Chapter 21: Well Shuck
I wake up to a bunch of people talking.
"Shh whisper Vivian is sleeping." I hear Jeff say.
"Sorry." Clint says.
"You're horrible at whispering." I tell them sitting up.
"Oops.." Jeff says.
"What were you talking about?" I ask.
"Minho found a dead Greiver." Clint says.
"Oh that coo-waIT WHAT?" I gasp. "A dead Griever?"
"Yeah they found a dead Griever and went into the maze today." Jeff says.
"But Alby isn't a runner." I say.
"He's first in command so it was fine." Clint shrugs.
"What time is it right now?" I ask.
Jeff checks the clock. "10 am. Frypan said you don't have to work today if you don't feel up to it."
"Oh ok." I smile. "I'm going to go."
"Ok have a good time working." Jeff says as the door opens and a Glader comes in.
"I cut myself." The Glader exclaims.
"I'm out." I walk out the door to the kitchen.
"You back!" Ian exclaims.
"I back!" I grin.
"If your here your working." Frypan says. "Grab me a plastic bag please."
"Ok!" I grab a plastic bag from the cupboard and hand it to him. Looking at the bag gives me a idea...
As if Ian can sense I have a plan he says. "Vivian can you help me with this?"
"Yeah of course!" I quickly grab a bag and walk over hiding the bag in my pocket.
"What's your plan?" He whispers.
"You'll see." I smirk.
"Darn you." He mumbles. "Cut the carrots will you?"
"Yes sir." I grab a bag of carrots, cutting board and knife. " Circle Slices or sticks?"
"Sticks." Ian says. I start to cut at them into sticks.
I continue to cut the carrots into sticks just about cutting of my fingers a few times after about the 4th time Frypan speaks up.
"Vivian! Your going to cut your fingers off! Pay better attention! What's going on?"
"I'm thinking! Sorry!" I yelp. After that I don't just about cut my fingers off.
Ok lunch time." Fry announces.
"Finally." I sigh. I cut carrots, apples, cucumbers and onions.
"I'm going to clean up in here before I eat." I tell the boys.
"Alright." Ian says. The boys leave. I clean up my area then grab a plastic bag filling it up with water hiding it in my pocket. Afterwards I head out to lunch. I grab a plate of salad and sit with the boys.
I look over to the maze door. "When will they be back?"
"Who be back?" Frypan asks.
"Alby and Minho. They went into the maze this morning." I tell him.
"They what?" He yelps. "Why?"
"Minho found a dead Griever."
"When? What? How?"
"I don't even know." I admit.
"Yeah Minho found a Griever and Alby wanted to see it." Ian says. "You didn't know?"
"No one told me!" Fry admits.
"Tell you what?" Newt asks coming over sitting down beside me.
"That Alby and Minho went into the maze."
"Oh, yeah." Newt says picking at a apple. "I thought they would be back by now."
"How much longer do they have till the gate closes?" I ask.
"Till six pm so 6 hours." Ian says.
I look over to the maze entrance. "6 hours to get back.."
"They'll be back." Frypan says. "Now in the mean time we need to get back to work." He stands up and walks away but I quickly stand up and pop the bag of water.
"Vivian.." Ian says. "Did you just pee yourself...?"
I look down pretending to be shocked. "I'm going into labor! My water broke!"
Newt looked horrified. "Is it more Braxtons hicks?"
"I don't know!" I yell with fake panic in my voice.
"Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!" Ian yelps with real panic.
Newt rushes over to me. "Do you need me to take you to Jeff?!"
"Sure!" I yell. Newt picks me up bridal style and starts to run then the bag falls out of my pocket.
"What's that?" Ian asks.
"A bag. A wet one." Frypan says. "Vivian.."
I burst out laughing. "Yeah it was fake."
Ian laughs too. "So that was your plan!"
I nodd through the laughing.
Newt puts me down with a smile. "That was a good one."
"Thank you." I say laughing.
"Their still not back." I say looking out into the maze. All the Gladers are here waiting, hoping Minho and Alby come back.
"We're are they?" Newt mumbles.
"What happens if their not back?" Thomas asks. "What don't we send a search party?"
"Bloody he-" Meet stops himself. " We can't. Ok? Don't say it again. 100% against the rules. Especially when the doors are about to close."
"But why?" Someone asks. It takes me a moment to realize it was me.
"Why?" Thomas asks. "Won't the grievers get them if they stay out there? Shouldn't we do something??"
Newt turns to Thomas. "Shut your hole Greenie! You've been here not even a bloody week! You think I wouldn't risk my life in a second to save them?" Then he turns to me. "You know we can't."
Thomas looks down. "No... I ... Sorry... I didn't mean.."
Newt's face softens. "You don't get it Tommy. Going out there at night is begging for death. We'd be throwingore lives away. If those shanks don't make it back..." He pauses. " Both of them swore an oath. Just like I did. Like we all did. You too. When you go to your first Gathering you get chosen by a Keeper. Never go out at night. Never."
Thomas looks at me. "Newt wont say it." I say quietly. "So I will. If they're not back it means their dead. Minhos to smart to get lost. Impossible. They're dead."
Newt says nothing as I look out to theaze again.
"Vivians right. That's why we can't go out. We can't afford to make things bloody worse then they are." Newt says. "The doors close in two minutes." He walks away.
I look down tears falling. I barley knew Alby and Minho but it still hurt. They were my friends. I cared for them.
Theaze booms as the doors start to close. I look back up and see something coming. I jump back thinking it's a Griever then I realize it's Minho and Alby. Minho was dragging him.
"They got him!" Minho yells. His voice hoarse. Every step weak.
"Newt!" Thomas screams. "Their coming I can see them!"
Newt looks back and runs over.
I stare I should go in and help. But how could I help? I've never been in the maze and I'm pregnant.
The door keeps closing the gap getting smaller and smaller by the minute. They wouldn't make it. Without thinking I run into the maze. I grab Albys other side helping Minho drag him.
What did I just do???
Minho looks at me with shock screaming at me to leave but I don't. I stay helping Minho and Alby.
I look back at the Glade. Newt horrified Thomas looking scared then he runs. Not away but into the maze right before the doors close.
We're locked in.
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