Chapter 25: Valley.. Whys she look like Newt..?
I sit on my bed with my head in my hands crying.
"Their gone.." I mumble.
My door slams open and Chuck comes in. "THERE BACK!"
My head snaps up. "Shut the bloody hell up. Don't lie to me."
"No I'm serious their back!" He yells.
I decide to follow Chuck out of my old room to the maze entrance. I watch with wide eyes two people come out of the maze.
Three people. Three people. But four went in.
I run over as fast as I can I watch as Minho drops Alby onto the ground then he collapses to rhe ground. As I get closer I have to start to shove people out of the way.
"THOMAS!" I scream as I shove a Glader out of my way. Finally I get to Minho, Alby and Thomas. I look around. "Wheres Vivian?"
Thomas stays quiet for a moment. "A Greiver got her."
I collapse to my knees. "Wh-what?"
"She.. had her baby." Thomas says I look up at him and that's when I see it. A tiny baby in his arms. "She named it Valley."
"Valley.." I mumble.
"I was sitting at a window looking at a valley, when you came over and talked to me. You looked about 12." Vivian says. "You told me you would let me see one in person one day."
"I did?" I asks.
The first time we met I promised her I'd let her see a valley in person.. And she did.. Her daughter..
"C-can I hold her?" I ask my voice cracked like I was about to cry which I was.
"Yeah." Thomas leans down handing the last piece of Vivian to me.
"She looks like you Newt." Minho mumbles.
I look down at Valley. Her big brown eyes look up at me. "She does.."
"Whys she naked?" A Glader yells.
"Baby's are born naked!" Another Glader yells.
"EVERYBODY MOVE!" Jeff yells. Both Clint and Jeff walk through the crowd with Ian, Frypan and Elias following.
"Can I see Valley?" Jeff asks. I reluctantly hand her over to Jeff. He quickly does some medical stuff on her. "She's healthy surprisingly."
"Here can I hold her?" Ian asks his voice shaking. Jeff looks to me. I nod then he hands Valley to Ian.
Ian kneels on the ground with Valley in his arms he gently puts her on the ground and pulls a orangey-yellow onesie and gently changes Valley into it then he picks her up and hands her back to me. "Vivian made it."
"Thank you." I whisper taking Valley from him. I look down at Valley. The last piece of Vivian left.
"Now what?" A Glader asks.
"Is Vivian really dead?" Another asks.
"What do we do with the kid?"
"When she grows up can I have her?"
"No me!"
"Why do you get her?" A glader yells.
"Alright who votes I get Valley?" I yell.
More then half the gladers raise their hands.
"That settles that I guess." I yell. I look down at Valley with teary eyes and whisper." I'm so sorry Valley."
"Albys been stung." Clint announces. "Jeff help me take him he needs the serum."
Jeff runs over and grabs Albys arms, Clint takes his legs and together they carry him to the med-hut.
"I'm going to my room." I mumble walking off to my old room. I push open the door with my free hand looking around. Vivians home-made clothes everywhere as well as her drawings, and other random things. I sit on the bed and look at Valley.
She really did look like me, the same chubbyish face, blond hair like me and Vivian, the same chocolate brown eyes I see whenever I look in the mirror and freckles, just like Vi, she has the same button nose as me.
"How do you look like me..?" I mumble. "I've been in the maze for 3 years.."
Valley doesn't respond she just looks up at me with her big brown eyes and coos.
"Your mummys gone." I tell her tears falling. "She's not coming back.."
I start to shake I hug Valley to my chest gently so I don't hurt her as I start to sob. I sob uncontrollably while holding Valley close to me. The past piece of Vivian.
"I never got to tell her this.." I gasp. "But I loved her.. I promise I'll keep you safe Valley. I'll protect you with my life. I promise. I won't let anything happen to you. I love you Valley."
I continue to sob for the loss of Vivian, Valleys mother, the girl I loved, the first female in the Glade. My best friend, (sorry Minho.)
"I'm so sorry Vivian.." I mumble. "I really am."
There's a knock on my door. "Come in."
Thomas walks in his eyes are puffy like he's been crying too. "I'm so sorry Newt. I tryed to save her I did. Sh-she I'm so sorry." He breaks down sobbing. "Ca-can I see her?"
I hand Valley to him. He holds her osr to his chest like I did while he sobs.
"Why Vi? Why?" I sob. "Why would you run into the maze?"
"I really am sorry Newt. I'm so so sorry." Thomas sobs.
"It's ok, it's not your fault." I cry. "Vi why??"
I curl into a ball and cry. I bring one of the blankets she made up to my face to muffle some of the sobs.
"Newt.." Thomas asks. "Do you know why she named her Valley? You looked shocked when I told you her name."
"We- we first met when she was looking at a Valley. I promise her I'd take her to see a real life Valley one day." I look down at Valley. "I'll take you to see one. I promise that."
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