Chapter 2
"You need to find someone who makes you feel good about yourself." Check.
"Someone who sees your worth." Mina thought for a second. Yeah, check.
"Who tells you you're pretty and wants to spend all their time with you." No, not exactly. But maybe? Semi-check.
"Who would never hurt you." Check.
"Who loves you." Yeah, that's a definite no. But still, it was a nice thought.
Mina rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, imagining Bakugou saying those three words to her.
"I love you."
She shivered and flushed, turning back around and shoving her face in her pillow. No way had she just fallen for the one guy who probably didn't even have the capacity to love someone else.
No fucking way did that just happen.
It started off semi-small. Mina always felt emotions very strongly so by semi-small, I mean she just had an obsession.
Mina started to catch herself staring at Bakugou while he sat in class taking notes, or just sat there getting yelled at by Iida because his feet were propped up on his desk. If Bakugou so much as shifted in his seat, Mina's eyes were drawn to his desk and she would watch as he got into a more comfortable position. Anytime he spoke to her, butterflies would erupt in her stomach. He never brought up Kane, for which she was thankful, but also slightly disappointed in. She had felt closer to Bakugou that night then she ever had before. She had seen a side of him she had never seen before. A side she desperately wanted to see again, but she had a feeling she wouldn't be seeing again for a while.
She had imagined a scene in her head.
Bakugou sat alone on a stool in a brightly lit room. Next to him was a small coffee table and in the center of a table was a box. The box was open and that's where the light was coming from, bright enough to illuminate every shadowy corner of the room. It almost blinded Mina as she watched Bakugou sit quietly in his own bright light. The light represented his soft side, his happy side, his caring side. There was so much of it!
Then Bakugou stood and harshly snapped the chest shut, so only a few streams of light streaked his face as he sat back down carefully, resting in his chair once more. The room was now completely dark except those few strings of light casting lines on his face.
It was silly, but it made Mina feel good, so she allowed herself to imagine it like that.
"Oy! Are you deaf or something?" Bakugou asked, making small explosions in front of Mina's face again.
She jumped back, not because she thought Bakugou would actually hurt her, but because she was surprised.
"Oh! Sorry..." Mina rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, forcing herself to look away from Bakugou's bright ruby-like eyes.
"Yeah yeah. Shitty Hair wanted to ask you something." Bakugou gestured to the redhead who was watching Mina with a slightly concerned expression.
Kirishima shrugged it off when he remembered who it was he was worrying about. Mina was always distracted. By someone's hair or a pretty butterfly or a song that was stuck in her head or a crush or anything of the sort.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party Kami is hosting tonight. His room. We wanna play tons of games- but it wouldn't be as fun if you weren't there." Kirishima said, giving Mina puppy dog eyes.
Maybe... but I know Denki, he hates boring games. This'll be full of truth or dare, spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven-
"Who's going?" Mina asked, deftly watching Bakugou sulk away out of the corner of her eye.
"Oh you know... most of 1A. Mineta won't be there though." Kirishima said simply. "I'm dragging Bakugou's ass there, although he says, 'no I'm not going.'" The redhead pulled a face as he mocked his best friend who had managed to disappear efficiently.
"Right..." Mina felt her cheeks start to heat up at the thought of playing those types of games with Bakugou in the room and as a possible choice. But did she want that? Did she want Bakugou to feel obligated to kiss her because the bottle had landed on him?
"Hola, earth to Mina?" Kirishima waved his hand in front of Mina's face, a much less startling version of Bakugou getting her attention. "Do you want to come?"
"Nah, I think I'll sit this one out. I have to retake that test anyway... I need to study." Mina said, grabbing her random but technically true excuse. She hadn't gotten the best grade on that test... mostly because she had spent half of it watching Bakugou finish his, then take it to Aizawa, then sit down, then just sit there writing notes, most likely on his own quirk. None of the Bakusquad had ever been in Bakugou's room, per the angry pomeranian's orders, but Mina was willing to bet it was littered with papers filled with notes on his quirk, words shoved into margins and in between the lines, things crossed out when he realized they didn't make sense...
"Mina for crying out loud, where are you right now?" Kirishima asked jokingly, snapping his fingers in front of Mina's face to get her attention once more.
"Oh- sorry Kiri, I'm just..." Mina trailed off, not wanting to up and say it. Sorry, I'm just in love for what I think is the actual first time because all I want to do right now is cuddle with Bakugou and kiss him and have him kiss me and hear him say I love you, which I've never been ready to hear from any of my exs and I'm not even in a relationship with Bakugou which just makes it worse honestly.
Even in her head that sounded crazy.
"You're what?" Kirishima pressed gently. "You know you can tell me, right?"
Mina looked into Kiri's eyes. Red like Bakugou's and yet so very different from Bakugou's. Where the blonde's seemed to sparkle in the light and shine, like rubies, Kiri's seemed more dull somehow, like the deep, dark red of a rose. They didn't have the faint hints of gold in the iris, instead there were tiny lines of deep green and blue. Both of them were beautiful, Mina thought, but only one of them made butterflies erupt in her belly and make her catch her breath.
