School seemed to fly by today, my thoughts drowning out Valarie and Sarah's gossip. I barely payed any attention in class today, my thoughts circling as I thought about how I would be able to do this project by spending little time with Parker.
The bell rang, zapping me out of my daze. I looked around, my hands instinctively grabbing my chemistry book, shoving it deep in my bookbag. I looked around for Peter, spotting him practically bolting out of the classroom. I sighed, standing up as I made my way to the library.
Peter already had all of his notes and books sprawled out around the table, his hand clutching his hair as he elbow rested on the table, his pen spinning around his fingers as his eyes darted across the book laid in front of him. I set my bookbag down, taking the seat next to Peter. His head snapped up, his eyes meeting my gaze. He gave me his stupid and goofy smile, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Well. Now that we are lab partners I guess I'll have to tell you how-" I cut Peter off once more, putting my hand closer to his mouth than I intended.
"I've already figured out how we will be doing this. Because for one, I don't want to fail this project. I'll do sections 2,4, and 6. You will get 1,3 and 5. We will blend our notes together so they don't look like sh-" I looked at his notes, realizing he already had sections 1-3 done. I grunted, removing my hand from his face. "I see you are already ahead. Like always." I said, grabbing my pen and tapping it almost aggressively on the table.
"Oh, yeah. Uh I thought you wouldn't mind... You know, it would speed up us finishing it and that means you wouldn't have to deal with me-" He went off rambling, like he would do when he's nervous. I found it repulsive at times, but for some reason I found him trying to explain why he worked ahead being somewhat cute this time. I gaged on the inside, trying to throw the thoughts away.
"You're rambling, Parker." I said, cutting him off. He glanced at me, shutting his mouth and laughed awkwardly.
"S-Sorry." His watched beeped, and I watched as he stood up quickly, shoving his belongings into his bookbag. "I-I uh should get going. Aunt May and Uncle Ben are waiting for me. A-actually I shouldn't even be here." I frowned, titling my head.
"Why not-" He faced me, and now I was able to see the bruise on his cheek that had been shielded due to the library's dim lights. I gasped, jumping up from my seat, getting a closer look at the bruise. I leaned forward, sensing Peter growing tense, freezing up as I raised my hand before snapping it back.
"Jesus, Parker. You just can't help but get into a fight with Flash, can you?" I said, backing up and turning, shoving my things into my bag.
"H-he was bullying Barry again." He said quietly, slinging his bag over a shoulder. I pulled some strands of hair out of my eyes, doing the same.
"Allen? I thought he didn't go to this school anymore because of it?" I said quietly, now regretting it because I had started a conversation with Peter. But, it was about an old friend of mine.
"His adoptive-dad didn't want him to." I nodded, having forgotten that Barry's real dad was still in jail for the murder of his mom, although I didn't believe he did it, like Barry. But that's a story for another time.
"Ah. Well. I think you should get home before you get in more trouble." I told him, Peter nodding as he shuffled out the door, me following slowly behind.
I opened the door to my parents house, switching on the lights and dropping my bag next to the door. I slipped off my shoes, scuffling to the kitchen, yelping when I saw a giant raccoon scurrying around the top of the island.
"Dude seriously. How many times do I have to smack you with this damn broom before you realize you aren't allowed in here?!" I yelled, grabbing the wooden broom and gently smacking the raccoon out the doggy door, sighing in relief.
My phone buzzed, a group chat call coming in. I clicked accept, the faces of Harry, Valarie, and Sarah popping up.
"Oh so I see you're doing Halloween early, wicked witch." Harry said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, setting the broom down.
"I see your god awful jokes have still stuck with you, Osborn." I said, walking up the stairs to my bedroom, shutting the door and turning on my led lights, changing the color to a nice ocean blue. I walked over to my vinyl records, grabbing my Bruno Mars vinyl, setting it on my record player, "Count On Me" playing slowly.
