I heard Harry mumbling angrily as he searched through his phone, talking to Felicity. "I swear the photo was right here it's so weird!"
"Yeah... weird." Felicity said. I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to see Megan Stark, but since no one knew about her, I had to call her DeVoe. (Hehe crossovers are fun)
Megan smiled, pointing at the glasses. "My dad?" She whispered. I smiled, nodding. "I have the same ones, but yours look more updated. Might steal them from you, Parker." She said with a wink. (In this timeline, obviously tony didn't die. But in Megan's timeline he did)
Megan was an old friend of mine, one that I had liked since last year but we had a bit of a disagreement, and barely spoke since. (This will not happen in my book, I have a VERY different idea for what will happen in that one. But we gotta make things spicy in here.)
"So, I see you and Felicity... fondue?" She said, a smirk on her face. I frowned before realizing what she meant, shaking my head.
"No no.. that's not what it-"
"Peter. We are both over the feelings we had for each other. And I can clearly tel you and Felicity like one another." She said with a shrug. I felt my heart pound as the bus came to a stop.
Everyone walked into the building, where Megan gawked. "We are staying here? This place is fancy!" She said as Flash rolled his eyes.
"Speak for yourself. I'm home." He pulled out his phone, starting to vlog again as my phone rang. I walked away from everyone, answering the call.
"H-hello?" I whispered, looking around.
["Peter, it's Hill. There's an earpiece in your suit. Put it on and wait for further instructions.] she hung up, leaving me confused.
"Um... okay.." I said quietly, walking back to the group. Felicity was talking to Ned while MJ kept Harry away, which kind of made me happy.
"We are all getting our own rooms!" Everyone cheered, a smile on my face as we were all handed key cards.
I practically ran up to my room, locking the door behind me as I ripped off my shirt, a knock on my door.
"Hey Peter? It's Felicity." My eyes widened for a moment as I stared at my suit then my bare chest.
"Uh, now isn't a good time Felicity! I'm not really... Dressed?"
"Oh. Yeah yeah that's fine. I'll tell you later then... See you at the cave thing." I heard Felicity walk away, a sigh of relief leaving me as I pulled off my pants, changing into my suit.
Me and Felicity stood in the makeshift base, where Nick and Quentin stared at us. I glanced at Felicity, who simply shrugged as she fixed her black glove and just as black sleeve.
"Are these black outfits necessary? We look like two wannabe burglars. Not to mention-"
"That thing's going to be here in a few hours. Are we boring you two children?" Nick said, frowning.
"They're not bored, just thinking about how you kidnapped them."
"They had obstacles. I removed them." Nick said, crossing his arms as he sat down.
"They still won't evacuate the city." Maria spoke up, staring at her clipboard.
Nick groaned, rolling his eyes. "Idiots. So what's the plan, Parker?"
"I will be in the cathedral tower keeping watch for the fire monster while Felicity will be airborne. When that shows up, we will radio you guys, and then Mr. Beck and I will-"
"My name is Mysterio." Quentin gave me a playful look before winking at Felicity, who was most likely blushing red under her mask.
"That's when Mysterio and I will move in." I finished coldly.
"Peter, listen to me. The best hope you two have -- the only hope -- is to stop it here and now, no matter what the cost. Keep it away from civilians if you can, but, most important, keep it away from metal. If it gets too big, it'll be able to draw power from the Earth's core. After that, there's no way to stop it." Quentin said, glancing at Felicity.
"Hey, man, our friends are here? And I can't help but think we're putting them in danger-" I said before getting cut off.
Nick stood up, pacing over to me. "You're worried about us hurting your friends? You? Who called a drone strike on your own school tour bus? Stark gave you a multi-billion dollar AR tactical intelligence system and the first thing you do with it? Is try and blow up your friends. It's clear to me that you were not ready for this!" Nick grabbed my shoulder, pointing at me as Felicity huffed, her eyes flowing as she looked at Nick.
"It was an accident, Mr. Fury. He was just testing out the glasses and accidentally set something off." Nick looked at Felicity, who crossed her arms as Quentin chuckled quietly.
I swung up to the watch tower, looking around to see that Felicity wasn't around. Quentin flew up next to me, his fishbowl mask glowing in the darkness.
"Look, Fury asked me to come up here to see how you were doing. He feels bad for snapping at you." I looked at him, slightly hopeful.
"Really? He feels bad?" I asked, a small twitch of a smile on my face.
