Flawless façade.
The hum of buzzing murmurs of fellow students in the hallway is disdainful as I traipse to the first floor of the college building. I ignore the mocking glances and condescending laughs as I pass them and catch the girls in one of the corners at the end of the hallway.
Maira is the only one who seems impassive and unmoved by the frenzy of our peers. I wave at them as they spot me and proceed to them.
"Ellakshi Ahuja, Vaanya Mittal, Maira Anthony, and Sambhavna Gupta, please report to the dean's office." I halt in my tracks as the speaker booms with our names and Maira curses under her breath. "I repeat, report to the dean's office immediately."
The roar of mocking laughter in the hallway abashes me to my core, so much I'd crawl out of my skin. I feel my cheeks flush and my throat constricts as unease settles in my gut like a sinking anchor in the ocean.
"Took them long enough," Ella mutters, tossing her blowdried hair before she begins to saunter to the dean's office.
"I've never been called to the dean's office before," I whisper as I catch Maira's hand and she snorts. "Except for the times they had something to congratulate me for."
"You know what they say, it never rains but it pours," Maira draws her phone out of her back pocket and we follow Ella. "I'm gonna make a quick call before we make it to the office, yeah?"
"I don't know why they want to see me though," Sam says as she jogs to me to match my pace and I shrug offhandedly.
Ella pivots to face us and we halt abruptly. Her lips twitch to a snide smirk before she asks, "If they dare to summon me, then where do you think that leaves you S?" She arches her brow disparagingly for her to answer and I purse my lips, looking away. Why am I always stuck in these awkward situations?
My head turns slowly to look at Sam as she giggles and my jaw drops. Did she just manage to dodge Ella's jibe? "Please E, you're nothing more than basic bitch." She rolls her eyes and I'm agape. "I mean-you do sleep around with other men just because your boyfriend's junk isn't enough for you. And I thought I should be ashamed for live camming."
Oh. My. Gosh. I-whoa.
"So your image is in shambles E, at this point..." Sam looks at her pumps and then her gaze wanders to her face slowly, almost derisively. "You're as much a nobody as I am."
"You spineless moronic bitch," Ella seethes, squaring her shoulders rigidly. "How dare you?" Sam shrugs ignorantly and skates to the dean's office, knocking the wind out of me. What the fuck just happened?
"Can you believe her nerve?" Ella snaps at me and I roll my eyes, holding my hand up near her face before she could continue.
"I'm not really in the mood right now," I say point-blank, and glance to check up on Maira only to find her still occupied in her call. I sigh softly and avert my gaze on Ella. "I guess we should get going. It's gonna take her a while."
Dean Roberts is a stout man with a dust of salt and pepper hair. His smiling eyes greet us the moment we step into his office and find him across his ebony desk and ergonomic chair. "Ah, there you are girls, how's it going for you today?"
"Why did you summon us?" Ella asks without a preamble and I smile sweetly at him to offer a silent greeting.
"Oh hey, I completely missed you there." I turn to face Sam, standing at the corner of the room and she scoffs.
"Of course you did. Gee. Thanks," she says in a tone that's rather depricating and I don't know what has gotten into her lately.
"Relax, I didn't call you in to berate you for any reason," Dean Roberts says, snapping my attention onto him.
"You didn't?" Ella makes herself comfortable, plopping on the couch at the other end of the room, and crosses her long legs with elegance. "Oh, goodie! I thought I had to pitch in my father's interruption to this meeting."
Dean Roberts isn't stupid because it doesn't take him long to read between the lines-meaning-My father is the Mayor and he can shut this place down in the matter of public opinion if you screw with me. And that's how ladies and gentlemen, Ella manages to never lose. He lets out a chuckle and rises to his feet, unbuttoning his suit jacket casually as he slides across the desk.
"I wanted to ask how you're doing," he says placidly and Ella lifts a shoulder incredulously. "Do you girls know who is doing this to you?"
"Do you think we'd be here if we did?" Ella shoots and he nods silently. He then looks at me and I smile weakly, feeling hell embarrassed to be with him in the same room. He must think so low of me.
"It has come to my attention that your grades have been acquired immorally and you know our college has a zero-tolerance policy for such acts. Would you like to come forward and confess it?" I'm lost for a moment that I can only hear my breaths wheezing out of me as my heart thuds in my chest.
