chapter Five
Sebastion's POV:
Now because you were hired as a personal guard, you must stay in a close perimeter from our young master at all times. That is why I place you room right next to his. That way if anything comes up you'll be right there.
Liluim's POV:
Does that mean I'll be waiting on him hand and foot like you do? I really don't want to be treated like some indentured servant. He's cute and all but I don't think I can do your job. I don't think I can handle seeing the master without his clothes.
Sebastian's POV:
Oh, no you job is strictly to guard the young master. All the butler duties will be handled by me. Now follow me, your room is upstairs.
Narrator's POV:
As liluim and sebastian were walking upstairs. Sebastion noticed that liluim was in a happier mood then he was a few minutes ago. Your mood has changed, have I done anything to make you happier or is it the fact that you'll be so close to the young master? Sebastion asked with a sly smirk on his face. Lilium blushed, i-its n-nother I'm just happy that's all. Liluim shuddered out, before he turned his head in the other direction to hide his embarrassed face from sebastian.
Liluim's POV:
This is not good. This guy can read my like a book. Wait! What am I talking about. He's my boss I cant be feeling this way. I can't alow myself to fall in love with the master!
Narrator's POV:
Liluim was to busy mumbling to his self that he didn't realize that sebastion had stopped. Lilium crash right into sebastian's back. Ow! Liluim exclaimed while rubbing his forehead.
Sebastian's POV:
Sorry for interrupting your conversation with yourself, but be we have arrived. I opened the door to show liluim where he'll be staying. You have your own bathroom with a full shower. That door on the right leads to the young masters room. And there is a bell next to your bed that ring when ciel calls for you. You must come everytime he calls, no exceptions.
Liluim's POV:
Wow this guy takes his job very serious. I thought as I walked around the room. The room was very elegant. It had red carpeting and gold walls. It was completely different from the other rooms I've been in. The bed was enormous. There is no way Il be comfortable in this bed by myself, I thought. Hey sebastian, why is this room so different from the others?
Sebastion's POV:
This room once belong to Ciel's parents. That's why there are so many family portraits on the walls.
Liluim's POV:
Oh that explains things. I assume that Ciel's parents are no longer with us. Am I correct sebastian?
Sebastion's POV:
You are correct, The young masters parents died in a fire in this very manor.
Liluim's POV:
If that's so then why does this place looks so perfect. Was it a small fire?
Sebastion's POV:
Actually it ingulfed the entire manor in flames. Fortunately I was able to do some remodeling. This manor is an exact copy of the last.
Liluim's POV:
Where was ciel when it happened? How did he survived?
Sebastion's POV:
I cant answer that. Only the young master can tell you that. I'm quite sure the young master will open up to you just give it time.
Well Il be on my way. I still have to retrieve your belongings. So I leave the manor to you.
Narrator's POV:
After sebastion walk out of the room, liluim ploped on the bed and let out a large sigh. I think I'm going to like it here, liluim said while rolling around on the bed. DING!DING! Liluim was so suprised by the loud bell that he rolled off of the bed.
Liluim's POV:
Ouch! What the hell was that. Oh it's the bell sebastian was talking about. Does that mean the master needs me? I guess I'll just see what he wants.
Narrator's POV:
Liluim walked out of his room and into the hallway. He didn't really need to look for ciel since he can smell him. Lilium followed Ciel's scent till it led to his office. He knocked twice, then open the door.
To be continued...
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