"You guys have sarcasm on this earth, right?" I frowned, looking down. "How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I sighed, shaking my head.
"I didn't think me and Felicity would have to save the world this summer. I know that makes me sound like such a jerk... I just.. I had this plan for me and this gurl that I really like-"
"Does this girl happen to be the one that will be helping us defeat an elemental? The one who is slowly losing her powers?" I frowned, nodding.
"Look Peter, you aren't a jerk for wanting a normal life. Felicity isn't either. I bet she would be saying the same thing you are if it was her right where you are. You see things, you do things... Make choices. People look up to you... Even if you win a battle sometimes, they die. I like you, Peter. You're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants me to tell you, just... turn around, run away from all this. And then, there's another part of me that knows what we're about to fight. What's at stake. And I'm glad you're here."
"Yeah.." I said, my voice changing to a worried tone as I looked up at Felicity. "But-"
"You're worried about your friends, and afraid that Felicity could lose her powers while fighting to save the world and get herself hurt." Quentin said, putting a hand on my back as I nodded.
"Took the words right out of my mouth." I said with a faint smile. "It's nice... to have a few people to talk to about this superhero stuff."
"Anytime, kid. And hey," his voice changed I to a joking one. "If you survive this you'll have all summer to kill Harry."
I jumped off the watch tower, noticing an old couple had seen me.
"Scusi! Sorry, that's Italian..." I said, walking off. I pulled out the E.D.I.T.H. glasses out of my bag, putting them on.
" Okay, uh, E.D.I.T.H.?" I said hesitantly. The glasses initialize and I waited impatiently.
"Hello, Peter." EDITH said as I sighed.
"Hey! Uh... I need to find out a way to keep my friends inside for the next few hours."
"Let's see what we can do."
ꕥꕥꕥTime skip to the carnivalꕥꕥꕥ
Felicity flew above my head while I waited by the watch tower once more. We were looking around, seeming to wait for something.
Out of nowhere, the fountain turned onto lava, everyone yelling and scrambling to get away. Felicity quickly took notice, flying down to put up a shield around it so no one got harmed.
I jumped down, landing in a superhero pose next to Felicity as we bumped fists, smiles hidden behind our masks.
The shield then exploded, a shard of the shield cutting Felicity in the arm. She yelled, holding her arm as a trickle of blood seeped through her gloves fingers.
"Are you okay?!" I said frantically. She nodded, her wound already healing as the monster emerged, a terrifying lava face appearing.
"This better not turn into some Moana type shit." Felicity groaned. I held back a laugh, turning as I heard two kids that sounded an awful a lot like-
Oh god.
"Night Monkey! Dark Crystal!" I frowned at the names. Remind me to never let Ned pick names for our villains.
Felicity turned, looking up at Ned and MJ before facing me. "You deal with this I'll go save Ned and MJ." I nodded as she flew up to them, using her super strength to pull the Ferris Whee down, helping them out.
I turned back around, getting flung up onto the Ferris Wheel. "Ow..." I groaned, gripping onto the metal. Felicity flew up, blasting a bolt of white light at the fire elemental, Mysterio flying from somewhere in the sky.
"This! Is for my family! And for destroying my earth!" He yelled, blasting the elemental with some type of green power. I tried to web the elemental, but it seemed to catch fire.
Mysterio turned to use, removing his mask. "It has to end this way, kids." Felicity shook her head, staying place. Mysterio flew into the Fire Elemental, Felicity yelling as she flew straight ahead.
"FELICITY NO!" I shot a web, snatching her arm and pulling her back. The fire elemental exploded, and we watched as Quentin was thrown into the ground. Felicity ripped the web off her wrist, flying down and landing next to Quentin.
"Quentin?" She said softly, kneeling down next to him. He coughed, looking around.
"Did we win?" He said. Felicity let out a choked laugh, nodding as he stood up.
Nick and the shield team walked up to us, seeming to be proud but shameful.
"That was the last of them?" Maria Hill said, looking around.
Nick shrugged. "But not the last threat we'll ever face. We need to stay vigilant. There's a void in this world for someone like you. Hill and I are going to Europol headquarters in Berlin tomorrow. You should join us."
Quentin clasped Nicks Hans in his, shaking it. "Thank you. I just might take you up on that."
Fury turned to me and Felicity, both of us as still as a statue as he walked over.
"You got gifts, Parker and Dagger. But you didn't wanna be here."
