"finally, it's 8." i thought as i watched the clock. "they should be here soon."
as soon as i thought that i heard faint footsteps coming towards my room.
i looked towards my door as they came in. they have been helping me try and escape and it's going well. tonight's the night.
"hey Brian," i said welcoming Brian into my room.
"hey (Name), you ready?" they asked me quietly.
"yeah i'm nervous," i said sheepishly.
"don't be, we got this in the bag," Brian said giving me a thumbs up. i laughed at that.
after that they got under my bed but before they gave me a knife....well it was a plastic knife they stole with some foil on it to make it sharp and sturdy. they kept the pen they stole.
as the clock hit 9 i could just hear foot steps coming from down the hall heading to the room. within seconds she came in. it was just her tonight so that made it even easier. she came over to me and once she stopped in front of me Brian took action.
they shoved the pen into the lady's leg. she cried out in pain but i was quick to stop her. I held the knife to her throat. she had fear in her eyes. Brian got out from the bed as I was doing this and knocked her out. "come on, times wastin'" they said as they grabbed my hand.
we ran after. getting out was actually pretty easy. we picked a day where most of the workers were off. it would only be a matter of time before we would start to get chased, so we ran.
we got to the woods so we slowed down a bit. Brian helped me hide my tail and ears so I helped them hide their wings. it was easy because we both stole stuff from the people we knocked out. we never killed anyone. i was close to but i held back.
Brian got a skin tight sleeveless turtleneck shirt thing and a dark purple hoodie over it with ripped jeans and high tops (shoes). they also got a "Good Guys" hat.
i got a random t-shirt that had a baseball team on it, a black hoodie, jeans that are a little big on me and white dirty shoes. i got a beanie so it was easier for hiding my ears.
once i heard the sirens i told Brian and we started to run again. "i didn't think they would bring the police in. aren't they doing all the stuff they do illegally?" i ask confused to why there was police.
"they do do the stuff illegally but i have no idea why there are popo here. maybe they are looking for someone else?" they said pondering why there was police as they ran.
"yeah maybe," i responded continuing to run.
after awhile we had to stop. well Brian had to, i could have still ran for awhile but i knew i couldn't leave Brian. so we sat as hidden as we possibly can be.
"my friend should be here any minute so you'll be on your own from then on. i'll miss you," Brian said almost crying.
"i'll miss you too, hopefully we will see each other again," i said going in to hug my friend. as soon as we got done hugging Brian's friend appeared.
"alright well it's time for me to go for now, i'll see you later alright?" they asked me and i nodded. they got up and started to walk off. i watched them leave.
i stayed hidden for while.
i got up and started to walk. i felt like someone was watching me but i brushed it off as a raccoon or something.
i got stopped. someone had ahold of my arm. I spun my head around, surprised someone snuck up on me.
the person that stoped me was taller then me. it was obvious a man by the way he was built. i couldn't see his face over his dark navy blue mask he had on. it was dark so it was hard to tell anything but i could tell that it was navy blue.
there was some brown hair sticking out from under his hood and onto his mask. his grip was firm, but not to hurt me. but what made me shiver was the eyes. the eyes where black and what looked to me a black goo like consistency was coming out of the eye-holes like tears.
he was honestly terrifying. so i did what any logical person would do and ripped my arm out of his grip and ran.
as i was running i miss-placed my foot so it rolled and i fell, face first, into the hard ground. it hurt like hell. i groaned and tried to stand up but falling again and making the scratches on my hands, knees and face worse.
but the worse thing was that the dude caught me. as i was sitting up he laid a hand on my shoulder. more firm then the one that he put on my arm a minute ago.
"don't move, your hurt and you'll just make it worse," he said with a soft voice but it was ruff. he must not have spoken in awhile. "i'm not going to hurt you, let me help you,"
i let him pick me up off the ground, i was hurt and so i couldn't do anything about it. he put his arm around my back so it was hovering just above under my left armpit.
"may i?" he asked in his ruff but soft voice.
"yeah," i mumbled.
as soon as he put his hand on me he pulled me to him so i was leaning on him with his arm around me.
we started to walk right. it was like he was leading me somewhere but i didn't ask questions. i didn't even try to put weight on my right foot. it hurt as it is and i didn't want to mess it up any more.
after awhile a small cabin came into view. it was almost daylight so i could see it pretty well. we walked up to it and he got a key from his pocket and unlocked it and led me in.
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