Title: Life
Type: Primordial
Orura has many names throughout Yenari. Much like her sister Iniq, every culture has a concept of her and she is always there. As well as this, like Iniq, Orura is neither good nor evil. She merely is. Her power can be seen everywhere where life thrives within Yenari, including within all forms of living beings. Her children are Juju and Ilus. They help her spread other forms of life throughout Yenari.
Orura is a bright and colourful Primordial Goddess with a good and kind heart. She resides in a place called Orura's Spring, though very few people have been able to find it. The place is said to be filled with her power and thriving with life, no matter the time of year or current planetary shift. All who look upon her, should she decide she likes you, are blessed with a long, happy and fulfilling life.
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