"Mr. Fury, I-" I was cut off by his hand.
"I'd love to have you two in Berlin, too. But you both have got to decide whether you're going to step up or not. Stark chose you two. He made you both Avengers. I need that. The world needs that. Maybe Stark was wrong. Was he?" Me and Felicity looked at each other as we slowly removed our masks, our eyes tearing up.
"The choice is yours." Nick said as he turned around, walking off.
Quentin looked at us, walking over. "How about we all get a drink?" He turned back, walking away as me and Felicity looked at one another.
"We aren't 21.." we said in unison before following after Quentin.
"You guys gotta celebrate, you did something good tonight!" Quentin said as he sipped his beer. Felicity looked down at her coke, seeming to be lost in thought.
"Yeah..." I said quietly as Quentin patted me on the back. "Fury was right. Tony did a lot for me, so... I owe it to him, to everybody."
"Do you?" Quentin asked as Felicity looked at him. I felt her mood change, like she felt something wasn't right all of a sudden.
"Yeah! I mean... Mr. Stark gave me the chance to be more, he wanted me to be better than him, and Fury just wants me to live up to that."
"What do YOU want, Peter?" Beck asked, looking at me then glancing at Felicity.
"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning.
"He means, what do you want? As in what do you want to do with your life?" Felicity pipped up, looking at me.
"...uh, I don't... know..." I said, frowning.
"What do you want, you, Peter Parker, right now? I know you're thinking about it! What do-" I quickly cut Quentin off.
"I wanna go on my trip Right? I wanna go back on my trip, with my friends. I wanna go to the top of the Eiffel Tower with the girl who I like and..." I looked over at Felicity, who choked on her soda.
"Ooh!" Quentin whispered, smirking.
"Shut up, man! I..." I trailed off, staring at my lemonade.
"But you're not gonna do that, are you?"
"No, I can't!"
"Why not, Peter?" Felicity asked, clearing her throat.
"Because I have too much of a responsibility!" Someone tapped me on the shoulder, handing me my EDITH glasses. My eyes widened as I took them, thanking the man.
"Wait.. are those the-" Quentin said, pointing at the glasses.
"The EDITH glasses, Yeah!" I said with a smile.
"Well try them in, let's see how they look." I shrugged, putting in the glasses. I turned to Felicity, who smiled.
"They look good on you Peter." She said, a smile crossing my face after a blush.
"Can I be completely honest with you, Peter?" Quentin asked, putting a hand on his knee.
"They loom really stupid." Felicity frowned, her coke bubbling all of a sudden.
"Oh..." I said disappointedly.
"But maybe the have a contact lens version of them!" I took off the glasses, handing them to Quentin.
"You try them on."
"What? No! Come on."
"Try them on!"
"I don't want- I don't want to!"
"Just try them on!" I said, frowning. Quentin sighed, taking the glasses and putting them on.
"Wow... They look.. They look really good on you, Quentin." Felicity said. I turned to her, frowning as she smiled widely at Quentin.
"To the next Tony Stark... I trust you." I whispered. Quentin frowned, tilting his head.
"Mr. Stark left me a message with those glasses; "To the next Tony Stark, I trust you." I said, looking at Felicity.
"I'm still not following. How many lemonades have you had?" Quentin said, getting a laugh from Felicity's
"He knew every mistake I ever made, okay? So he must've known I was not ready for something like this." I said, looking between Felicity and Quentin. Felicity frowned, not seeming to follow what I meant.
"Why would he give it to you?" Quentin asked, tilting his head.
"Because maybe he didn't trust me to have E.D.I.T.H., he just trusted me to pick who should. It makes so much more sense, he always knew I would do what's right and he's not gonna give them to Fury because Fury would just give himself E.D.I.T.H."
"Alright, you're probably right about that." Quentin said with a slight chuckle
"Right, so, the world needs the next Iron Man... and it's not gonna be me! I mean, I'm a sixteen-year-old kid from Queens. It needs to be an adult with some experience and that's good like Tony Stark, like you." Felicity seemed to frown, mumbling something.
Quentin looked at me for a moment before taking off the glasses.
"No, c'mon, Peter... No." Quentin said, shaking his head.
I put on the glasses, sighing quietly. "E.D.I.T.H.?" I said, looking around.
"Hello, Peter." Edith said in a monotone voice.
"Hi! Yeah, um... I'd like to transfer your control over to Quentin Beck." Felicity choked on her drink, snapping her head to me.