"Confess what exactly?" I ask sceptically, my brows furrowing in absolute bewilderment.
"That you were induced to compromise with the concerned professor. He will hand in his resignation and you can rehash your tests again."
Oh my- "But that's not what happened. It was-"
"Everybody makes mistakes Vaanya. You don't have to be scared of him. His actions have repercussions and he will have to endure every bit of it," he says placidly. "You have my word." It feels like he is feeding me those words, compelling me with his pinning gaze and creating a narrative of his own.
I open my mouth to protest and come clean about what went down with the professor but shut up as the door flies open and Maira trudges in. "So..." She locks the door and leans her back against it, crossing her arms on her chest. "Are we squaring it off with a retest or what?"
"It's settled then," Dean Roberts beams as though he just closed a negotiation and I scowl at Maira. Her eyes are deadpan, signifying that she has been pulling strings all along since the word got out. "Your schedules will be mailed to you right on time."
"Good," Maira mutters and my chest deflates. They decided everything without even asking me.
Sam looks confounded. "Wait, then why am I here?" she asks and I avert my gaze on him.
He strokes his stubble for a silent beat before he says, "Those posts have managed to catch a lot of attention and it's creating quite a buzz among the students. I-"
"Students are toads," Maira scoffs nonchalantly. "So what, it has? It isn't like it's our fault someone is targeting us."
The dean is taken aback by her admission and he sighs. "I didn't mean to imply that."
"If you're so concerned about the commotion, then you should do something about it, isn't that right, Dean Roberts?" Ella inquires and he remains silent for a hot second before he nods in agreement. "Brilliant!" Ella chirps, rising to her feet. "It's always a pleasure speaking with you Dean Roberts. Have a wonderful day!" She begins to exit the room and Sam's jaw has dropped on the floor. Right Sam, welcome to our world! Rich, affluent, and fabulous. Nothing can touch us. Not even ourselves.
The dean seems thrilled as Maira unlocks the door and Ella skirts out, next follows Sam and I gape back and forth between Maira and him. Not knowing what else to say, "I'm so sorry Dean Roberts. It won't happen again," I vow and that does ease him a lot more. "What the hell Maira?" I whisper-shout as we walk out of the room and she locks the door behind with a soft thud. "Why won't you let me admit what truly happened?" I'm furious. I hate that she is abusing her position like this. It's only because of this; an innocent man will lose his job.
"Admit what?" she bites out gruffly and my scowl deepens. "Do you want this to officially get out?"
"Uh guys, not here," Sam side steps to gently remind us and we waste no time to head to one of the ladies'.
I toss my bag on the counter after Sam locks the door and Ella squeezes into one of the stalls without saying a word.
Maira props her hips against the edge of the counter, acting like everything is okay. "Everyone already knows about it. There's nothing we can do to wipe it off the records." I rub my temples to ease the dull ache that begins to jab in my head. "Do you realize that you've ruined a man's job? That guy did nothing wrong."
"Except screw with a student for grades!" Sam says and I glare at her icily.
"I don't need your rude input," I shoot harshly and she purses her lips. I turn to face Maira but my words never leave past my throat as she groans exasperatedly.
"Save your self-righteous bullshit," she snaps and I don't recognize this person anymore. What has gotten into her? "You and your pretty good shoes can only bawl your fucking eyes out when shit falls apart. Do you think that old man would give you a get-out-of-jail-free card just like that?" She scoffs, kicking her feet lightly as she leans away and steps closer to me. "Well, hear this Vaanya, you'd have been dumped out of this college in no time if I didn't save your sweet ass right on time. So perhaps the word you must be looking for is a simple 'thank you."
"Un-fucking-believable!" Ella snorts, stepping out of the stall and I gawk at her. "Even she has more brains than you do."
"And don't forget Ranveer though," Sam says and my chest deflates. "This is already too much for him. Another blow will tear you guys apart." Not like it hasn't already, I want to say but I keep that to myself.
"Although, I'm curious," Ella muses, tapping her forefinger against her chin mildly. "What's your excuse for a retake?" she asks and Maira smirks.
"Some rando needed cash and I was quick to help!" she shrugs as it happens very often. "You know I never turn down a charity case. It was all him and not me." She winks and Ella chuckles.
