New Spaces
Jake's POV
Hey,wake up! Jake, come on you sleepy head! I woke up abruptly, panting like I've been running for hours. Mom's voice haunts me every time I sleep, oh the agony! Even though it's been a week, the memory still replays itself stubbornly. I looked to the sky to see the snow falling at a mesmerizing pace. It really snowed hard last night, huh. Annnd it's back, the headaches; reminding me of that time I've dropped off the tab- I looked around at my immediate surroundings, suddenly alert of what I was and came to be... one week... and I've already forgotten my last words with mom and apparently myself. Great.
"Always be alert around yourself, don't EVER zone out while out of your 'house'. One look, and that's all it takes to secure your death wish." mom always fussed over this 'instructions' while she was alive... while she was alive................
I didn't think about it much; I've tried being oblivious, occupied and obtuse. But, it never ever works. It just goes full cycle around it's lap and slap me right square in the face, like those annoying boomerangs that always returned not matter how hard you throw them... don't ask me how I know that, I've never thrown one.
Sighing with a melancholic tone (how is that even possible?), I got into a sitting position to brush off the ti- hand sized little bits of wonder... yes, it's quite heavy when it accumulates. That's quite the depressing thought...
No work alone can get me anywhere in this Iceland-ish climate now, not that I have a destination anyways. Trudging along in the froths of snow, I carried on halfheartedly. I tried envisioning a ecstatic outcome, with a side of hot cocoa on the sides...mmm. Oh, that was what I was missing... food.
Sadly, no miracle would happen this time in the heat of Winter. It was gloomy enough that I didn't have any extra clothing on me. Looking up isn't quite hard when you're waddling through semi-tundra weather that has snow up to your chin. With every passing second, my mind just losses a piece of itself to the bitter frost; never minding the temperature of which we borrowers can survive in.
Borrowers, as we liked to be called by 'humans', were miniature beings inferior to our distant cousins. We were lucky if we could even measure up to the size of a human's index finger. Exaggerating to mere degree there. With these facts down; 'humans' took advantage of us and nearly wiped out the whole species. Those who survived the purge were sold, tortured, traumatized, squashed, crushed or even being... eaten.
I trembled visibly from that thought. Nothing can compare the horrors of being digested. Plop. Right, the food situation. I've never eaten for... heck, I don't remember. So, this was how I was going to die? A severe case of frostbite? Not that anyone or anything would care anyways mind you. Why not welcome it too? Life is unjust, a device of pure sadistic thought, to make sure our experiences had the full package of misery. I welcomed the cold for once, and fell into a death trance.
Jane's POV
Holy smokes it was freezing today! The weather forecast was quite off the charts... of accuracy. Why was I the one who had to leave so early from work? I wondered if the board of directors were okay, they suffered quite a lot from the fake ransom notes they were receiving all over the place. Speaking of places, it had snowed 3 inches just by the amount of time of last night! I should really have had more clothing on me today- FWOOOSHH!!
I thought being in this kind of places I would've had enough of winds this cold... ugh. I bent down to retrieve my fallen scarf... what was that?? I looked at the minuscule creature beside my scarf. It looked like a doll but, its 'chest' was moving up and down, indicating... breathing. I looked closer and saw more human-ish features on its face: it looked male with his face was deadly pale. He looked no older than 14, but...he's just so small.
I picked him up and immediately regretted forgetting my gloves this morning, he was freezing! So out of curiosity and pity I started to walk back to my apartment, which was just a few steps away, to heat up this tiny poor soul. I just can't believe something as small as my pinky actually exists.
Though my body was fumbling for my key card, mind was in overdrive thinking about the little creature. It must be famished and engulfed in hopelessness out there in the frost. Although it was astonishing how somethi- he could survive so long in the 'wilderness'. Ah, here we are. BEEP! Home sweet home. I set him down on the couch and covered him with a drape of a smaller-than-average blanket. I pondered if he would like some hot cocoa.....
~Time Skip-ish~
Jake's POV
I woke up to a be greeted by a blinding ray of light. Was this... heaven? I looked around me and suddenly started to feel a chocking sensation. I was on top of what seems to be a gigantic couch-like thing with a enormous piece of cloth over me. Giant things could only mean one thing......... giants. I thought of the many stories my parents told me about the horrific things giants would do to our kind if we were caught. I beckoned that I was as good as dead. It was only time until I would be som- THOMP...THOMP...THOMP. I dragged my head be met with two unbelievably gigantic orbs of hazel-colored eyes.
I started trembling profoundly in fear... and coldness while being as still as a victim of Medusa, except that she was quite the polar opposite of ugliness."You're awake!" she declared, my ears ringing from the tremendous increase of volume.
"Oh...sorry about that..."she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of guilt."Are you still cold? Here..." she reached for me....reached AHHH! I flinched and scooted backwards as quick as my pathetic little arms could carry me, but deep down, I knew it was futile... she could grab me in a flash. But it never really came. Her hand just hovered towards me slowly, as if she has handled one of us before. When it finally came in contact, I thought I was going to get yanked upwards. Instead, she handled me with such shockingly amount of gentleness, bringing me towards her body at a snail-like pace.
Her blonde hair swayed a bit as she sat down with me in her arms, comforting me with her radiating warmth. I leaned towards her large digits unconsciously...what was I doing?! I also could have sworn that she awwed at my tiny gesture. She suddenly had a finger prodding my back, as if she was...comforting me...why? This wasn't supposed to I can't be blinded by false sympathy. Nothing can make me trust her, not feeding me, not comforting me and definitely not with her attitude.But it just feels so comforting...I guess my expression relaxed because of her beaming smile.
" Isn't that better?"she questioned. "I g-guess?" I stammered out. "You spoke!" she said happily. "So what's your name?"she pushed onward, "I-It's Ja-Jake."I answered timidly. Her smile was so sincere I would've believed that she was one of the kinder humans that were rarely heard in our folklore."I'd like to know more about it ok?"
I soon started to warm up to her and let my feelings about cruel giants- sorry, giantess drop for a while. She was patient when I stammered and looked at me with earnest feelings. I didn't really know about how old I was or my heritage from my parents and where we came from, so I just told her about what I knew about borrowers. I told her about the torture, the abuse, and even the disgusting fact that we were an expensive delicacy. Once I was finished with the descriptions she looked even more pitiful than ever. "I'm so sorry... I can't imagine living like that. Hiding in fear, knowing that the slightest mistake can result in my demise." she sobbed. Why did she care so mu-WOAH!
I was suddenly encased in a warm sort of hug against her cheeks. I felt things I have not felt in a long time: the feeling of being cared for, the feeling that someone knows about me and the feeling that I am finally safe. I just melted into her 'hug; and returned the gesture. Maybe not all humans are bad after al-BEEP!"Honey! I'm home!"
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