Chapter 7: The Gossip Club
Once all the keepers have made a design on my job they call all the Gladers into the Homestead.
Newt is holding a notebook. "Vivian sit in the center chair"
I sit down in the center of the circle. The Keepers all watching me.
"Alright meeting started. Vivian your our first female Glader before." Alby yells.
"Well No duh" I mumble. Minho stifles a laugh.
"Will Vivians Keepers please stand up." Alby yells.
Newt and Frypan stand up.
"Newt? I can't be a Track-Hoe! You know that!" I yelp.
"Your not a Track-Hoe Love" He promises.
"Since you are the only girl you will be on the council. You will have to attend the meetings and give us your thoughts."
"Ok, Sound's simple enough." I say.
"Alright my turn." Fry says. "Vivi your a natural cook. I don't know if its smart to keep you and Ian together though.. But you will be a great addition to the kitchen."
"So on the council and a Cook" I grin.
"Yeah." Alby grummbles. "If that's all gathering dismissed"
All the Gladers get up and leave.
"VIVI!!" Ian's voice yells. I turn to see him there a cheeky grin on his face. "I can't believe your a Cook!"
"I can" I laugh.
Fry joins us. "The Gossip Club is back together!"
"Gossip Club?" I ask.
"Yup!" Fry says skipping of to the kitchen.
"We should probably join him" Ian says.
"Should we though?" I ask.
"Yeah. We are the only Cooks"
"Really? Why only three?"
"No one else had the special touch." He shrugs.
"VIVIAN! IAN! I NEED YALL HERE!!!" Frypan yells.
"I guess we do have to go." Ian and I walk back to the kitchen.
"Yes Fry?" I ask.
"I don't anything I just want to make sure you aren't gossiping without me."
"Oh" Ian and I sit down on a stool.
"So.. What do we do in the Gossip Club?" I ask.
"Gossip." Fry says. "Duh"
"We need special outfits!" Ian yells.
"YES! I could make them! Do you have any string and fabric?" I ask.
"Maybe. It will probably be in the storage room. Alby has the key." Fry says.
"I'll go find him!" I rush out of the kitchen looking around for Alby. Then I spot his bald head. "Alby!"
He turns. "What do you need?"
"I need some string and fabric" I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"I'm making stuff"
"Alright. Follow me" He leads me into on of the rooms in the Home Stead. "Take what you need."
In the corner of the room is an entire shelf of string, sewing needles and fabric. "Why so much?"
"Every supply day for a year we got this stuff. No one knew what to do with it."
"I'll take all of it. Can you help me carry it?"
"Sure" He grabs four boxes of fabrics. I take three boxes of fabric. In minutes we're done.
"Thank you Alby" I say.
"No problem. Hopefully you will find a use for it" He says walking off.
I turn to the fabric. I look through it in the end I grab a role of Barbie pink. "I'm going to need their sizes.." I grab a roll of pink string and a needle and take the three things back to the kitchen.
"You got them!" Ian squeals.
"Of course I did!" I laugh. "I'm making us pink pants."
"Deal! That's a great shade of pink" Fry giggles.
"I need to measure you guys." I say taking a pencil and measuring them. "Ok go the measures."
I cut the fabric till its perfect. I grab the needle and thread the needle.
"How's it going?" Ian asks.
"Good! Just threading the needle then I can start!"
"Have you ever made clothes before?" Fry asks.
"I don't know. But cutting the fabric and the feel of it all calms me. It feels like I've done it before but I can't remember." I admit.
"Just like me and cooking!" Fry grins.
"I guess so" I shrug starting to sew the first pair of pants.
"What are we making for lunch?" Ian asks.
"Salad" Fry says grabbing stuff from the fridge.
"Ok!" Ian walks over and grabs some food. "Can you help Vivi?"
"Of course" I put the needle and fabric down and walk over to help Ian.
"Ok can you cook the noodles?"
"Noodles? What kind of salad are we making?!"
"Macaroni salad!" Fry yells.
"Oh." I take the bag of noodles and start to cook them.
"Any gossip anyone?" Ian asks.
"No" I say.
"Nope" Fry says.
"Great gossip everyone" Ian says.
"So good" I say bringing the noodles to Ian.
"They need to go in the fridge to cool off." Ian says.
"Oh" I bring them to the fridge.
"Oh! I do have drama!" Fry squeals.
"Really?!" Ian yelps almost dropping the bowl he is holding.
"YES!" Fry yells.
"Then lets hear it" I say.
"Levi and Jayden are dating now"
"Oh my gosh really!" Ian squeals.
"YES!" Fry grins.
Ian runs over to the cupboard and opens it grabbing a notebook and pen crossing out something.
"What is that?" I ask.
Ian shows it to me. Its a book with a bunch of ships some crossed out some not.
"Why is my name on there?" I ask pointing to one of the ships.
Vivian + Newt
"IAN!" Fry yells. "She wasn't supposed to see that!"
"Oops.." Ian shrugs. "Well this is our ship book. Add the ships you like and when they happen cross it out!"
"Yall are really weird.. But ok!" I smile.
"Deal. Now Vivi come and help me cut the peppers" Fry says.
"Coming!" I rush over and cut the peppers for Fry.
"How's the love story coming along?" Ian asks me.
"Oh Mylanta its not a dang love story!" I roll my eyes.
"It is though!"
"No! I've been here... How long have I been here?" I ask.
"About maybe a week." Fry cuts in.
"I've been here a week!
"So?" Fry asks.
"I barely know the guy!"
"It could be.. Fast.. Fast burn.." Fry says.
"I don't think that's a thing Fry.."
"Then I'll make it a thing" He nods.
"You do that" I tell him.
"Can yall stop yapping and help me?" Ian asks.
"Yes right sorry" I walk over with the cut peppers and give them to him.
"Thank you Vivi" He smiles.
"No problem" I smile. "Need anything else?"
"Nope. You can continue the clothes."
"Alright" I walk over to the counter and continue sewing
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