CHAPTER 9 (Giraffy)
I inhaled sharply, as my eyes flew open, and I sat up straight. My head throbbed like crazy, and I was freezing. "Ah." I winced, as a sharp pain peirced my mind. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. A silver, metal door opened with a loud noise. Suddenly, I saw Minitoon come rushing down the stairs. He wasn't wearing his hat, which was crazy. And, he was wearing a new black belt with a... Lantern? Attatched to it. He came rushing over to me, his eyes wide.
"G-Giraffy! Y-You're... You're awake!" He threw his arms around my long neck. I hugged his back.
"Yeah..." I said, a hint of pain in my tone. He let go after almost a whole 2 minutes. He held my shoulders, and looked me in the eyes.
"You okay?" He asked, concern and worry in his eyes.
"Sort of. My head hurts badly, and I'm freezing, but that hug warmed me up quite a bit, so thank you." I smiled.
"No problem. Come on, I'll go get you a blanket, and you can enjoy a nice hot chocolate, yeah? Sound good?" He asked.
I nodded enthusiasticly in reply.
"Great, great." He said. I got off the bed I was previously laying on. He wrapped his arm around my back, and walked with me on my Left. I just put my Right hand over my Left, and bent over slightly. We made it all the way upstairs, and I sat down on the couch. "This is excellent!" Minitoon shouted, sounding ecstatic. "I can't believe you've recovered! The others are gonna be SO happy!" He beamed. He went into a wooden room, then came out with a grey blanket. He passed it to me. I wrapped it around me, as though I was in a cocoon, and immediately felt better. I layed down, resting my head in the Left armrest. I closed my eyes, until Minitoon said:
"Here ya go!" I sat up, and opened my eyes, I took the steaming white mug filled with hot chocolate with both hands. I blew on it, then took a sip. Almost immediately, warmth spread throughout my body, and my taste buds jumped for joy.
"Good?" He asked.
"Excellent." I beamed at him. "What day is it? What time is it?" I asked. Minitoon spun on his heel, and looked at something above a door. "It's Friday, and it's half past eight in the morning." He said.
"Man, I've been knocked out for a day." I frowned.
"That's good. We thought you'd be knocked out for at least a week. You're SO strong, Giraffy." He assured me, rubbing my Left shoulder. That did not make me feel any less worse.
"Yeah. Strong." I spat the words as though they were toxic, and I had to get them out of my voice box as soon as possible.
"I'm not lying. Most... Animals, would be knocked out for a week, maybe even more. But, you sure showed time." Minitoon said, sitting down on my Left.
"Whatever, Mini." I said sadly, then I finished my beverage.
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