OMG why did i writed this?!
(So this will have drama and don't start the song yet)
Roxy's P.O.V
When i meet Isabella i start dreaming about a queen that have red hair but she never show her face but she was singing something her voice was blory but i heard it a little but who ever she is...i wish a can meet her..but for now i should focus at school and not just that...I'M LATE AGAIN!!! Vil will scold me after class
*At class*
Roxy:sorry i'm late!
Teacher:alright thene take a sit miss Roxy now as i said again..
The teacher contieud at what he was saying as i take notes
*After class*
Isabella:well you were late.
Roxy:Isabella was that you?
Roxy:thene who was that?
All of a sudden a demon with white hair apird in front of us
(What the demon look like):
Isabella:ice how many times am i going to tell you stop apiring if i'm with somebody?!
Isabella said with anger but when she called the demon name 'ice' my demon self apird too
(What the demon look like):
???:my long time no see my dear little sister~
Ice:well yes long time no see too my dear older sister~!
I was so confus why did bloodshot called the white haird demon little sister but do that and Isabella are sisters...?
Ice:no more talk now let's drag these two to Vilaren
When Isabella was about to talk Ice and Bloodshot drag us and a portal apird and with were in a full full white forest
Ice & Bloodshot:see that woman over there you two that's your mom
Ice and Bloodshot said as they point her to us and that woman's voice..just sound like the singing woman in my dream..
(Start the song)
Queen Vivian:"Cover my eyes,Cover my ears tell me these words are a can't be true that i'm losing you,the sun cannot fall from the sky.."
The woman sang as Isabella smiled and sang too
Isabella:"Can you hear heaven cry the tears of an angel,tears of an angel x3..."
I teard it means that me and Isabella are sisters but why are we not look a like..?
Queen Vivian:"Stop every clock the stars are in shock the river would run to the sea,i won't let you fly i won't say goodbye,i won't let you slip away from me..."
When i gave in that me and Isabella are sistets i sang too..
Roxy & Isabella & Vivian:"Can you hear heaven cry the tears of an angel,tears of an angel x3
We sang as i and Isabella run to hug are mother i will be asking a lot about somethings..
Queen Vivian:"So hold on,be strong everyday,hope will grow i'm here,don't you fear little one....don't let go....(don't let)go x4 ,Cover my eyes,Cover my ears,tell me these words are a.......lie....."
Are mother finished as me and Isabella cryed in are mothers arms..
Queen Vivian:i'm so happy to see you two again..
Roxy:i will have a lot to ask!
Queen Vivian:sure go ahead
*After all of that*
Isabella:mom you mean we are sisters from different fathers?
Queen Vivian:yes dear
Queen Vivian:hehe..
Isabella:mom..can we stay here for the night?..
Queen Vivian:yes...yes you can
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