"Yes. I know that." Mina said simply, shrugging and turning back to her table where she had already finished eating.
A couple hours later, Mina sat in her room, desperately trying to drown out the noise from Denki's party but to no avail- she couldn't focus here.
She grabbed her stuff and slipped out of her room ignoring the shouting coming from upstairs. She went down to the place Bakugou had helped her study and she had broken up with Kane.
She set her stuff down and tried to pay attention to what she was doing, but it was a little difficult when she randomly was able to decipher the screaming from upstairs.
"You're dating!"
"Ooh this is weird!"
"Tastes like peach lmao!"
"Did you just start talking in acronyms?"
"Oh my God Denki they just fucking honked what did you put in these drinks???"
Mina struggled to read her notes and she couldn't think. This was not going to work.
"You okay Racoon Eyes?"
Mina's breath caught in her throat as Bakugou sat down next to her.
"You look like you're about to kill someone." Bakugou finished, watching her curiously.
"What?" she asked breathlessly.
"You look angry." he rephrased, thinking that he had upset her.
"Oh, no... well, kind of? They're very loud." she complained, inclining her head in the direction of the noise.
Bakugou looked amused, and a small smile tugged at his lips. But he fought the inclination to smile and instead made his face relax into its usual scowl. However, Mina noticed, his ruby eyes still sparkled with mirth.
"Yeah they are." he said.
"Is that why you left?"
Bakugou nodded, looking down at her pink sparkly notebooks and binders. Mina felt a blush rise toward her cheeks and she was thankful that Bakugou most likely wouldn't notice, since her skin was pink and she'd have to be blushing quite hard for someone to notice the difference between her skin tone and her blush tone.
"Are you studying for something? We don't have a test..." Bakugou thought out loud.
"Oh um... I failed... the last one..." Mina trailed off, a twinge of shame in her voice.
Bakugou turned to her.
"I helped you study for that one. You said you understood it." Bakugou said.
Mina nodded. "I did say that didn't I?"
Bakugou couldn't help it. He laughed. A little giggle escaped from his lips and he quickly slammed his mouth shut when Mina stared at him in surprise.
"Did you just... giggle?" Mina asked, raising her eyebrows.
Bakugou shrugged, a soft smile crinkling his eyes at the edges.
How have I never noticed how beautiful you are? Bakugou thought as he looked over Mina's face. Her bright yellow eyes were vivid against the black of most people's whites. Her lips were sparkly from lip gloss and her skin was a soft baby pink color. She had a few freckles splayed over her nose. Bakugou never would have noticed them if he hadn't been so close to her face.
Wait, why was he so close to her face?
Bakugou jumped back and away from the girl. She frowned as if in disappointment before a smile took over her features once more.
"But anyways, I can't focus out here." she mumbled, collecting her books into a pile. "And I'm sure you want to get back to the party."
"Not at all." Bakugou said, leaning back onto the couch.
"Aw come on, don't be like that! I know you had fun, Bakubro." Mina teased, punching Bakugou's arm lightly.
He scoffed. "Shitty Hair dragged me there."
"Do I have to drag you back?" Mina asked, laughing lightly.
"No way in hell Racoon Eyes, I just got out here!" Bakugou complained, glancing up at the pink girl then back toward the wall.
"Come on Bakubro! Let's go back to hell together!" Mina said, pulling Bakugou behind her.
"There's something very wrong with you." Bakugou said, allowing himself to be pulled back to 'hell.'
"Alright, everyone get out." Bakugou demanded, beginning to herd his classmates out of the classroom.
"Come on Ba-Bakugou, don't b-be booooooooring!" Denki complained, trying to push his classmates back in, but unable to do so. He was feeling fuzzy because of the stuff in his drinks. Clearly there was something illegal in there, but nobody said anything.
"Yeah Bakugou, I-M-F-T-W!" Kirishima said, grabbing Denki's hand and kissing his cheek.
Bakugou stared at them for a second before grabbing the red head and hauling him out of the room.
"That doesn't make any sense." he said.
"It's more fun this way." Sero said, pushing Iida's glasses up his nose in a professional fashion. He clasped his hands behind his back. "I'm surprised you didn't know that, kind sir, but intelligence isn't for all of us."
Bakugou growled deep in his throat before pushing Sero out of the room as well.
Midoriya's hair was changing from purple to yellow to orange and to its usual green, but otherwise the small boy seemed unharmed from whatever had been in his drink.
"Why's everyone looking at me funny?" Midoriya asked.
"Out Deku!" Bakugou yelled. "And take your boyfriend." He gestured toward Todoroki, who was currently freezing pictures onto the walls then melting them.
Needless to say, the clean up was interesting.
I really don't know, and also, I do not condone underage drinking or illigal substance use whether you're a minor or not, it was just for plot purposes.
(2006 words)
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