Chapter 3: She got a name
After awhile of sitting down Newt walks in telling me its time. We walk out to the bonfire area. Most of the people are staring at me.
"This party is for you" Newt whispers to me.
I rub my bump and walk over to the fire sitting down on one of the logs.
"This is for our newest Greenie! Welcome to the Glade Shanket!" Alby yells. "LIGHT EM UP!"
Someone throws a torch at the fire place and it lights up high and large. I watch in amazement.
"Your really a girl!" A boy about 18 with dark hair and eyes says his eyes wandering down my body stopping at my chest occasionally.
"Yes.. I am.." I mumble slowly scooching away.
"I'm Clyde. You are?"
"Dunno" I mumble looking around for Newt, Minho or Jeff.
"Who are you looking for?" He asks.
"My friends" I tell him.
"You can hang with me and my friends" He says grabbing my hand.
"No thank you I'm good" I tell him trying to pull away.
"No join us it will be fun!"
I look around panicked. A boy about 17 with dark skin and short buzzcut hair in an apron mouths you good?
I shake my head. He stops his cooking and walks over without putting the wooden spoon down.
"Clyde if you don't mind I'd like to steal the She-bean for awhile." He smiles not really asking.
Clyde scowls. "Of course" He lets go of my arm and walking away cursing.
"Thank you so much." I tell him.
"No worries. Come on you need to eat." I walk back with him to the kitchen. "Welcome to my kitchen."
"It's amazing" I tell him.
"Sit down." He pulls up a chair and I sit down in it.
"That's the water thing. Only lucky gladers get a water bottle I'll see if I can get Alby to get you one. You have to be hydrated." He smiles.
"Want some bacon?" He asks holding up a plate of bacon.
"Of course!" I grab two slices and eat them. "Oh my gosh these are so good!!"
"I'm glad! I'm Frypan" He tells you.
"I'm well I don't know..."
"It will come back to you." He hands me another slice of bacon. I try to eat it slower all at once a word flashes through my mind.
"Vivian.." I mumble.
"My name. It's Vivian."
Fry laughs happily. "Well Vivian looks like my bacon is magic."
"It really is" I laugh. "I have to tell Newt!"
I stand up from the chair. "Thank you for the bacon Fry!" I tell him walking out to look for Newt. Then I see his shaggy hair.
"Newt!" I call. He whips around.
"What's the matter?"
"I remembered my name! Vivian!" I smile.
"Vivian. It suits you." He smiles his eyes sparkling.
"Thank you" I laugh. "What do we do at these fires?"
"Well usually we drink Gally's concoctions but those have alcohol in them so that's no. We fight also a no."
"So what do I do then?" I ask.
"You can watch the fighting if you want" He says.
"Alright." I walk back to my spot from before making sure Clyde is nowhere in sight. I sit down and watch the fight. After awhile a boy about 14 with messy brown hair walks over and sits down beside me he's holding a drink that smelt.
"Hi! I'm Elias!" His words slur together like he had to many of those drinks.
"Vivian" I say scooching a little away.
His face lights up. "Your the girl!"
"Yes.. I am."
"We've never had a girl here before! Then again I've only been here two months" He says.
"Ok" I say.
"Oy Elias!" A boy yells we look over and see a boy waving him over.
"Bye Elias." I say.
"Come on. You can join us!" He smile.
"Ok.." We walk over to the boy.
"You brought the girl?" He gawks.
"Yes. Now close your mouth before you catch a beatleblade!"
"Ok Jeeze! Just never seen a girl up close before!" He looks me up and down.
"Stop Jim!" Elias scolds. "Just because you've never seen a girl doesn't mean you have to be weird!"
"Your not Sorry. Come one Vivian lets go" He walks off and I follow. We go back to our old spot and sit.
"Sorry about him" Elias says.
"Don't worry about it" I tell him.
"Ok. I'm going to get another drink." He starts to get up up but I grab his arm.
"I think you've had enough. Your only like 14" I tell him.
"Yes Mummy" He jokes.
"Thank you son"
We both laugh. Not all the Gladers are bad.
"What do you usually do at these fires?" I ask him.
"Drink. Watch the fights. They can be fun. Speaking of fights looks like ones about to start." He points to the ring where the dude who gave me my box and Clyde are standing around it about to jump in.
"Whats his name?" I whisper to Elias. "The dude with the awesome eyebrows"
"That's Gally keeper of the Builders" He tell me.
"Ok thank you"
"Ready Shank?" Gally asks.
"Yup" Clyde smirks then hops into the pit. Gally shortly follows.
Clyde wasn't fast or big but he was able to get some decent punches. Gally went straight for it. Punching, kicking, all of it. Not surprising the match lasted about two minutes.
"Whos next?" Gally yells. No one steps in.
"I would but I'm currently pregnant" I whisper to Elias.
"Good plan. Although Gally may go easy on you" He whispers back.
"Ha. Did you see him? He gives no mercy"
"True." He admits.
"I'm hungry I'm going to get food want some?"
"Sure" We walk back to Frys kitchen.
""Hello!" Fry beams.
"Hi Fry. Got any spare food?" I ask.
"Of course! What would you like?" He asks.
"Dunno. What do you have?"
"We have some leftover stew" He says.
"I would love some" I tell him sitting down on the stool.
Fry walks over to the kitchen and grabs a container of stew. "Would you like some Elias?"
"Absolutely" He says sitting down beside me. Fry grabs two bowls and pours us some. "here you go" he hands us each a bowl.
"Hey! Why does Vivian get more?" Elias pouts.
"Cause I'm feeding two" I rub my belly.
"I guess thats true..." He mumbles then takes a bite. "Yum."
I take a bite as well. "Fry this is delicious".
"Of course it is!" He grins. "I've been the Cook for three years I've perfected my recipe. Frypans famous Stew"
"When we get out you should open a restaurant" I tell him taking another bite.
He thinks about it. "Maybe I will"
"I'll go to it"
"Deal" We finish our stew.
"Thank you Fry" I say with a yawn. "I think I'ma go to bed. See ya'll tomorrow"
I waddle off to Newt's old room and close the door then change into PJs and climb into bed. I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
★°•after the fire•°★
"Hey Minho have you seen Vivan?" I ask.
"Who?" He asks clearly drunk.
"She-bean" I say exasperated.
"Oh haven't seen her ask Fry" he says then face plants. I sigh then walk to Fry's kitchen.
"Have you seen Vivan?" I ask.
"Yep! She ate then went to bed" He says.
"Oh ok thank you!" I say walking out to my old bedroom. I take a small peek in and see her sound asleep on her side. I smile.
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