I knocked on, Kona's office door.
"Come in." Kona's voice said. I opened the door, and entered, Kona was sat at a table, writing notes down on a blue piece of paper. Behind him, were, eight, giant metal capsules.
"So, I was thinking..." I started.
"Yes?" He, asked looking at me.
"Well... How are, we supposed to sneak into Shardantus's palace, in this HUGE BOAT! AND THE, WILL JET!?"
"Well, I'm glad you mentioned that actually, Pony." He pulled out a remote, with a bunch of buttons, out of his pocket. He turned around in his chair, and pressed a red button, aiming the remote at the capsules, the shutters, opened. Inside were metal suits. I saw, an obsidian black, and neon orange, suit. A helmet, with glowing, neon orange eyes, in the middle of the body, was a glowing orange carrot, and parts of the legs, and shoes, had glowing neon orange stripes. Next to it, attached to the, wall, was an obsidian black, and neon orange sword, it was like an improved version of my previous wooden sword. Next to that suit, the others, were also obsidian black, but neon purple, and pink, blue, and yellow. With, fencing poles, a bat, a spiky, bat and a pickaxe.
"WHOAH! ARE THOSE-" I exclaimed.
"Metal, high tech, diver suits... Yep." Kona interrupted.
"Had, a, little help from, William, Tigry and Mimi, and yes those suits are for the original seven safe place group, including you, they are specifically, designed, so, no... Tech... Tracker can track them, which also means they can't track you... But unfortunately, I can't promise that magic won't be able to track them. " He replied.
" Ok, should I tell the rest? " I asked.
" Leave, it until tomorrow, right now we're on course for Fito Village, a fisherman village, for supplies. " He replied.
" Oh, o-" BOOM! The room shook, me and Kona, were thrown to the floor. An alarm went off. I heard The Sub Will Jet being activated. Tigry ran into the room.
" Are you guys ok? " He helped us up.
" Apart, from a headache I'm good. "
" My elbow's bruised now. " We replied.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"We're under attack by... A... A... Crazy, wolf, terrifying... Thing!" He replied.
"No, idea, what you just said but ok." I felt, an electric blast, rush over me, it made my hair stand on end. "Did you guys feel that?"
"What, was it?"
"Felt, like, an electric blast." Kona replied. Then we heard, Willow scream, in pain.
"WILL!" Tigry ran, out the room. Reluctantl, I followed...
*Leyamr elsrul! *
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