'Philanthropist of the year.'
Oh, sweet god. I hated waking up early in the morning. It was such a nuisance.
"What?" I echoed as Arijit took his seat on the breakfast table. "What is it?" I wiped the sleep off of my eyes and trudged towards the breakfast bar where my father was seated.
"It's too early for you to be yelling," Arijit growled and looked at Dad. "Where did you even pick this shit from? He's a waste of..." He glanced over at me. "Everything."
I narrowed my gaze on him. "Ah, the smartest, aren't you?" I took my seat across from him on the table. "It's unimpressive how long it took you to figure that out."
"Enough with the two of you," Dad intervened and Arijit glared at me. "Don't you have a business to tend to?"
I was in awe of my father for finally taking my side for once. In his eyes, I was still the immature kid who was incapable for the world.
"Exactly Arijit," I mocked him and watched his jaw clench. "Aren't you too busy to lock horns with me?" Arijit had issues even if I so much as breathed. He was the only person who made me question my existence.
"Fucking prick." He banged his fist hard enough for the cutleries to rattle on the table. "I'm at least busy doing something, what are you doing?"
"Defending myself from your lunacy, for one," I scoffed and grabbed an avocado from the Elido antique bowl. "Why did you wake me up so fucking early?"
"Language." Dad's reminder was harsh and low, and at the same time, Arijit said, "What do you mean by early? This is the right time to wake up."
"For someone who has to run business," I muttered and stabbed the knife in the fruit. "That ain't me."
His jaw twitched. "So you're planning on doing nothing and sleep for hours straight?" He drank juice from his glass and scowled at me. "Every fucking person in this house is doing something and all you do is simply exist."
"And that bothers you," I chuckled and bit on the avocado. "Come on, be a lad and admit it. You don't want to work but you have to because you're concerned about your social standing and you hate it that I have everything easy for me."
"You're not even my blood to feel anything for you," he bit out and I stopped chewing my food. I refused to show him that his words affected me. I liked to believe that it didn't but it was a lie. I didn't expect my father to intervene this time. He seconded him. "So go ahead and tell me how you have it easy when none of it is yours, to begin with."
I swallowed my food and smirked. "Ah, so that's why you're so pissed? All because you have to work and I still get everything easy when I'm not even your blood." That was a routine I never got used to. "That sure sounds like a load."
He glared at me and averted his gaze on Dad. "Why do we even have him anymore? I understood Mom wanted another kid but we could've had anyone and you chose this worthless piece of shit?"
I glanced at my father's indifference from the corner of my eyes and chuckled. "How else would you gain sympathy and a reputation? I'm a little offended you think you get nothing out of my existence." I curled my lips to mock him. "Take, for example, last night you were so keen on introducing me to those people. Look how good of a man you are, adopting an orphan and taking him under your wing. You're the philanthropist of the year." Or that's what he wanted people to believe around him.
"And he isn't even grateful for the life we provide," he continued to accuse me in front of Dad like a five-year-old. Arijit was a pesky fucker I fancied upon-I pictured breaking his face and that image was indeed priceless.
"You should be grateful I have been so patient with you."
His gaze halted on me as he jerked to his feet and roared, "What do you mean by that?"
"Stop being a fucking neanderthal," I muttered and pushed to my feet. "And cut down on the play pretend. You don't fool anyone." I wanted to wake my mother up but I'd figured a walk in the city would do the trick.
"Apologize to your brother," Dad demanded gruffly and I averted my gaze on him. "Right this second."
"You want me to apologize to him?" Arijit was fucking offended and that showed. I pressed my lips to stifle somewhat a laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry." I shrugged and tossed the avocado in the air. "Don't worry. Your precious ego is very dear to our father, isn't that right, Dad?" My vanity belonged to nowhere-Arijit made sure I was reminded every single day of my life. "You can go fuck yourself now." I caught the fruit and strode out of the property silently.
I rather preferred my apartment in the city than the main property-it was friendless but any place was better without Arijit. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I trudged out. The city noises soon enveloped me. The faint smoke in the morning air and the smell of the city rolled into my senses. I liked the condos-the thrumming energy of the city always found a way to reach me, especially when I was feeling down.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I answered the line mindlessly. "Hey, stranger!" Maira's voice was chirpy and I winced to her pitchy tone.
"What's up?" I kicked a rock on the road and sighed to the distant sirens blaring as they neared.
"Where are you?" she asked and my fingers curled into a fist in my pocket. "Kunal?"
"Ah, just out in the city for a walk." I blocked the rays of the morning sun with my hand against my forehead as I glanced at either side of the road. "Why, what's going on?"
"Won't you be late for the classes?"
I jogged across the street haphazardly and dodged a fucking Audi. "What's with the inquisition?" I breathed harshly and leaned against the wall of a condo. I heard her chuckle.