"You're devious M." Her tone is laced with so much joy and pride as though it's the best thing to do. As though everything is perfect in the world and they don't give a damn about it.
"Wow, shit comes real easy to you guys," Sam mumbles as Ella washes her hands and Maira winks at her, tugging her lip ring, and as for me, I only agree to this because I can't afford more damage.
If I get out of this college, it will be the end of me-with my insane family and Ranveer and I falling apart, college is my last saving grace and I can't screw it up.
"And don't you ever forget that S," Ella coos, applying some mascara to her thick lashes. "Don't you ever forget who I am."
"I heard you were called to the dean's office this morning," Mayank says, setting his stylus on the desk and I pick on a loose thread on the hem of my leather skirt mindlessly. "What did he say?"
"He was pretty quick to judge me for diving into this madness headfirst," I begin to say and snort. I'm just glad the girls weren't around when the dean and I had the chat. I thought he was more than willing to expel me when I walked into his office but he sure did surprise me.
Mayank nods in silence and taps on the screen of his iPad. "Maybe he is concerned about you," he asserts and I avert my gaze on his magnificent face.
"I think he was implying that I shouldn't be sucked into this gossip vortex or something." I glance at him past my lashes and nibble on my bottom lip. "Said I'm too good of a student to be a part of this."
"Which isn't a lie," he says evenly and his lips curve to a breathtaking smile. My heart flutters in my chest. "You're very bright Sambhavna, brighter than your friends from what I found from your track records."
"I used to be a nerd," I mumble, propping my elbow on the little spot above my bent knee and look away. "But it dawned me sooner that, nerds are next to nobodies."
Maynak's gaze slides on me for a second too long and I feel my cheeks flush. "And you want to be somebody," he fills in and I nod before my mind could catch up.
"Somebody people would remember," I add and he leans back to his seat. "The dean told me that I should look out for myself." I roll my eyes and drum my fingers against my cheekbone. "I'm assuming, it's because I don't have a mayor daddy to cover my ass when shit goes down." He arches a brow intriguingly and I sigh audibly. "Sorry about that," I say sheepishly. My brain-to-mouth filter is hazardous.
He locks his iPad. "Are you jealous?" His attention is altered back on me.
I jerk startled by his blatant question. "Well, no-I mean..." My gaze wanders on the ancient carpet on the floor as I collect my thoughts. "Not really. It just seems unfair you know? I work so hard to get what I want and they don't have to," I grumble petulantly and he nods.
"That's only because you don't need that," he says softly and I look at him. "Your hard work often pays off, you should be proud of yourself."
"I am," I mutter more to myself and look away. His obsidian eyes douse a quiver in my tummy and I squirm inwardly to the invasive sensation. I wouldn't have believed he thinks so highly of me if it weren't for his raw admissions. "But either way, I adore them." My lips quirk to a gentle smile and our gaze holds. "We can go around bantering for hours straight but at the end of the day we are best friends!"
"You have so much light in you Sambhavna," he remarks, rising to his feet and I'll admit that makes me feel beautiful about myself. "That's a very sweet thing to say." He slides across the mahogany table and stands right in front of me.
I lift a shoulder meekly and blush."Thanks," I beam and lick my dried lips before I say, "I just really want to graduate and do something you know?" I finally meet his penetrating gaze. "So people won't remember me for my father," I rant, an ease washing over me as I vent out. "I don't want to be some Veronica Lodge cheap knockoff."
His gaze narrows on me confoundedly."Veronica who?"
I roll my eyes. "It's a fictional character-oh never mind." I wave my hand nonchalantly and he smirks. "Anyway, back to what I was saying, my father may not be a proud man but I can sure as hell make him a proud father." He saunters across the room towards me and takes his seat beside me on the couch. My skin tingles to the proximity of having him sit so close to me and I shift in my seat to face him.
"What was your favorite part of the morning today?" he asks, his voice reverbing through my senses like a haunting melody and I absorb a moment to think about that.
"Definitely the library," I answer and he arches his perfect brow in silent query. "I started reading this new book and it's worth my while." I chuckle and he smiles at me. I stare at my lap for an awkward beat. "What's your favorite kind of book?" I ask gingerly and he deliberates silently.
"The kind where the villains win," he says and I'm completely stunned by his reply. "They don't have a lot of works like that."