"So, how was your library date with Park-" I shot my head over to my phone, glaring at Harry.
"It wasn't a library date, Harry!" Valarie and Sarah burst into laughter, my fists clenching as I fell into my soft desk chair, the music playing in the background.
"Yes it was, Felicity! You guys agreed to go to the library, and you talked while studying. I bet you were sitting right next to him and not across like you probably would have!" Sarah said with a snicker. I cursed under my breath, questioning how she would know I sat next to Peter and not across.
"Next thing you know, you two won't leave each other's-" There was a crash downstairs, my head snapping to my door.
"Shut up." I said towards my phone.
"Oh someone's getting t-"
"I said shut up! Someone's in my house." I said to Harry, getting up and grabbing my baseball bat. "I heard everyone start talking, telling me to hang up and call the cops. I shook my head, cracking my door open, leaving them to fear for me.
My heart wasn't racing, I was told to never be scared at times like this. But I was, I just didn't feel it.
I crept down the stairs, my socked feet, making me silent. I saw the shadow of a man, watching as he shoved things into a black duffle bag.
He was facing away from me, giving me the perfect opportunity to smack him across the head hard, the sound of flesh and wood ringing in my ears. The man dropped, unconscious. I ran to the house phone, dialing 9-1-1.
"9-1-1 what's you're emergency?" The operator said, his voice calming, putting me at ease.
"Hi. Yeah someone broke into my house. I knocked them out with a baseball bat but I'm not sure when they will wake up." I said quickly, feeling my heart start to race as I started to realize what was happening.
"Alright police are on their way, ma'am. Can I have your name please?" He asked.
"Uh Felicity. Felicity Dagger." I said quietly, flipping on the lights, looking at the damage of the broken glass in the kitchen.
"Do your parents happen to work at-"
"Oscorp? Yes. Yes they do." My parents were fairly well known, being the closest friends of Norman Osborn, who helped him found Oscorp.
"Alright, Felicity, the police should be there any minute. Do you mind staying on the phone?" I hesitated for a minute.
"Actually, I should get back to my friends. I was on a call with them when the man tried breaking in."
"Alright Felicity. Be safe." He said quietly as I hung up, giving the man another smack across the back for good measure before running back up to my room.
"Felicity! Thank god!" They all said as I grabbed my phone, stopping the music as I walked back down to the living room, where the burglar was. I sat on the white leather couch, setting my phone on the glass coffee table. I was clutching my bat, staring at the man, not knowing if it was of fear he'd wake up or fear that I had accidentally killed him.
There was a knock on the door, followed by "NYPD" from the other side. I stood up as Harry, Valarie, and Sarah talked with each other.
I opened the door, a smile on my face as I gestured for them to follow me to the living room. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the man was gone. Looking around frantically.
"Oh god he was just here." I said, starting to panic. One of the female police offers grabbing me, trying to calm me down.
"Ma'am. take deep breaths." She said. I inhaled through my nose and out my mouth, which managed to help slightly. "Did you get a good look at his face?" I nodded, describing the man.
After they all left, I walked back to my phone, grabbing it. Harry was the first to speak up.
"You alright there?" He asked, tilting his head. I nodded slowly, wiping a hand over my face.
"I-I think I'm just going to go to sleep. I- I'll talk to you all in the morning." I said, hanging up before they could say goodnight.
I cleaned up quickly, slugging up the stairs and to my bedroom, the LED lights calming me down. I removed the soft pink throw blanket, setting it gently on my swivel chair as I tucked myself under my white comforter, grabbing one of my stuffed elephants, clutching it tightly as I shut my eyes, letting the noises of New York below me lull me to sleep.
Heyo! So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I feel like I might be rushing it, and I'm not sure though. Anyway I know Felicity seems like kind of a bitch to Peter but don't worry she'll obviously slowly be nicer to him. Please leave a comment if you have any questions for something, or leave a comment for no reason, thats fine too :)
<3 A.
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