"Hey, mom! Did you hear about thouse glasses that can have blind people see?!?!" I yelled to the top of the stairs as I saw my mother walk passed her door, 'Yes, I did." She replied, "I'm going to buy them for your sister tomarrow when they come out." I smiled and laughed, "Thats great she will love them! Can I come too?" I asked and started to go up the wood stairs. "Sure but I'm going to leave eairly in the morning when shes not awake and so I can get there before the other people." I stoped at the stairs and went back down, "Ok, I will set my alarm for 7:00."
When I got to my room I saw Nira,(My sister) lisening to the radio. Her silky eyes wide open, "Is that you Kira?" She asked when I walked in, "Yea, I'm setting my alarm for the morning, Don't worry I'm going to have on headphones so you don't wake up too." I looked out the window, "Wow, it got dark fast, I'm going to sleep, good night." I sliped into my warm bed and put of my headphones after I set my alarm. "Good night," I could hear her soft voice say and I could hear her shut of the light swich. I smiled and slowly went to sleep. "Good night."
My alarm went of and scared me and I feel of the bed. "Crap." I looked over to the other side of the room to make sure that I didn't wake up sis. Than I slowly got up remembering that it was just my alarm. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed into a yellow dress with white flowers. Then I brushed my hair and put it into two big, blue, pony tails and ran down stairs just in time to see my mother leaving to go get the glasses. "Wait!" I whispered remembering everyone was asleep. "Come on! Hurry up." She told me and opened the door to leave, I sliped on my shoes and left. with mother.
"Mom?" I started to ask, "because sis and I are twins shouldn't my eyes be blind too? Or hers be just fine?" My mother looked at me, "No that don't mean anything... I think, I'm not really sure," She looked behaind us to make sure we wern't going to run into anything and we were of.
When we got to the store I could see nothing but colours and people from tall to small, old to young. I don't think I have ever seen this many people before in one place! My mom and I started to run into the front. I didn't relize it but my mother got stuck were people didn't let her go though and I was runnning under the tall, curving around the small, and even kicking others just to get to the front. I laughed at the ones who thought it was someone eltse.
When I was finaly at the front of the line I saw about three people in suits getting redy to open the doors. As they opend them people started to really shove and poosh and I fell face first. I quickly got up and ran to glasses, though they didn't looks like glasses, More like something in a movie! They would wrap all around your head and suck onto you. In the middle were you eyes would be, was a glass screen. I grabbed a pair and held on to them tight waiting for my mother. Wait, I don't need to wait! I ran to the cash register and gave them the glasses then paid, rushed out and looked for mother. I saw he come out of the store with some glasses in her hand."Hey, I thought I was buying?" Mom said, "Woops?" I laughed and we went into the car.
We got home and I ran to sis who was alredy up,I put the glasses on her as quick as I could so she didn't know what was happening then she would just start to see! I tightend them a little, "What are you doing?!?! Get off of me!" She yelled, "Don't worry, Its only me." I told her and turned on the switch in the back. I pulled her blue hair up and put it into a pony tail. I turned her around and looked at her. Through the glass, I could see her open her eyes and smile. Her smile was larger than anything eltse I have ever seen. I smiled back, "Why you smiling?" I asked her, "I can't belive this! I think... I can see know! My eyes, there working! I can't belive this! I have been curred sis!" She jumped up and huged me. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She yelled and stoped huging me to hug mom. "I'm glad your happy, I took the pair I bought and slipped them on and turned them on. "I've got some too!" I turned around after turning them on.
Blood splatted all over me and sis, I was shocked. My sister sqeesed my mother to death! I could see nothing other than blood splatter and guts on my sisters arms, I watched as she slowly turned around, She smiled, "Thank you for the gift, I can't give any more love so I guess I will just show my love by killing you!" She started to walk twords me with her arms out, "What are you doing?!? Your my sister! This isn't you! Stop It!" I yelled but she didn't stop, "Come sister, let me show my love..."
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