Chapter 19: Banishing and oh crap..
I'm in the kitchen with Thomas and Elias when Frypan and Ian come in.
"Hey Vi, Thomas, Elias." Frypan says. "Oh Elias your needed."
"Oh ok." He gets up. "Bye guys. Don't miss me to much."
"We won't!" I smile.
Elias gives a dramatic bow then leaves closing the door with a thud.
I look over to Frypan and Ian with a smile but their not smiling.
"What's the matter?" I ask getting out of my seat. "We didn't eat anything important I swear."
"It's not that." Frypan says.
"Then what is it?" I ask.
"I don't know how to put this." Frypan says.
Ben isn't dead." Ian blurts.
"IAN!" Fry freaks out. "We we're supposed to tell her calmly!"
"WHAT." I yelp. "Tell me everything!
"He's getting banished tonight." Frypan says.
"What's bannished?" Thomas asks.
"It's when their sent out into the maze just as the doors close." I tell him.
"And that's bad because no one's survived the night in the maze." Thomas says.
"Exactly." Frypan says. "We're going to need you tonight since you're apart of the Keepers.
"Ugh." I say. "I just want to sleep."
"Real." Ian says.
"I know!" I say turning to him. We share a high five.
"IAN!" Fry yells. "Your supposed to be agreeing with me!"
"Oh right. You have too. Your not allowed to refuse."He slides over to Frypan. "How was that?"
"Horrible." Fry says then turns to me"You can sleep now I'll give you that time off but your needed tonight." Fry tells me.
"Fine." I grumble. "Wake me when it's time."
I walk to my room and climb into bed falling asleep instantly.
"Vivian.. Vivian..." A voice says.
"Go away." I mumble as I fling something at the voice. Either a pillow, book or half finished sewing project.
"OW!" He yells then I get hit.
"Ow!" I yelp sitting up to Newt holding the patched beanbag pillow I made. No wonder it hurt.
"It's time for the banishing."
"Wha- oh, oh yeah." I get up from off my bed and follow Newt out.
"How do we do this?" I ask.
"Right you've never done this before. Just follow what I do."
"Ok." Newt walks forward and so do I.
"Bring him out!" Alby yells.
Minho comes around the corner of the homestead with Ben literally being dragged by 3 other boys. His clothes were tatted and barely hanging on. He looked dead except his eyes, they were filled with terror
"Newt, bring out the pole." Alby says quietly. Newt walks over to the garden shed and walks inside.
The boys bring Ben closer to the group.
"You brought this on yourself Ben." Alby says.
I feel a tad of guilt but I don't know why.
Newt walks out of the shed holding many aluminum poles, connecting the ends to make a T shape maybe six meters long. When he finishes he grabs something odd shaped on one of the ends and drags the whole thing towards the group.
The metallic thing makes a horrible scrape noise against the stone as Newt walked.
Finally Newt hands the end of the pole he was holding to Alby. I could see the attachment now. A loop of rough leather fastened around the metal with a massive staple. A large button snap showed that it could be opened and closed. It was a collar..
I watched as Alby unbuttoned the collar and snapped it around Ben's neck. Ben looks up right as the collar make a pop. His eyes have some tears in them.
All the Gladers watch, not making a noise.
"Please Alby.." Ben pleads his voice wavering so different from earlier. "I swear I was sick from the changing. I would have never killed him. I lost my mind for a second. Please Alby, please."
Every word made me confused and a bit sorry for Ben.
Alby doesn't say a word to Ben as he tightens the collar. He walks past Ben along the pole picking it up from off the ground he holds it tightly and faces the crowd. His eyes bloodshot and his face angry. The other side has a trembling, crying Ben.
Alby speaks in a loud voice. "Ben of the Builders, you've been sentenced to Banishment for the attempted murder of Thomas the Newbie. The Keepers have spoken and their word ain't charging. You ain't coming back. Ever." There's a long pause. "Keepers take your Banishment Pole."
One by one all the Keepers take their pole by the pole. I grab on in-between Newt and Frypan. Ben keeps crying and pleading for us to change our minds and I almost do.
"Please. " Ben says his voice desperate. "Please! Somebody help me! You can't do this to me!"
"Shut up!" Alby roars from behind.
Ben ignores him and keeps pleading he twists in the collar trying to escape. "Somebody help me! Stop them! Please!" He looks from boy to boy then at me. "Please Vivian."
I look away from his gaze for a moment he look back I feel some tears running down my face. I look down again.
"If we let shanks like you get away with that stuff we would never have survived this long." Alby says. "Keepers get ready."
"No, no, no, no, no." Ben says. "I'll do anything! I swear! I'll never do it again! Please!!"
His cry is cut off by the rumbling of the door begining to close. Sparks fly as it does. The ground shakes beneath us.
"Keepers now!" Alby shouts.
Ben's head snaps forward as he's jerked forward. I push with the boys trying not to fall over. I watch as he's pushed inside the maze with scream. He turns in his collar to face the Gladers. His doesn't even look human. He screams again as the pole is taken out of the maze.
"Hold!" Alby shouts.
Ben screams once more but it's cut short by the maze doors being closed
I fall to my knees letting go if the pole. "What have I done?" That's when I release how much pain I'm in.
Baby was coming. And their coming now.
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