"Why are you always so jumpy?" It was starting to feel a lot like a round of stupid twenty-questions. I huffed and began to stroll towards my apartment building. "Anyways, I was wondering if you're up for this party tomorrow night."
I halted to let a fellow pedestrian jog with her dog past me. Man, she had some whooping ass! "What party?" I asked airily, still checking her out. I loved the city for the exotic ladies-the variety was a fucking cleanse to my palate.
"You don't know?" Her inquisition drew me out of my silent moment and I began to stroll again. "Oh Aagnay is throwing this party and everyone is invited."
"I'm pretty sure everyone doesn't include me," I told her as I began to jog. Damn. The air against my sweat misted face felt so good.
"Are you kidding me?" She was pitchy all over again and I scowled to the line. I'd wondered if she'd done that on purpose. "Ella is my best friend and you're my plus one."
She had no idea I was the last person Bhasin wanted to see at his party. I pictured him losing his nuts and thought that was fucking hilarious. "Right, count me in." I'd admit it was tempting to set his balls on fire. "Text me the address and time and I'd pick you from your place?"
She squealed like a moronic child and I drew the phone away from my ear. "You got it." I heard her distant voice and rolled my eyes. "See you at the campus later?" She didn't wait for my returning answer and disconnected the line.
Ah, well she was worth fooling around with and that was all I was concerned with anyway. I sighed and hailed a cab to my apartment building later after grabbing a cup of coffee on the go.
"Your father has been too easy on you," Mom muttered as she served food on my plate and I hooded my eyes on her. She peered at me before she took her seat. "What are you gaping at? Every day I have to wake up to see those grotesque things on your skin."
I rolled my eyes. "Those 'grotesque things' are called tattoos." I poured myself a mug of coffee. "You wouldn't understand, it's art."
"Art, my foot," she bit out icily and dug into her food. "I can't even introduce you to anyone without completely embarrassing myself."
"Then you don't have to." I faked a mocking smile and she glared at me.
"Of course, right." Her voice was lost in the rattle of the cutleries and I frowned at her. "Why would you be concerned? It isn't like you care about the image both of us have to work for every single day. All you have to do is dishonor us in every possible way you can."
"Correction, on you," I snapped and pushed the fork full of scrambled eggs into my mouth. "Dad is pretty cool with everything."
"Don't you dare defy me," she snapped back and I chewed my food silently. "I have asked you time and again to do something about your appearance but no! Why would you do that? You have to hope for people to love you for your money."
I laughed hysterically but she didn't stop glaring at me. "So people loving my appearance isn't all that superficial but loving my money is? Jesus, Ma, you have quite some notion going on."
"What did I tell you about that tone?"
I dropped the fork on the porcelain plate with a clatter. "You want me to sit here quietly and listen to your ridiculous ideas then I'm sorry, I can't. The kinds of beauty standards that you try to establish are a tad impossible for me."
"At least get a spa," she told me lowly. "Girls your age kill for salon appointments."
"Except I'd kill for appointments with tattoo artists instead," I shot back and she sighed. "Why can't you just let me be?"
"Because I know you will never get an incredible man to be with you." She didn't mean to sound offensive but she did and I should have cared but I didn't. My dynamics with my mother were disrupted a long time ago and I was used to her morning banters. "Look at Ella and Aagnay. She is so beautiful-so perfect and look what she found instead-the best bachelor this town has."
I scoffed. "I wouldn't have agreed to be with that uptight asshole anyway." Ella and Aagnay were the real talks of our circle. Everyone was thrilled to know that they were finally together because they deserved each other. "That guy isn't even my type."
"Nobody marries for their type," Mom snapped and I gawked at her. "People get married for security and other aspects that are completely beyond you."
"Easy for you to say," I mumbled and took another bite of my food. "You scored the best guy there is."
She rolled her eyes just to ignore blushing and I thought that was adorable. "That's because I wasn't looking for 'my type'. I was looking for a man who had everything. If you at least try to understand that then you'd know that you have to be perfect if you want a perfect man." She went from adorable to freaking annoying under a whole minute.
"Can we not do this?" I bit out and she sighed exasperatedly. "I have to leave for college. Let me live."
"Live like the spoilt brat that you are?" she snapped back and I groaned lowly. "Do you see any of your friends taking their life so rashly as you do?" I opened my mouth to answer and shut up when she continued. "No. They value and understand where they come from. They don't take their family for granted and learn to obey because they know at the end of the day it's always going to be about their parents fixing their lives."
"And when is it gonna be about my life? Do I not get to live or do things the way I want?"
"Obviously, after you get married, everything is going to be about you." She stopped making sense altogether. I was sick and tired of her. That woman didn't stop and I didn't have my father around to stop her either.
I narrowed my gaze on her. "And that isn't absurd at all?"
"That's the way of the world," she roared and I pursed my lips. "You have to live by that because everyone isn't your mother. Nobody will buy your antics and you will be the last person suffering from so much misery, you'd think dying is a better option."
