My new alarm beeped, an annoyed groan escaping my throat. I went to turn it off before I froze, watching an arm that wasn't mine reach out, turning it off. I quickly calmed down, remembering that Peter was with me.
He pulled me closer to his body, a smile forming on my face as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I felt his lips graze my bare shoulder, a shiver running up my spine. He probably thought I didn't feel it, considering I didn't tense up or freeze, but I felt his lips twitch into a smile as they rested on my shoulder.
"Good morning, Peter." I mumbled, scooting my ass closer to him. I almost regretted it, and you can probably figure out why. I felt his body tense up for a moment.
"G-Good morning, Felicity. Did you get any good sleep?" He said, resting his chin on my arm as he looked at me, a blush across his nose. I nodded slowly, a smile creeping on my lips. He smiled back, blinking slowly.
"Good. You deserved it." I felt my cheeks burn as I shrugged with one arm. Peter sat up, crossing his legs as I sat up across from him.
My phone buzzed, a call from Valarie coming in.
"Hey, Val." I said groggily, yawning.
{"Felicity what the hell?! None of us have heard from you in over a week! Are you okay? What's wrong? You didn't start doing it again, did you?"} She started to bombard me with questions, leaving me in confusion as I tried to answer them all at once.
"Valarie. I just needed some time alone. Peter is here with-"
{"OH MY GOD DID YOU SLEEP WITH PETER FUCKING PARKER? IT'S ABOUT TIME!"} I looked over at Peter, who was probably as red as I was since Valarie basically bombed my speakers.
"Jesus Christ Valarie, no! We didn't sleep together. Well, we did, but it was because I needed comfort. We didn't fuck, calm down." I said, my voice cracking.
{"Damn. I owe Sarah 20 bucks now."} My eyes widened.
"DID YOU AND SARAH BET ON ME AND PETER SLEEPING TOGETHER?" I yelled, blushing more as I stared at Peter, who was laughing nervously, his face turning into a tomato.
{"N-no? Why would you say that? Me, Sarah, AND Harry all bet you'd sleep with him."} I gasped, frowning as I quickly hung up.
"Those little shits. I'm going to beat them up." I said, crossing my arms. Peter snickered, still blushing. "I think we should get ready for school." I said, standing up.
"What if we skip today? Not like we haven't done it before." Peter said. I slowly turned to him, a look of shock on my face.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, are you saying we should skip without having a reason?" I said, raising an eyebrow.
"How do you know my middle name?" He said, frowning.
"School yearbook." I said, crossing my arms again as Peter nodded in understanding.
"Well in that case. Yes, yes I am. We can go out, get some ice cream, go to the festival by the-"
"I'll do anything for ice cream." I said, my face going into a serious stone cold face. Peter stared at me before we both snorted out a laugh.
"I'm going to go get dressed. Do you need to change?" I asked, turning to him as I walked to the bathroom. Peter shook his head.
"If you need to I think you and my dad were the same size.." I said, closing the bathroom door and walking to my closet. I heard shuffling, Peter probably going to find my dad's clothes while I changed.
I walked back out, sitting on my bed as I waited for Peter. I packed my small bag, gently shoving my suit in it as Peter walked in, wearing some of my dads casual clothes.
"Y-You uh.. You ready?" He said, shoving his hands in his pockets. I nodded, slipping on my Vans and stood up, walking out with Peter.
We had probably been at the festival the whole day, definitely having the time of our lives.
Me and Peter were laughing at something simple, nothing that was truly funny, but we were both on a small sugar high and just found every word coming out of our mouths hilarious. I grabbed his bicep, gasping silently as I realized just how muscular he was. I squeezed it to get his attention, pointing at the Zero Gravity ride.
"I used to love this ride when I was little!" I yelled, taking Peter's hand and running up to it, pulling out 4 tickets for me and Peter, forcing him to join me.
I planted my back on the 'seat' as me and Peter chuckled. More people swarmed in, taking their places next to me and him. The door shut, LED lights turning on. I felt Peter's hand snatch mine as we started moving, a blush crossing my face.
The ride slowly picked up speed, my sliding chair sliding up, I laughed, yelping as it slammed down. I turned to Peter, who looked like he was about to throw up. I laughed even harder, not able to bend forward from laughing so hard.
The ride slowly came to a halt, allowing me and Peter to stumble out. I laughed as I fell onto Peter, who toppled over, grunting and holding his stomach.
"You LIKED that? I feel like I might throw up all that ice cream." I snickered at his words, nodding in joy.
"Oh come on you can't say you didn't have fun!" I said, helping him up. He brushed off his pants.
"I did.. But I don't think I'll be eating for the next few days in fear I will have flashbacks and throw up." I laughed as he sighed. "How about we try something more relaxing? Like the Ferris wheel?" He said, pointing to the glowing wheel. I smiled, nodding as I took my hand in his again, walking to the Ferris wheel.
The line was surprisingly short, and we were on it within 2 minutes. The wheel started to spin slowly, giving me and Peter a perfect view of the waterfront, the horizon slowly turning orange and purple.
I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder, his hand still on mine.
"This has been, one of the best days of my life." I whispered, watching the sun set. Peter nodded, a smile on his face. We stepped out of the seats. "You want to know what would make it better?" I said, smiling as I slipped off my Vans and socks.
"What?" Peter said, frowning. I winked, turning to face the empty beach.
"Seeing if you can catch me." I yelled, bolting to the beach. Peter gasped, running at me.
"HEY COME ON." He said as I laughed, running on the side of the water. Peter was definitely catching up to me, as I turned around to see him gaining speed.
I ran under one of the caves, stopping to catch my breath. Peter rammed into me, sending us flying to the ground. I let out a loud 'oof' as I was slammed into the ground, Peter toppling over me.
I stared up at him, laughing so hard it hurt. He joined in, the corners of his eyes creasing as his nose scrunched up.
"I-I think we should get back." I said, taking in a breath as I continued to laugh. Peter stood up, taking my hand and lifting me up.
I closed the door to my house as Peter walked in, slipping his shoes off.
"Movie?" I said, turning to face him as I locked the door. He smiled, nodding as we walked to the kitchen. I jumped up onto the island, sitting as Peter got the popcorn and drinks.
He walked over to the radio, tapping the on button, 'Electric Love' playing as the LED lights turned on with the radio, illuminating the kitchen. He set the food and drinks down, slowly walking up to me.
I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him into a tight hug, wrapping my legs around his lower waist. "Thank you for today, Peter. I really needed it." I said into his ear as he hugged me back, a smile on his face as he nodded.
"Any time, Felicity." He said, pulling away, his hands lingering on my hips. I slowly looked into his eyes, trailing across his face before landing on his lips. I noticed he was staring at mine too through my lashes, a small smile forming on my face.
"Now's your chance, Felicity." Ray whispered, almost startling me as I had forgotten I turned him on last night. "Kiss him."
But I didn't. I wasn't ready for that... Yet, at least. I did want to kiss him, so badly, but I just didn't want to. Instead, I have Peter another hug, a smile on both of our faces.
"How about that movie?" He said as I nodded, hopping off the counter and grabbed my drink and popcorn, walking to the living room.
We settled down, choosing "Footloose" as our movie. I enjoyed the older movies, so I definitely was looking forward to watching it.
I slowly closed my eyes halfway through the credits, feeling Peter pick me up and carry me to my bedroom, a small smile on my face as he laid me down, cuddling up next to me.
"Good night, Felicity." He said softly, resting his cheek on the top of my head..
"Goodnight, Peter." I said, shoving my face in his chest, a smile on my face.
Ha you thought. It will come..
Sooner or later.
<3 A.
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