"I might know a few of 'em," I muse, fetching a bottle of water from my bag. "What's your favorite part of the day so far?" I ask fiercely, averting my gaze on him, and a flash of joy whirls behind his irises.
"Right now as we speak," he murmurs and I choke on my gasp harshly, coughing ridiculously and his head falls back as his laugh vibrates through his chest. Did he just fucking flirt with me? Damn. Am I high on substance I'm not aware of?
In another world, this might have been concerning and a corny attempt like that would have wierded me out but not this. This is exactly what I've been waiting for-albeit, it took him quite a while to open up. I drink from my bottle and his piercing gaze lingers on me, tingling my skin on a slow burn that I fail to ignore. "Your day must have been really hard if you call this..." I dart my gaze on the space between us and say, "Your favorite part."
"You'd be surprised just how hard," he chortles and I grin, placing my bottle of water back in my bag. I glance at my watch and mentally groan.
I push to my feet at once. "I should be going, I-" His torso brushes against mine, and a low moan escapes me shortly. I gasp again. "I'll be late for my class." My whisper is coarse and barely makes it past the lump that's lodged in my throat.
He leans closer to me, pinning me down with his gaze and I step back instinctively. "What's stopping you?" More like who is stopping me but I don't say that out loud, instead, I nod my head like a stupid chicken and get on my feet.
"Thank you for your time," I mutter and I'm out of the room before I could muster another ounce of courage to be bold.
"SO I TOLD HER THAT I'd rip her fucking hair out if she ever dares to cha...Sam? Sam, you there?" Maira's voice drags me out of my looming thoughts and I straighten in my seat instantly.
"Hey what's going on?" Vaanya asks as I tear the bag of chips open and munch on it. "You okay?"
"What do you think of a person who likes villains in a book?" My question is so out of context that now I have three pairs of brows frowning at me bewildered.
"A fucking psychopath," Ella is the first to break the silence and I roll my eyes. "Who likes villains in anything?"
"I don't know...realists?" Vaanya says and I'm curious about her theory. She catches my gaze and chuckles. "We often have villains more than friends, do we not?"
"Interesting," I whisper to myself as I nibble on another potato chip. "I never thought about it that way." A group of guys strolls by our table, howling laughter and talking amongst themselves. It doesn't take me long to realize they are Aagnay's friends but he is nowhere to be seen. "Hey E? Isn't Aagnay around in college today?"
"He decided to stay back for the day," she says indifferently, pushing her manicured fingers through her rich hair and I catch a guy waving at us. My eyes squint to gauge him and he flashes a mega-watt grin, his green eyes sliding on Ella. She waves at him with a tight smile and I cannot, for the life of me, ignore the awkward tension in here. I think his name is...ugh. Who cares?
"What was that about?" Vaanya elbows Ella and I never thought I'd live a day to see Ella flush.
As usual, she masks her classic poker face on in the next sec and tosses her hair. "Don't you have Ranveer's friends crushing on you secretly?" she fires instead and my eyes pop.
"How do you know he's crushing on you?" Vannya shoots back and at the same time, Maira scoffs, "Wow. Did you just take his name? What's up Ella? Your heart lost the edge for a change?"
I kick Maira's leg under the table and she snickers. "Do you guys need to constantly remind each other just how bad you are?"
Maira pulls her lip ring in between her teeth to hide her grin. "I don't know about you but Ella is the spawn of Satan."
"And you're not?" Ella fires back, arching a brow at her challengingly and Maira stares at her as though she is offended.
"Would you just stop with antics already?" Vaanya hisses under her breath and Ella's perfect pout curves to a lopsided smile. "You need to tell me about this person who likes villains," she demands, pointing her fork in my direction, and then she points it to Ella's. "And you need to tell me all about the guy crushing on you."
"Vaanya is the very definition of a buzzkill," Ella jibes, deflecting the subject, and Maira and I snicker in unison.
Anyone standing from afar, watching us like a hawk, stalking us, and spying on us would never guess how screwed up our lives are as we banter and laugh among ourselves with our flawless façade.
Hello Darlings!
I know, I know, nothing much happened in this chapter. This is the first one without a cliffhanger too. But I assure you that the stakes will rise in the next chapters to come.
Please let me know how you like this one? I'd love to know your thoughts about it.
Please don't forget to vote, comment and share and I'll catch you guys next time. Happy Sunday! <3
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