Chapter 9: Oh baby... Or Oh babies...
I look over at Newt shocked. my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Newt is also turning pink.
"Did you just?"
"Did I just?.."
"This is awkward.."
"Yeah.." Newt says. "How about we forget this happened?"
"Sure" I say taking another sip of my tea, Secretly freaking out inside. We sit in silence for awhile until Newt breaks it.
"Have you decided a name yet?" He asks.
"Not yet. I think I'll wait till Bean's born to pick a name."
"No ideas yet?"
"None" I say. " I also don't know if its a girl or boy yet."
"True. What do you hope for?"
"Dunno. I'd be happy with either" I smile.
"That's good" He smiles as well. "Well I finished my tea. How about you?"
I look down at my cup. "Yeah I did"
"I'll bring it to Fry. You get some rest." He takes my cup and stands up walking out the door. I lay down pulling the blanket over my head.
I wake up to the light blinding me through the curtain. "ugh" I mumble getting up. I look at my clock that reads 4:48
"Time to get up.." I mumble walking to the box with the words For The Girl I grab leggings and t-shirt throwing my hair in a messy bun I walk out to the kitchen. I open the door to the kitchen where Fry and Ian are already there preparing breakfast.
"Hello Little Lady!" Fry grins handing me a black apron.
"Hello and thank you" I reply tying my apron on.
"Can you make the oatmeal?" Ian asks. "I'm working on the kabobs."
"Yeah." I walk to the cupboard and grab the oatmeal pouring it in the pot of hot water.
"Any news?" Fry asks.
"I mean Newt kissed me yesterday" I say.
"WHAT!?!" Ian and Fry yell. Fry runs over to me grabbing my arm sitting me down on one of the stools. Him and Ian sit across from me elbows on the desk head in their hands staring at me.
"Explain" Ian says.
"Um.. Well.." I prosed to tell them everything from the moment Newt walks in after I change.
"AHH!!!" Fey squeals.
"It's happing!!" Fry beams.
"It might not" I tell him.
"Oh it's going to happen" Ian says with a nod.
"Alright.." I stand up. "I'm going to finish the oatmeal"
"Fine. But we will talk about it later" Fry says.
"I'm sure we will" I mumble stirring the pot. I take the time to look around the kitchen.
Their are two fridges on each side of the door. there is a plastic curtain thing that can role up. The two ovens are on the other side. There is a big table/counter/island thing with two stools on each side. Beside the curtain is a apron stand.
Someone bangs on the curtain. Ian lifts it to reveal Minho and the Runners there. "Can we have breakfast now?" One asks.
"Yeah." I grab bowls from the cupboard and pour some oatmeal into them handing them out to the Runners. Ian gives them the kabobs while Fry gives them their lunches. Once all the Runners are gone Newt, Alby and a few of the Gladers come. We hand out the Oatmeal and kabobs.
"Thank you Vivi, Ian" Newt says taking his food.
"Your welcome" I say.
Soon Jeff comes along. "If you can I'd like to check baby today" He says.
"Alright. I'll see when I can come." I look over to Fry.
"Why are you looking at me??" He asks.
"Your the boss" I tell him.
"Oh ya.. How about you go after breakfast is served?" He suggests.
"Yeah that works" I say.
"Ok. See you then" Jeff takes his food and walks away. Once we feed everyone I sit down and eat after I finish I take my apron off and walk to the Medhut.
Clint greets me without looking up from stitching Gally. "Hello Vivian."
"Hello." I say walking over to one of the empty beds.
"Jeff! Vivian is here!" Clint yells. Jeff comes tumbling out of the other room.
"Oh, hello Vivi."
"Hi Jeff."
"You know the drill right?" He asks.
"Yeah." I role my shirt up. I look over to the bedside table grabbing one of the books reading the title. "How to birth a baby?" I look over to the boys.
"So we know how to birth the baby" Clint says without looking up.
"Smart" I say. "I'm going to steal this for a bit."
"Alright" Jeff says putting the stethoscope in his ears. "This may tickle."
"I know" I brace myself as he puts it against my abdomen. He moves it around feeling.
His face pales ever so slightly.
"What's the matter?" I ask.
"Well there are two possible options here." He says.
"What are they?" I ask.
"Either the baby is moving a lot or you are pregnant with twins." He says.
"W-what?" I ask my face also paling.
"Yeah.." He says.
Clint looks up from Gally "I've read a few books and baby's do move a lot. But you still could be having twins."
Gally speaks up. "I've never been pregnant- thank gosh- But you don't look like two kids are in there"
"Thanks dude" I mumble.
"Anytime." He turns back to Clint. "You almost done?"
"Yes. You can go now" Clint says waving him off. Gally gets up and leaves.
"Well Vivi you can go now" Jeff says. "I'll do a bit of research. Keep you updated."
"Alright." I get up pulling my shirt down and walks out. I waddle back down to the kitchen thinking.
"How did it go?" Frypan asks.
"It went ok." I say.
"What happened?" Ian asks.
"Jeff said either I'm pregnant with twins or my baby likes to move." I admit.
"Well.. If its twins then we get two babies!" Ian gives me a reassuring smile.
"How will I care for two babies?!" I ask.
"I'll help. I'm sure Newt, Frypan, Gally, Jeff, Clint and maybe even Alby can and will help" He says.
"Alright.." I mumble then look over at Fry, "What do I need to work on now?"
"Can you cut the peperoni?" He asks.
"absolutely" I tell him taking the knife and cutting the peperoni into slices. "What are we having?"
"Pizza." Fry says. "Also tomorrow you won't be the Greenie! Unless they come late"
I drop the knife. "Really?"
"Yeah!" he says. "Are we thinking Shank or Shanket?"
"Dunno. I hope its a girl." I say continuing to the cut the peperoni.
"Tomorrow we should wear the clothes you made us" Ian suggests.
"Yes." Fry and I say in unison.
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