Sun Under the Moon (Chapter 1:4)
The Drevillik intensely stares Trivik dead on with his silvery blue eyes of falsehood. Dull eyes: the marking that a human has been taken over by one of the vile creatures. The human's orbs rest in the belly of the Drevillik who dwells within him, the eyes an extension of the demon's body like an ameba's pseudopodium. But they do posses the necessary qualities to see, and the shape a Drevillik dons can have attributes of anything, though never perfect. And these eyes, though able to view, are colorblind.
The host's mind screams in nervousness, gaping mentally at Trivik, as he harbors much bloodlust toward the poor trapped soul who leaks his aura into the air for Trivik to sense. Unfortunately, a person doesn't lose itself when taken over by a Drevillik. So, they experience the life of a monster with anguish and horror, unable to lift a finger no matter what happens; not when killing family, friends, or children and being consumed by the demon within who sucks their energy dry. To a Drevillik, a host is a meat puppet, and the majority of Reapers think no differently.
The Drevillik reaches his grimy hand behind his back, brushing against his long, black hair as his fingers firmly grasp onto a splintery handle, a rusty woodcutting axe brought forth while a devilish smile curls between his malnourished cheeks. He gives a warning swing at the air, motioning Trivik forward in challenge. Trivik taunts, sticking his crimson tongue out, poking his thumb out of his first, turning his hand sideways, and sliding it through the air by his neck. After, his tongue slips back into his mouth, and he puts his palms to his stomach as he shrilly and loudly laughs, causing the Drevillik's eyebrows to lower.
"What a' ya?" The Drevillik deeply asks, using his vessel's accented voice. Trivik steps forward, pointing at his head and then his heart.
I am what I am.
The Drevillik nods, fingering his mustache as he thrusts his hip in Sun's direction. "Ah. An' a' we ta fight for ta girl? I don' wish ta, but I will if I need ta. Ya understand I need ta spread mah seed, right Reapa? Ya a freaky Reapa weapon, I tell ya."
Trivik snarls, menacingly rocking his head back and forth. The Drevillik scoffs as he turns his head from Trivik, but he suddenly bends his fingers with a raised arm as a signal to Sun.
Her heart beats from instinct, her human flesh lighting to gentle pink. With a loving smile, she takes a step forward, and Trivik's eyes gape. Feeling a rage boil his insides like a volcano in the midst of erupting, Trivik stomps the ground as a warning, a slight indent left when he raises his leg. Sun jumps back from shock, and Trivik throws a face with the most cruelty he can muster. Begrudgingly, she backs up, and Trivik glares at his enemy, extending his fingers into scythe-like claws that take from the mass of his chest.
The Drevillik grins. "I see. That's how it's got ta be, ay?" Trivik concurs with a bow of his head, and the Drevillik combs his matted hair back, holding his axe tightly. "Reapa, thanks for deliverin' me a mate and that pure Drevillik body ya wear."
Just shut up and come at me! You act like a pathetic child, drawing on and on with incessant babble for my deteriorating and aching mind.
The Drevillik smirks when recognizing Trivik's impatience, charging at him with the axe in the air that reflects against the moon's subtle light. Trivik similarly rushes in, holding his claws out to the host body. Sun's tugged with Trivik's movements, tripping and dragging against the ground to scrape her frail flesh. But he doesn't notice, blinded by his fury, and she sits on her bottom while pulled along the stone, pebbles digging into her.
Trivik aims for the Drevillik's eyes, but the demon ducks, thrusting the handle of the axe into his gut to wind him. Trivik growls, lifting an arm and slashing near the Drevillik, but he avoids again, thwacking the man's face for the sole purpose of messing with him. Annoyed, the Reverse Drevillik groans, wishing to hold his pulsating gut, but he keeps his void-eyes on the target, observing to make a decisive blow to the monster's eyes. However, when he tries to claw them out a third time, his arm goes numb, and he realizes it's not merely numbness. It's emptiness; his appendage lies on the ground, changing to his human arm before pooling with blood and resting in it.
I hope you enjoyed chapter four. Don't forget to comment and vote! I appreciate all! Don't be a silent reader and let me know you're enjoying.
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