I arched a brow at her. "All because nobody will marry me?"
She sighed and looked away. "Listen, Maira, can you please stop for once?"
"Stop what exactly?" I asked bewildered and drank my cooling coffee.
"Stop acting like this world works according to you." She pressed her fingertips against her temples and closed her eyes briefly. "You can't keep rebelling your way out of everything. It's childish and not to mention very annoying. Your tantrums have been a real pain lately and I can't keep doing this."
"Then don't," I told her fiercely. "You don't have to. It's my life and I want to live it the way I want. You have nothing to worry about."
She glared at me icily. "Really?" she snapped. "Do you believe that you don't need your parents anymore?"
"Can you stop twisting it into something it's not?" Goddamn it. I was pissed. I wanted to get the hell out of my house and be with my friends. "I don't need your stupid conventional ways of living."
"These stupid conventional ways are the reason you're even here speaking with me." Boy was she mad. She was fuming and I knew I had to back down and let all of it slide like Dad would have wanted but I couldn't. I wasn't going to retreat. "If I were so conventional, you'd have been at a convent in god knows where away from us or in a reform school where they would have taught you the right ways of life."
"Jeez, Mom thanks!" I snorted and pushed to my feet. "Let me go grab the 'Mom of the year' award for ya."
"I'll have to speak with your father about your attitude," she barked and I fetched my bag from the chair beside me. "You have been going way out of line."
"And speak about what? Give me ultimatums? Get me on house arrest? When do you ever stop treating me like a goddamn child?"
"If you don't want me to treat you like a child then you better start acting like a goddamn adult, do you hear me?" My hooded gaze met her glassy glare and she sighed. She was a pain in my behind. "Have you known other children who take that tone with their mother? I let you do that because I know how much your voice means to you Maira but all you have ever done is, see me like some villain to your story."
"That's only because you never let me decide anything for myself! What kind of parent does that?" I shot back and she crossed her arms over her chest. My mother looked like she'd kick me out of the house.
"Haven't you noticed?" she asked and I slung my bag over my shoulder. "Every one of us."
"Stop being so typical, Ma," I grumbled and she rolled her eyes. "Dad will be back by evening yeah?" I asked and she nodded in agreement. "Let's do this later then when he's around so things won't be so crazy."
"Yes, by all means. The moment Robert is back, I'm telling him all about you." Like that was going to stop me from doing whatever the hell I wanted to. My father was the coolest man and we outnumbered Mom every time. In my head, it was a fun little game we played together but there were also times when my mother was downright overbearing and I hated that.
I smacked my lips for an air kiss. "Sure," I told her and tied the shoelaces quickly. "I'll be thrilled to hear you guys out. Now can I just go?"
"Be safe," she said softly and smiled anyway. "And don't eat too much junk. You're gaining weight. We'll have to fix that." Jesus. She was one hell of a woman. I remained silent as I heard the distant honk of the car and bolted out immediately.
"You ladies up for some aromatherapy this evening?" Ella inquired and I tore my gaze away from the screen of my phone. "It's been a while since I've done it."
"You did that last week if I remember correctly." I browsed through Kunal's social media handle. "Besides, why do you need it?" I glanced at the rear mirror to note her reaction.
"What do you mean?" Ella scowled with her eyes on the road. "Aroma therapies are so good. Your soul needs it."
"I'm sure your soul is high on meth if it needs aromatherapy," I jibed and she glared at my reflection in the rear mirror. I'd had enough glaring eyes on since the morning.
Vaanya chuckled. "Stop messing with her!" She nudged my shoulder and I smirked. "I think it sounds awesome Ella. We can also hit the mall if you want."
I shifted on my seat and leaned forward towards them. "It's just an apartment party. Why do you guys have to make it sound like a fucking wedding?"
"Oh honey, it's not just a party-it's the party!" Ella said and Vaanya winked at me. I gaped at her and then rolled my eyes. "It's the first part of the season and I want everything to be perfect."
"Including the after-party." I scoffed and Ella laughed.
"Especially the after-party," she corrected and I leaned back to my seat. Vaanya shifted on her seat to face me.
She scowled at me. "What's up? Don't tell me you're not up for it."
"I don't know..." I tugged on my lip ring lightly and felt her eyes boring on me. "I'm not exactly sure how I fit into that plan. It's too feminine for me."
I watched Ella's reflection in the wing mirror as she scrunched her nose. "You're no fun M." At the same time Vaanya grumbled, "But I want you there with us." She looked at me with her doe eyes and I arched a brow up challengingly.
Upon noting my indifference, "You're coming with us," Vaanya demanded and averted her gaze on the street. "No questions asked."
"I'll think about it," I promised and browsed through Kunal's social media handle discreetly as Ella and Vaanya indulged in an indistinctive conversation.
Hello Darlings!
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