"Peter, what are you doing?" Felicity asked, glancing at Quentin.
"I'm doing the right thing." I said, looking at Quentin.
E.D.I.T.H. Spoke up "Any transfer will require confirmation."
"Stark gave you the glasses!" Quentin protested. I frowned.
"Stark gave me a choice! It's my choice to make, okay? And I'm gonna make it. Look, you're a soldier, a leader, you stopped the Elementals, you saved my life, you saved the world! Okay? He'd want you to have them
"Waiting for confirmation." Edith said as Felicity put a hand on my shoulder, whispering to me.
"Peter I don't think you should do this. Tony gave you these glasses. He didn't want you to chose who to give them to."
I stared at Felicity for a moment before shaking my head. "Confirm." Felicity's wyes widened as her fingers sparked. I took off the glasses handing them to Quentin as she stood up, walking out.
"Felicity wait!" Is mean out after her, leaving Quentin alone.
Felicity stopped in her tracks, spinning on her heel. "What the fuck, Peter?!" I stopped, staring at her in shock. "I said you shouldn't do that, and you did it anyway. God I'm so stupid!" She ran her hands through her hair, pacing back and forth.
"I don't see what the problem is, Felicity. He is way more mature than us, and is fit to be the next Iron-Man! Mr. Stark is quitting, and someone needs to replace him!"
"You don't get it, Peter! No one can replace Iron-Man! You may be a 16 year old from Queens, but you are so much more mature than you think! You are so much more compassionate and try so damn hard to keep the streets safe, and you are always so nice to everyone even when you shouldn't be. And you are by far one of the nicest and greatest people to exist and you try even harder to see the good in people!" I frowned, unsure of where this was going.
"What do you mean?" I said, tilting my head. Felicity groaned, looking like she was about to burst into flames.
"Do you not see how bad Quentin acts? How good I act around him when I try so hard not to just scream that he's the bad guy? There is something about Quentin that just.. it doesn't add up, Peter. He may act like it... but he ISNT the good guy."
"Of course he is! He helped save everyone at the carnival today! He almost died!"
"Except he DIDN'T, Parker. He flew RIGHT INTO LAVA. And he DIDN'T. DIE. Do you really think that can just happen?! He would have at least been fighting for his god damn life!" I frowned once more, starting to realize the pattern.
ꕥꕥꕥ we are gonna pretend that Ned has no clue Felicity is Phantom and she knows that Peter is Spider-Man (FYI this is after MJ finds out and she tells Peter and Felicity about Quentin. MJ knows Felicity is Phantom)ꕥꕥꕥ
I ran into my room, Felicity following behind, angrily panicking. "God dammit Peter I TOLD YOU!" She yelled, her fist glowing white.
"I know I know I messed up! But we do not have the time for this! We need to go find Quentin." I ripped off my shirt, stopping to look at Felicity, who quickly turned around. I pulled down my pants, putting in my 'Night Monkey' outfit as Ned walked in.
"Wow Peter.. that's uh really cool... costume for the.. Costume party?"
"Ned. I'm the Phantom. I know Peter is Spider-Man or I wouldn't be here in his room." Felicity spun around faster than light, her suit on as we both stood there in shock.
"That was-"
"Hot." We all jumped to see MJ behind Ned, a smirk on her face. "Hurry up and go or the world will end." Felicity went to fly out the window, stopping before she fell, looking at her shaking hands.
"Guys... it's getting worse." Felicity looked at me, her voice shaking. "You have to do this on your own, Peter. Please just. Don't die?" I nodded slowly, embracing her into a tight hug before jumping out the window.
ꕥꕥꕥTime Skip to Peter being whammiedꕥꕥꕥ
" It's Beck. He's here." I said as Nick looked around
Nick puts his eyepiece back when the hologram starts to disappear, Maria Hill included. The facility is just an abandoned building.
Nick frowned in confusion "What? Hill?" He said, looking around
"No, it's just an ill-"
A missile is fired from behind me, seemingly hitting and killing Nick. I jumped, staring ahead. "Fury!" I yelled
I look back and see one of the weaponized drones. It takes another shot, blasting me through the back wall, causing me to fall several floors down. Quentin's voice, amplified, takes center stage. I quickly get surrounded by drones, all pointing lasers at me.
"Wow, Peter. Wow. I thought we were close. Fury always had to die. But not you." Quentin said, his voice echoing.
