Fight for the Goddess (2:7)
Nasich'ra keeps his sword in a defensive stance, though the beast within him wishes to pounce on the large monster Trivik became. Trivik's void-like eyes emptily shift back and forth from the two guards who corner him, and he growls like the demon he is. Frere smiles with an open mouth like a hyena. The lightning whip lashes at the lapis floor, laughter pouring from the young guard's throat.
Before one of the guards can attack, Trivik tackles Frere to the ground, and Nasich'ra swoops in, stabbing his sword into Trivik's back. Trivik lets out a small, pained grunt, but his back winds up the sword, and then the man's hands. It binds him to the Reverse Drevillik, and he turns to Frere, chuckling.
With Frere's position on the ground, he's left vulnerable. Unarmed due to his whip slipping from his grasp while he fell, Frere struggles to reach for it. The boy of a guard frowns with twitching eyes as Trivik grins, nearing his claws to the skinny guard's face. Slowly moving in for effect, Trivik glides his talons on the guard's face, huffing air to blow back the young man's blond hairs.
"Lord scum, back here!" Nasich'ra calls, and Trivik glances back at the bulky man who flails his arms to escape Trivik's restraints.
In those brief instances where Trivik glares at Nasich'ra, Frere snatches his whip, flicking his wrist for it to leave a hefty gash in the Reverse Drevillik's back. Trivik stands, another lash of the whip flying at his eye. Searing pain fills his head as blood streams from his socket, and shrill yet masculine screams leave him.
Trivik's hand holds his eyeless socket, spotting the orb limply lying on the ground near Frere's hand, and Frere scoops it up, sticking his tongue out as he slides it down his throat. In a mocking way, the young guard rubs his stomach and jumps up to stand.
Trivik growls as Frere closes in on him, but he chooses to focus on Nasich'ra who sticks to his back. He completely drags the man into his body, feeling his squirming. With the little space in Trivik's stomach, Nasich'ra stays still without his want to, and Frere intensely glowers at Trivik.
Frere twirls in a circle, his whip spinning with him as he holds the handle high. A blue vortex surround the young guard as he turns, and when he stops, he holds his hand out away from his body for the whip to whirl around the whole of Trivik's body in a powerful and quick movement. It bites into his flesh, and electricity zaps at him, causing groans to leave his massive jaw.
Frere hysterically laughs as he sends volts into Trivik, and he takes each one without the ability to move with his arms bound to his sides. Snarling, Trivik sprints forward with his skull toward the young guard, and it rams into his body, sending him flying.
As Frere flies through the air, Trivik's snagged by the whip that binds him, and the strength of his own blow knocks him off his feet so he's sent in the same direction as the guard.
A loud crash echoes through the castle as Trivik and Frere smash into the lapis wall, each collapsing onto the floor in terrible pain. As Trivik lies with his legs up in the air at the wall, he turns his head to Frere's that rests right beside him. Though the young man sleeps, having been knocked out when his skull hit the wall, the Reverse Drevillik feels the need for revenge. He holds his claw to his face, digging it through his eyelid. As Trivik pulls his nail out like a knife out of marmalade, blood spurts from the wound, and the man awakens to shout in agony.
As screams of pain fill the castle, though nothing happening past that from the energy and ability of the three men having run dry, horrible crying takes it over. Trivik's heart falls at the sound of such lovely yet mournful wailing, willing himself to stand groggily. He spits up Nasich'ra after internally piercing him in the arms and legs, leaving him with his shouting partner.
Trivik goes to the Goddess, kneeling in front of her while bowing his head in apology. "Trivy, why did you fight Nasichy and Frerie?" she weeps, rubbing her eyes on her dress before sitting properly. Trivik scowls.
He points to them, pointing back at himself and nodding in disagreement as a way to say they started the fight. The Goddess nods her head. "Trivy, change back to your human form. The fight is over."
Trivik bows, throwing up a ball of skin onto the floor. He strolls to it, shaking it out as his form shifts to a smaller one. He slowly slides back into his skin. Once it's all back into place to the most part, some parts sagging and covered in mucus, his body heats up, and he closes his eyes as a ball of light forms around his body. The sensation of his skin fusing to his body that becomes blood and bone causes him to itch, and the light passes. Trivik steps forward, back into his bulky human form.
"Goddess, I am not the one to start that fight. It was your guards who challenged me. Threatened, I fought back," Trivik formally explains, but she points in the direction of Frere as he slowly rises from the floor with Nasich'ra on his back. Due to Trivik piercing bone in the brawny knight's legs and arms, the injured Frere drags him to the Goddess.
"Di'atrivik, you didn't need to break Nasich'ra's limbs, nor was destroying Frere's eye necessary. All of you should go into the healing pods for at least a week."
Trivik's face bunches up, and his mind fills with expletives toward the guards. Who is she to question his judgement with punishing her guards, Trivik thinks, his blood boiling.
"Goddess, I'm heading home. I don't need a pod. I'll heal naturally in a month's time, so I'm not going back into a pod," Trivik seriously tells, grasping the air near his pulsating socket. Streaks of red with dribbling blood cover his back, and a massive stab wound from Nasich'ra's sword sits near his left shoulder blade.
"Trivik, wait. You need to go to a pod. You are badly injured."
"Goddess," Trivik spits, "you are not one to order me right now. You've made me suffer, and I cannot forgive that. And I'm assuming you put Sun back in her shackles, and that is another thing I cannot accept."
The Goddess narrows her eyes at Trivik, but she ultimately doesn't react. It's not in her nature to react to such a thing. However, she pulls out a book from beside her, tossing it into the air at Trivik. He catches the leather-bound book, and the Goddess exhales.
"That's a book from your father, Di'atrivik. If you don't wish for the fighting to harm you so deeply, I recommend you study. I wasn't supposed to allow you to have it until your fifth fight finished, but I can see you haven't the patience for that. Enjoy," she huffs, and Trivik gazes at the dusty book with golden lettering in the front that reads, "For My Son, Di'atrivik."
Trivik takes a wobbly step as he wishes to see Vaz. However, his head turns airy, and the sense of falling hits him before the ground.
I hope you enjoyed the last part of chapter two! Don't be a silent reader! I'd love to know what you guys think!
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