Jane's POV:
Oh no! I've completely overlooked this fact! How is Zack going to respond to a borrower?" Sooo, what did the boss say about your early release?""Well, he did say that I was free to go home anytime I wanted..." I informed nervously." Are you okay?, you seem a little bit pale..."" I'm fine... just a tad bit exhausted."
I could tell that Zack was worried about my well being, but I felt a little bit guilty about lying. I just don't know what would happen if he saw little ol' Jake. "So are we eating out?" Zack questioned." I would love to eat out with that new restaurant around the block from where we lived...but Zack's cooking was always had a pleasant surprise with his unparalleled and distinct old-family recipes. "Nah, I want the special deluxe today, I'm in a extremely good mood today." I also kept in mind that a helpless little soul wouldn't want to be in room filled with other humans, because I have heard rumors of little tiny pets that resembled us, and I'm sure that Jake doesn't need another heart-threatening event in his life.
"Well, I'm going to have a shower, the stink from that last job really stuck on." Zack usually grumbles like this every single day from work. I cautiously took a look around the room before I slowly opened up my hands." Jack, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He shook his head sideways vigorously, indicating the unprecedented amount of fear he was experiencing.
"Don't worry about Zack, he wouldn't hurt a fly." I said reassuringly, hoping that I wasn't wrong. Never had I seen a huma- sorry, a borrower so scared in my life. In fact, I've never ever heard of a borrower.Zack usually had his temper controlled around strangers...usually. I sighed quietly as I drank my deliciously lukewarm-ed hot chocolate. Jake then looked at me with pleading eyes. I was confused for a moment...ohh." You want some of this?"
Jake's POV
I nodded with a slight glint of greed in my eyes." Here... I'll go get you a smaller spoon or something for you to drink out of." Jane decided." Just make sure that you stay out of his line of sight for the moment, he can be... overactive towards new things in life." I shuddered at the thought of being found by another human being. The fact that I've actually 'befriended' a human was overwhelming on its own. I also broke the one and only borrower's code: Never. Ever. Get. Spotted. So I guess this can be a once in a life time thing? I highly doubt it.
When a human finds a borrower, they usually ended up dead... as I have said earlier. I kept repeating this over and over again in my head, because of the fact that I had grown up listening to these 'stories'. But in my defense, my last encounter with a human was... horrifically horrendous and life-changing... no, I don't want to think about it. I WILL focus on the happy things in life, such as a taste of hot coco-"Here you go!"
"Woah, Jane!" I choked out. " Don't sneak up on me like that!"" I don't think someone like me can sneak up on you, especially in this kind of context." she pointed out. She held what resembles to be a teaspoon but... it's still taller than me..." I couldn't find anything smaller than this, sooo... could you give a try?
While I struggled to lift the spoon-ish piece of metal, Jane had done just that without a blink of an eye... talk about embarrassing. She even blew on it to 'cool' it down because of my 'special size'.Once she was done, she laid the spoon-thingy down and gestured towards it. Go ahead. I took a sip and moaned at the taste of everlasting cocoa. A leaned towards the liquid to take another si-THOMP.
Jane's POV
Oh sh*t! I hurriedly grabbed little ol' Jake while making up a dearsome apology."Jane... what's that in your hand." Zack questioned. "What are you talking about? I'm not holding anything." I answered timidly, obviously showing nervousness. "Jane..."Zack said, his tone indicating that he was not in the mood for fun or jokes. I gulped, I've never seen Zack away from his usual laid-back attitude." F-fine, just..don't freak out" he raised an eyebrow while I uncapped my hands from the little borrower."I knew I smelled a little intruder in the room." He revealed as he licked his lips maliciously.
"Give it to me" Zack's tone suddenly went ridiculously low with a hint of hunger in his voice." He's not a snack Zack, nor is he a animal... he's just... shorter than us." I said. "Nonsense, he's a pet, a slave and just a speck in our universe that needs to be cleansed and extinguished." Zack countered. I couldn't believe him, I never expected him to he one of them, but I guess I can't really say that as I too was technically in the same species as him.
