Daniel James Howell
"Trust me, you're the most extraordinary person there is."
THE MINUTE WE ENTERED FLORAL CITY, I WAS IN AWE. It was like we were on a vacation, this city was truly perfect. Petals fell from the flowers that grew on the trees. They were pure white, and mimicked snow. It was more magical than snow for me, it made me feel magical.
"Isn't it beautiful here?" I asked Phil hoping he would agree. He nodded but he didn't seemed as fascinated.
"It's cool, but nothing new. I always come here." He waved off. I had my brother's beanie that I had taken from the belongings that were returned to me by Zoë. I was heartbroken to learn my family didn't love me, that no one did, but I got over it. How would I expect someone to like me when I hated everything? The only people I honestly like is Phil and Zoë. That's all.
"My parents come here too, with my brother." I added to the conversation.
"Why didn't you ever come with them?" He asked in curiosity and I shrugged.
"They said they only had money for three people." I admitted shyly.
"Why didn't they bring you one summer, and your brother the next?" He questioned, perplexed. It's because they don't like me and love my brother, no one likes me. Just you, I think. That would be my answer but I wasn't looking for pity, or for him to see me as a depressed fool.
"I don't know." It seemed good enough, I don't want to defend my family in any way and I don't want pity. The answer was perfect in my opinion.
"Well we need to get back quick. Everyone has group training." He changed the subject with ease.
"Why don't they make me train?" I was confused, even if they wanted to unlock the gene wouldn't they make sure I had the ability to keep myself safe.
Phil shrugged. "Everyone has to train because they need to protect you. You don't have any powers yet so there isn't going to be much training."
"Oh..." I sighed in defeat. I felt like a baby again, just like how my mother would treat me. I hated that feeling, I needed to start training and to get that I had to confront Elizabeth.
"We should head back to camp or else Elizabeth will think we ran away." Phil suggested and I agreed. We began to make our way back to the campsite, Phil looked over our shoulder to make sure no one would follow us.
"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" ELIZABETH ASKED, NO ONE else was at the camp, only Troye. I expected that though, Troye doesn't seem like the type to explore. He was leaned against a tree with a lazy smirk on his lips. He had the power to mind control, and something else. I just had to find out that something else.
"Sorry, we needed a walk. Dan wanted to explore the city." Phil apologized for me, I stayed quiet. Elizabeth was the most intimidating person I had ever met, she gave us both a stern look.
"Don't go exploring without telling us next time. Dan-" I can't believe Phil just told her my name, "if you want to explore you can ask one of the members of CP to take you with my permission." She told me. Oh, so they call themselves CP for short, then again saying Coven's Promise every time would be annoying.
"Fine." I replied with a bit of attitude. Phil stared at Elizabeth before speaking up.
"He's just having a bad day." He cut in, and I stared at him in anger. I didn't need him telling her what I mean and apologizing for me.
"I'm not a kid, I don't need you doing things for me." I spat giving a look of rage before I walked off. He immediately sped up to where I angrily began to stomp my way back to the tents.
"Dan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I just don't want you getting in trouble." Phil spoke frantically, biting the nail of his thumb. I stopped in my tracks and decided to give him a piece of my mind.
"Listen Phil, I know I don't have powers and no one will let me train to defend myself but I don't need you protecting me like I'm helpless. I'm not a fucking child, I'm almost an adult. I can speak for myself, that's what my voice is for." I yelled at him, his blue eyes widened as nervousness began to show on his features. He bit off his nail, and his eyebrows furrowed as he stumbled over his words.
"I just...I wanted to...it's j-just...I'm sorry." His voice broke, looking at me in frustration. He shifted on his feet as he waited for me to answer.
"Just...I'm sorry, I just don't like being treated like I'm weak. I'm sick of it, my parents did it to me for all my life...just don't baby me okay?" I apologized myself, seeing him falling apart in front of me just made me feel guilty.
"Okay." He relaxed, his body lost it's tense stance. "I promise." He spoke again, I studied him and he looked like he was trying to memorize the information.
"Phil it's fine, I just freak out way too much. I'm still getting use to this friend thing." I excused myself, and he smiled.
"We're friends?" He asked in excitement. With a tight nod I confirmed his question, it made me feel a bit happier. He was excited to be my friend? I wasn't anything special, no matter what everyone in CP is saying, I don't feel special.
"Of course we are, you activated the alarm." I reminded him. He smiled at me, staring deep in my eyes. I smiled back and we remained that way, smiling at each other. "By the way, how was this alarm activated? I have to ask Elizabeth about this." I changed the subject quickly.
"It isn't an alarm, it's more like the minute you made the bond the witches would sense the gene was being used." Phil explained.
"Witches?" I questioned, witches didn't exist. Even though this group was called Coven's Promise, I surely believe witches are behind it.
"Yeah, if the bond is made, the witch can detect it. Elizabeth's witch friends who are loyal to CP informed them as soon as possible when the gene was activated." Phil cleared it up, how much Elizabeth tell him? She trusts him way more than me.
"What about the government? Are there government witches?" I asked, right now Phil is the only one who can give me answers.
"Witches don't work for the government. They loathe them. The government had probably made a machine that copies the witch's ability to sense the gene or they have a witch hostage." I grew envious, CP gave him all that information but didn't even tell me what our plan was in Floral City. I had to pester Zoë about that.
"How come Elizabeth gives you all this information?" I huffed in envy.
"No one told me." He spoke immediately after I was done talking. His eyes widened and I saw him swallow the newly formed lump in his throat.
"What? Then how did you..." I trailed, and he desperately looked around for some answer.
"I was listening in when I wasn't suppose to." He admitted with a guilty expression. I rolled my eyes, he looked like I caught him red handed.
"It's fine, I won't tell unless you tell me all the information as well." I bargained.
"Fine." He agreed swiftly. "Anyways I wanted to know if you want to...uh...I don't know how to...I-I mean only if you-"
"Come on, spit it out." I urged him and he blushed, avoiding eye contact with me.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to train with me? I could ask Elizabeth but I think maybe you wanted to ask her, and as an adult you should. I'm not babying you just-"I wasn't even sure if this was a proposal to train or him trying to defend himself for something he didn't do. However, his nervousness and inability to ask me a simply question causes me chuckle. He immediately looked at me curiously.
I nodded, an amused grin made its way to my face. "You can ask, Elizabeth scares me. I'd love to train with you."
"Oh thank god, I almost melted on the spot." He wiped away imaginary sweat from his forehead.
"I'm nice Phil, I'm not a complete asshole. I just got mad." I said, shoving his shoulder playfully. He giggled, moving his hands to cover his mouth. It looked pretty cute.
I called him cute, that's normal. I can admire someone's attractiveness without liking them. I don't like him, we're just friends. Nothing more. I don't want more anyways, I barely know him. I just think it's cute when he stumbles over his words trying to talk to me, and that his laugh was cute too. His personality wasn't too bad either, he liked me as a person. He's the first I think, from what I'm told. I like hanging around him, that's all.
Shit, I think I'm starting to like him.
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