out of the market.
I walked into a tulip garden, which was most definitely messing with my sinuses as Happy's plane floated down. Happy stepped out, glaring at me from the light.
"Peter? Are you okay?" Happy said, walking towards me.
"Happy?! Is that you?" I replied.
"Is it me? Of course it's me!" I hesitated for a moment before halting.
"Stop! Tel me something only you would know!" I said as Happy thought for a moment.
"Something only I would know. Uh. You-I-uh, remember when we went to Germany? You pay-for-viewed a video in your room? They didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk. And you didn't know how I knew-"
"Okay! Okay stop! I believe you!" I said, walking up to Happy before embracing him in a hug. "It's so good to see you."
Happy stitches up my back, visibly causing me pain. "I thought you had super strength?"
"It still hurts-" I said as I flinched again.
"Alright just relax. Just a few more... there we go." I yelled, slamming my fist on the table. "Relax!" Happy said as I stood up, shaking my head.
"How can I relax, Happy? Quentin somehow KNOWS that Felicity is losing her powers, and now he's shown me some illusion of the future where I kill her, and he'll do god knows what to MJ and Ned? They can be dead right now for all I know and Quentin will be laughing, and telling everyone he's a hero!" I sat down, tears falling down my face.
"I- I can't lose Felicity, Happy. I can't lose Ned. I can't lose MJ. And now that Tony is retiring, he expects me to be the next Iron Man. And I CANT be the next Iron man. That's not me, Happy. I'm not Iron Man." Happy sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"You're not Iron Man. You're never going to be Iron Man. Nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony is my best friend. And he is a mess. He second-guessed everything he did, he is always all over the place. But. The one thing he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you. I don't think Tony would've done what he did... if he didn't know that you were going to be here after he retired. Your friends are in trouble. You're all alone. The tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it?" I stared at Happy before frowning in determination and standing up.
"I'm going to kick his ass."
"No, I mean right now. Specifically, what are we gonna do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes." Happy said holding a small chuckle
"Right, um... I can't call my friends because he's tracking their phones... uh, give me your phone?"
I walk over to Happy. "My, my cell phone?"
"Yeah- Okay. Here." He pulled out his phone, handing it to meZ
I looked up at Happy, holding his phone "What's your password?"
"Password." Happy said as I frowned.
"No, what is your password?"
"Password. The word. Spell it out, password."
"You're the head of security and your password is 'password'?"
"Yeah, I don't feel good about it either."
I pulled up an app where Flash is vlogging.
"Ello, governor! Cup of tea for you? I'mma be in London soon." Flash said over the phone. I frowned, staring at the phone as I saw Felicity and Harry laughing.
"They're in London." I said, looked at Happy.
"London? Okay." He gets up, moving toward the front of the Quinjet.
"Yeah! I need a suit!" I said, spinning.
Happy turns, a bit of a grin on his face. "Suit?"
Happy turns again and walks forward, pressing some buttons on the ceiling while a compartment opens behind me. We both turn and make eye contact, and I smile, then turn back toward the compartment and move toward it. Another small compartment opens as I stare at it. A small metal pad descends from a part of the ceiling, and I place my hand on it. Blue lights appear, causing me to step back.
"Okay, um... bring up everything you have on Spider-Man." I said, looking around.
Happy pressed a few more buttons as I stuck my hand in the hologram, which attaches to my hand as 'Back in Black' played.
"Oh I love Led Zepplin!" I said with a smile as I continued to work on the holograms, building my new suit.
"Um.. pull up the web shooters." A hologram of my web shooters appeared as I pulled out a small part, frowning. "Isolate the taser webs and reconfigure and boost the voltage to a factor of... 25 percent. And with complete manual control over detonation."
(Felicity POV)
"Is no one talking about how crazy this is?" Harry said as we walked to the bus. I turned to him, frowning.
Mr. Dell sighed, nodding "I get it. There's been nothing scientific about this science tour at all." Harry frowned, shaking his head.
"No, no, no. I'm talking about Peter. Has no one else here noticed how shady he is? Because I saw him in a bathroom of a rest stop with some woman, in his underwear..."
I walked up to Harry, crossing my arms. "Felicity you'll back me up on this, right?" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.
"Well since Peter isn't here to tell the truth, what, you think you can? You aren't Peter, Harry. And you think it's cool to take pictures of people in the bathroom?" Harry stammered as Mr. Dell nodded.
"Yeah that's kinda weird, Harry." Ned said.
"Yeah dude. What's up with that?" Flash said, clearly live streaming the whole thing. I raised a brow as Harry frowned. I turned around with the rest of the class as we walked to the bus, Mr. Dell and Harry talking.
"Ray? Get back online for me." I whispered.
"You got it, Felicity." ray said as I stepped up the stairs of the bus onto the roof.
*silently debates killing Felicity in these final chapters because I plan on only having 30 chapters and you know... it would make things exciting but then again I don't want to make Peter big sad*
But seriously I hoe stay think that killing off Felicity would be a good way to end this story and start a new one of Peter saving the city alone or debating quitting being spider-man.
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