" Zack, think about this. What kind of bone do you have to pick with a 4 inch soul? Have you ever thought of changing your point of view. What if you were this little guy I'm holding right now. Broken down, helpless against us, but still have the courage to live on with death lurking just around the corner?" I hoped I has put some sense into his twisted mind." Jane hand him over, NOW." His voice was full of hatred and and disgust. "Zack, you can't do this!""Fine then, I'll take this my own hands."
I looked down on my hands and..." where's Jake?!" I screamed. "Oh don't worry, he's going to be out of your way soon... as my little tasty morsel of food.." Then his expression changed while dangled the tiny borrower mid-air. He was shivering in fear, and I could make out some pleading words. He was a blubbering mess." I...I'm so sorry..."Zack apologised." I don't know what got me..." he handed Jake back to me with a glint of guiltiness in his eyes. I fussed all over Jake, checking for any injuries that I could see. Phew. He doesn't seem to have any major injuries... other than some minor bruises. He has also past out of fear... I hope that he can forgive Zack..." I'm going to cook now." He said to no one in particular. I laid down on the couch, hoping that Jake would wake up soon.
~Le Time skip~
Jake's POV
I sat up as soon as I went conscious. Where was that...Zack. Why does it hurt all over. Why does the surface I'm standing feel so fleshy........oh. "You're awake!" A voice thundered behind me. Making me flinch and clasp my hands over my ears."Oh, I'm sorry.." the voice said apologetically. I turned around, and sure enough... the hazel-colored eyes that I have grown so used to looked back at me.
It was at this moment that I knew what I was currently on... and felt blood masquerade to my face like ants to a pot of honey." You're so cute when you blush..".....What did she just say..."Anyways, dinner is just about ready." Dinner? Then smack, the overpowering scent bombarded my nose... and apparently the best appetite I've ever had in years.
"Where's that Zack guy?" I asked, suddenly remembering the threat to my existence. "Ah, you don't need to worry about him.""Is he gone?" I dared to hope."No no no, he's the one who's cooking us dinner."I immediately started hyperventilating as soon as I heard those words.
"Shh,shhh. He just had an episode, that's all."she assured."You won't be going through that again anytime soon." I wanted to trust her words, after all, she was the one who saved me from the frost.
"Dinner's ready!"a voice boomed overhead. "Keep it down Zack!" She screamed quietly. "Right, I'm going to pick you up now." She warned. I thought of it as a sign to show trust, and I gladly complied.
I will admit that it still baffles me; the way how she walks so far so effortlessly. She was soon by the 'dining room' within seconds,and I was now breathing literal flavours.
The perks of being small: any kind of food is stupendously gigantic towards ur borrowers. I could count at least a dozen plates carrying gourmet food, in such that it could be translated into food for us that could last for months on end. My mouth immediately started drooling without my consent.
I had a... bottle cap? For my plate and some thimble for in replacement for a spoon and fork. The taste was even better than I expected! Oh...Right. The person that wanted to eat me cooked these...
"I'm terribly sorry about what I did, honestly." Zack apologised." I had no recognition of what I just did, it's like I was a sleeping agent. Waiting for that one moment to strike." He mumbled aloud. " I'm a pred-" "I already knew that..." I interrupted, under different circumstances I would never ever talk back to my captor, especially towards a predator.
Zack seemed taken aback from my 'outburst', which gave me time to think. Mom and Dad always told us about the humans that I HAVE to avoid, considering that nicer humans were extremely hard to find but, predators though no no no. Predators are ruthless being, existing with the sole purpose of making us, borrowers, extinct. In fact, my parents.....
The gateway to the waterworks were broken down, creating hundreds of little droplets to run free. The food suddenly didn't taste so good anymore. I just want to forget...
Zack's POV
I saw Jake in great distress, and resisted the urge to pick up the poor little guy to comfort him. I didn't want to cause any more trauma to him then I already have.
I then started to clear the plates, giving... Jake a little bit of space to breath. Jane piped up next to me with a look of mixes emotions." That was quite a lame apology, considering you tried to EAT him!" She scolded. "Yeah you're right, I'll try to make up to him somehow." I said. "You'd better, one of my friends wouldn't think twice before shopping you to prison."
We washed the dishes quietly, then as if something just hit me, I looked at the clock in the kitchen worriendly. 10p.m. Ah f*ck! I bounded for the dining room double time to grab the little soul, sighing as I covered him over my han-BEEP!!
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