Chapter Three
Narrator's POV:
Liluim, Sebastian and Ciel were walking back to the manor, when a thought popped in to Liluim's head. "I'm still starving! Where are those bodies I smelt early. I can't see them and the sent is gone!"
Looking for somthing? Sebastian wispered to liluim with a mild smirk upon his face. Yea we had a deal! Where is my meal?! Liluim shouted, not caring if ciel heard him.
Ciel's POV:
What is liluim talking about sebastian? What deal did you make with him?
Sebastion'S POV:
My apologies for not informing you earlier my lord. I have just recently became acquainted with liulim, while disposing of our intruders. Liluim apparently feeds on the flesh of living organisms, and was attracted to the smell of the intruders bloodied corpses.
Liluim's POV:
You make it sound like I'm some kind of savage flesh eating monster. I don't have to eat their flesh. I can also feed on there blood or souls. I prefer flesh though. It's much easier to get to. I can also go long periods without sustenance.
Ciel's POV:
How bout we talk about this further after we get you settled in. I'll have sebastian fetch your things after he tends to your room and introduces you to the other staff. After everything is complete come to my office and we can speak further.
Liluim's POV:
Okay, but does this mean I have to call you "young master" or "my lord"? Because that's going to take a while to get use to. No ciel said with a blank face. You may call me ciel or master he said as he turned heel and walk in the direction of his office.
Okay sebastian lead the way. I would like to meet the staff first, so I know if I would get along with them. I'm quite sure you'll like them, Sebastian said showing his signature smile.
Sebastian's POV:
They are strange individual, but as a whole they are great hard working people. Just follow me to the kitchen . We will probably meet all of them on the way there. How many staff are there? Liluim's asked. Only four, six if we are including you and I
Narrator's POV:
Liluim and sebastian started walking twards the kitchen. Liluim got so distracted by the beautiful art and decorations that he almost tripped three times. Sebastian was fast enough to catch him each time. Your quite clumsy for somone that is supposed to protect my young Master. Sebastian said next to liluim. I'm not normally this distracted, its all this fancy decor. Liluim said in a annoyed tone. This manor was decorated by the previous earl. The young master wanted to preserve the beauty his father created, Sebastian said while walking faster. Moments later they reached a long set of stairs that seem to go down forever. Sebastian grabbed a lamp, lit it with a match and continued down. Liluim felt a little hesitant since they were supposed to be heading to a kitchen. Why are we going down here, liluim ask. I just need to speak to you in private that all. Liluim started to panic. Why does it need to be down here? Liluim thought. If you're wondering why we are going down here it's because it's the only place the young masters won't go. Sebastian said while continuing to walk down the concrete stairs. Once they reached the bottom Sebastian continued on walking to a red door at the back left Corner of the small room. The room itself was empty except the door. Liluim thought it was strange that there is only a door in this there, but he continued to follow. Sebastian stop at the door, he reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a small gold key. He entered the key into the hole and turned it. A loud click can be heard throughout the small room. Sebastian back up and waited. A few seconds later the door opened on its own. Liluim was suprised by this and took a few steps back just in case. There is nothing to be afraid of its just a door with a Spring connected to it so it stays open when it's unlocked. Sebastian walked in and lit all the lamps. See just some chairs and a desk, Sebastian said while smirking. Now come on in and take a seat. Its just a few questions. Liluim complied, and found a chair next to a large desk. Now why do we need to be away from Ciel for you to ask me a few questions? Liluim asked. I'm curious about you that's all. I'm just precautions because some of my question might be private, so I want to go to a private place. Now let's get started. Sebastian said while smiling.
To be continued...
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