Chapter 11: BSS and Gaslight
After a week in the glade Chuck had all the energy, jumping around from place to place, laughing, smiling and talking non-stop. Not that I was complaining though he was good company.
"Hi Vi!" Chuck grins walking into the kitchen.
"Hi Chucky" I smile.
"Jeeze Vivi you need to get your son out of here!" Fry teases.
"Sorry!" Chuck yelps running out to the other side of the window pulling up a chair. "Better?"
"I mean he's still outside" Ian shrugs.
"Fine. What do you need Chuck?" Fry asks.
"I was wondering if I could be the babies babysitter" He says looking up at me hopeful.
"Sure why not." I tell him.
"Really?" He grins.
"Yeah why not." I smile. "Your meeting is soon when you get your job. I'll talk to Alby and Newt."
"Yay! Thank you Vi!" He grins running off.
"Before we let the Greenie in we need to decide on his job" Alby says.
"Honestly I think he could be a Slopper. He can't really be any other job." Newt says.
I stand up. "Can I say something?"
"Yeah, what do you need Vivian?" Newt asks.
"he wanted to know if he could be my babies babysitter while I'm working." I say.
Lot's of talking starts.
"A new job?"
"Why does he get a special job?"
"What the shuck?"
"The she-bean just favors him"
"Thank you Alby"
"That could work. Have him as the Baby Shank Sitter.. He will be a Slopper and A Baby Shank Sitter. Sound good to everyone?" Newt asks.
Most of the boys agree the rest stay silent.
Chuck walks in pale in the face and stands in the front.
"Chuck come into the middle" I tell him.
Chuck mumbles something then moves to the middle.
"Chuck's Keeper's stand up." Alby says. Both me and a boy I don't know stand up.
The boy speaks. "I'm Logan the Keeper of the Sloppers. Since you are young you can't really fit any other jobs then Slopper."
Chuck nods like he expected it then he turns to look at me.
I speak. "I'm Vivian keeper of the Baby Shank Sitters. You will also be The Baby Shank Sitter. But that's only when my baby is born, for now your a Slopper. Even when my baby is born you will still have to help with chores just not as much."
Chuck grins. "Deal!"
"Alright then Chuck you are now a BSS and a Slopper." Alby says. "Meeting dismissed"
I rush over and squash him in a hug. "You did it Chucky"
"I did it" he grins.
"You won't be getting payed" I tell him.
"Are you kidding me?!" He gasps dramatically.
"What's going on?" Newt runs over worried.
"I'm not getting payed to babysit!" Chuck says at the same time I say. "I'm not paying him to babysit."
"What?" His face scrunches up in confusion. "Oh"
Newt facepalms walking off. "I thought someone died"
"Well you were quiet mistaken" I grin.
"I have to get back to the gardens I'll see you all soon." He waves the turns." Chuck you to go visit Logan to see if he has a job for you"
"Ok, bye Vivi" he gives me a hug running off to find Logan.
I waddle off to the kitchen. "Is there anything you need?"
Ian looks over to Fry and I'm pretty sure they have a silent conversation.
"Can you go get some apples from the garden?"
"I suppose" I sigh walking out to the garden.
I grab one of the baskets and ladders and step onto the first step and grab some of the apples.
"VIVIAN!' a voice from behind me screeches making me fall backwards but someone catches me.
"Vivian!" Newt scolds. "Why are you climbing a ladder at 8 months pregnant??"
"I need apples" I point to the basket.
"I'll get them" he takes the basket from the floor and climbs up the ladder and grabs the apples.
"You really don't need to do that!" I tell him.
"It's fine Vi. Why do you need them anyway?"
"I actually don't know. Fry told me to get them" I say.
There's silence for awhile till Newt asks "cats or dogs?"
"Cats." Then I ask. "Fruit or veggies?"
"Fruit. Humans or animals?"
"Depends. Sometimes I would want an animal other times a person." I think for a bit. Walking or running?"
"Walking. Coffee or tea?"
"I've only ever had tea as far as I can remember so tea"
"Solid choice. What kind?"
"Mango" I beam. "I think that's enough apples."
"Ok." He climbs off the ladder and hands me the basket.
"Thanks Newt." I waddle off to the kitchen again.
"I got the apples!" I announce when I open the door.
"I needed plums!" Fry says.
I frown."you said apples."
"No he didn't." Ian says.
"I'll get your plums" I slam the basket down and walk back looking at the trees.
"Where are the plum trees?!?" I yell annoyed.
"We don't have any" Newt says with a frown if his own.
"Fry said he needed plums!" I yell annoyed and exasperated.
"Go ask him again." Newt suggests.
"Fine." I walk all the way back to the kitchen and open the door.
"There are no plum trees" I tell him sitting down at the island.
Fry grins evily. "We know."
"So why did you ask me to get them??"
"We didn't. We said peaches" Fry says.
At this point I'm angry and confused. "Get them yourself."
"I'm making supper!" Ian says.
"I'm making dessert!" Fry says.
"Fine! This is the last one." I snap storming out.
"Where are ethe peach trees?" I ask Newt.
"Over here I'll get them for you" he grabs a basket and picks some. "Land or water?"
"Land" I say quickly. "I don't like water.
"Same" he hands me the peaches. "After you give them to the kitchen you should take a nap."
"Ok. Thank you again Newt."
I take the basket and walk into the kitchen.
"Your back!" Fry grins.
"Take your bloody peaches. I'm going for a nap." I walk away to my room and collapse on the bed falling asleep instantly.
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