CHAPTER 5 (Georgie)
I heard the engines turning on, I looked outside a window and saw us moving slowly towards the ocean. The Will Jet at the side of us, did the same, it tried to copy our pace, which was good. Then, we reached the water, suddenly we were lifted into the air. I ran back to see and grabbed Zee's hand. She gasped in fright. Then our submarine dived into the water, with The Will Jet following it. Soon, we were riding through the ocean, I saw loads of seaweed and sea stones. It was kind of beautiful. Then, me and Zee walked into our new bedroom and locked the door. There was a magic wardrobe that had an endless supply of clothes. There was also a king/queen- sized bed for us. The covers were blue, the pillows were pink, the actual bed was black and the mattress was white. I went over and opened the wardrobe. I got changed into some blue and black spotty pyjamas. Zee got changed into some pink and black spotty pyjamas. I got in the bed at the right side, facing the black wall, and Zee got in the bed at the left side. A bit of silence...
"Hey, Georgie." Zee said.
"Yeah." I yawned.
"Do you ever think about life before the infection? About our school friends, about our teachers, about our neighbours... About our families... About your family?" Zee asked. My mind always drifted to that subject in the night and I always tried to stop thinking about it by singing songs. Such as, Let go, or Washed Clean by The River.
"All the time... But, I wish I didn't." I replied.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because it just makes me sad, it makes me wish I could turn back time, makes me wish that I had stopped my parents and sister from going to that cursed hospital. It makes me think about all the good times and how those are gone." I said, tears forming in my eyes.
"I do as well, and I just miss my parents so much, I want to speak to them, now that I can speak, but I know I can't... Because... Because I'd just be talking to two mindless monsters." She said sadly. I turned to face her, tears were now rolling down both of our cheeks.
"At least I have you." We both said at the same time. Then I entwined my fingers into her finger spaces for both of her hands she did the same with my hands. With our hands and arms in front of our chest, we became closer and closer to eachother, until our foreheads touched. I could feel myself blushing, and Zee was blushing too. Then our lips locked... Connected... Met, but this kiss felt different from the others, because we were happy, sad and in love all at the same time. We stayed that way for ten seconds, then we pulled away and our hands stopped touching. Zee wiped my tears away, and I did the same to her. We were now smiling.
"I love you, my little piggy." Zee said
"I love you too, my little foal." I said. Then I wrapped my arms around her, and she did the same, in a hug. We closed our eyes, and we drifted off to sleep...
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