"Stop hiding, Beck!" I said in a panicked voice.
I shoot some web at one of the drones but miss. Their cloaking devices activate and they disappear, while another illusion gets activated.
"I tried to help you walk away. Now you're making me do this... do this... do this..."
Everything goes dark. I stand there, now in my original Tony Stark suit, looking in horror when lights fall down, revealing a school corridor covered in green smoke. Mysterio walks towards me as I back up, my heart racing.
"You told me, you were just a kid!" Quentin yelled.
I shoots more web, but only green smoke sprays out of my hands. I stare at my hands in confusion, Mysterio then suddenly behind me.
"You told me..." he whispered, causing me to jump into the air. I punch him, only to reveal it's a brick pillar. I hiss in pain, shaking my hand.
"you wanted to run after that girl! The one who is losing her powers by the minute! I can easily kill her now, her powers are almost gone."
"Peter! Help please!" Felicity yelled in the distance. I spun around, feeling my heart sink at the thought.
"Felicity no!" I yelled, running through a door. I'm suddenly on top of the Eiffel Tower. The door breaks loose and falls down. I looks to my right and sees Felicity, confused and scared.
"Peter? What's going on?" She said, looking at me. "I can't get us out of here Peter.. my powers— they're gone."
" I know this isn't real." I said, my voice hitching.
Mysterio then materializes out of the full moon, grabbing Felicity by her neck. I yelled, running at him.
"Do you, though?" He said. Mysterio dropped Felicity, her screams echoing in my ears.
"FELICITY NO!" I jumped off the Eiffel Tower, falling at a fast speed.
"You need to WAKE UP!" Quentin yelled as I continued to fall
I crash on top of a car, getting back on the ground, looking around, breathing anxiously. A dozen of drones then fly out of the windows of the building, the illusion continues. Huge shards of glass fall down, surrounding me
"I mean, look at yourself." Quentin said, his voice echoing.
When I reach out to touch one of my reflections, the reflection comes to life, grabbing my hand. Dozens of Spider-Men hurl themselves at me, pulling my suit away.
"You are just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit whose super hero friend he only WISHES was his girlfriend will be dead within the next few days!
The Spider-Men vanish, I was now in my homemade suit. I stand among the ruins of a Captain America statue, right in the center of the shield.
"I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in."
"I control the truth!" Quentin yelled, part of voice lowering down. "Mysterio is the truth
Mysterio attacks, firing lasers at me. I duck away and grab Mysterio with my web. I pulls, only for him to disappear, I had pulled a crane down. I avoid the crane, but not the stone arm that falls on top of me while I scream. I then stand by my uncle, Benjamin Parker's grave.
"If you were good enough," Quentin said, his voice softer and more sympathetic. "maybe your uncle would still be alive."
I shook my head as I looked around, suddenly in Mysterio's helmet.
"You had a choice. And now you ha-" the illusion stopped as I watched Quentin fall, blood on his back as Nick stumbled over to me.
"Fury! Oh thank god!"
"Becks people. We're trying to find everyone. Whod you tell?"
"I — Uh.."
"Come on Parker I know you told someone. Who did you tell?" I didn't answer, causing fury to raise his voice. "Who'd you tell?!"
"Well only MJ, Felicity and Ned know I swear!" Nick chuckled, shaking his head. "W-What?!"
"You are so... gullible." I frowned, tilting my head.
"I mean you are as smart as a whip. But just a..." the illusion faded, Nick being revealed to be Quentin the whole time. "Sucker. And now all of your friends have to die." I shook my head, backing up.
"No!" The two drones on Quentins side start illusions.
I watched as they showed me an illusion of me fighting Felicity, who coward in fear as I grabbed her by the neck, pinning her against the wall and raising her in the air, choking her to death. I watched her body go limp before Illusion me gasped, dripping her body before falling, holding her in my hands as illusion me sobbed and screamed. I gulped in air, shaking my head.
I continued to back up. "I won't do it! You can't show me that! I won't do it! No!" Quentin laughed.
"Oh but Peter... You will. See. This isn't an illusion..."
"It's the future."
The illusion stopped, and I turned my head in time to see a train come barreling at me, feeling the wind get knocked from my body as I was hit.
Oop- shit boutta happen in the next few chapters.
This is also my LONGEST chapter ever at 4,361 words!
So hope y'all enjoyed!
(Yes I basically just copy and pasted the script in this chapter don't come at me I'm tired and lazy)
<3 A.
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