Chapter 10: Why the Shuck is there a child?!?
I wake up and put the clothes I made in the out my hair in a braid. Then waddle out to the kitchen. Where the boys have their clothes I made on.
"The Runners have already been served. We're waiting Newt, Alby and some others." Fry says. "You have your outfit on!!"
"Yeah!" I grab the plate on pancakes from Ian and hand them out to Alby. Then Newt comes.
"Did you plan your matching outfits?" He asks with a smile.
"Yeah!" Ian says. "Vivian made them!"
Newt turns to look at me. "Really? Could you make me one? It's ok if you can't"
"I'm sure I could. I just need your measurement and stuff." I say.
"Ok, take as much time as you need." He smiles walking off with his food.
Good news we manage to feed everyone. Bad news I don't get to eat because an alarm goes off.
"What's that noise?" I yell to the boys covering my ears.
"The Greenie Alarm." Fry calls back. Come on!"
"Ok, ok, ok!" The three of us walk out of the kitchen to the box where all the boys are standing around looking down.
"Newt go get the Shank" Alby says.
"Ok" He says, with the help of Gally they open the box doors and Newt jumps down.
"Hello?" Newt calls. At this point Fry, Ian and I are close to the front. I look down and see a boy in the corner.
"In the corner Newt" I tell him. He walks over and looks at the boy. I can't hear what he says to him but he looks up.
"We need some towels!" He calls. Clint runs off for towels. When he gets back he hands them to Newt. He helps the boy up. "Ladder!"
Gally sends the ladder down. "Tell me when."
Newt helps the boy onto the ladder. I get a good look at him shocked. He's about 11 with curly brown hair, kinda short.
When he gets up I push forward to see him. He has some tears running down his face. "Hi bud" I smile.
He looks up from the ground looking at me. "Hi." He whispers.
"Its a child" Some boys whisper.
"So tiny.."
"Why is he here?"
"He has shucking ears you know!" I yell to the boys. The whispers stop.
"Lets get you cleaned up" I walk him to the bathrooms. "I'll get you some towels."
"Ok. Thank you" he whispers.
I rush off to get towels. When I get back he's in the shower already. "I have the towels."
"Ok. Where are we?" He asks.
"In the middle of a maze. That's all I really know." I tell him.
"Huh?" He says.
"It's a maze. Since they are circular we are in the center. Every night the doors close." I tell him.
"How come we never got out?" He asks.
"I don't know." I admit.
"Because it's bloody impossible" Newt's voice cuts in. He turns to me. "You go eat some breakfast Love. I'll take it from here."
"Alright. Thank you." I hand Newt the towels and walk off to the kitchen. When I open the door Ian and Fry are at the counter eating.
"Your plates on the counter." Fry says. I grab my plate and sit down beside Ian.
"Can you believe the Creator's sent up a shucking child?" I ask taking a bite of my toast.
"I mean we're all children.." Ian says.
"This kids is like 11!" I snap taking another bite.
"I'm just saying!" Ian says finishing his first piece.
"Still. It's horrible!"
"Your going to be having a baby. is that not scary?" Ian asks.
I place a hand on my abdomen. "It is scary. But there's really nothing I can do about it."
"True. Just like there is nothing we can do about the kid being here." Ian says. "Does he remember his name?"
"No. Not that I know of." I say finishing my first toast.
"Do you know how to have a baby?" Frypan asks.
"Sotra. I've been reading a book. It's how to have and care for a baby and a pregnant woman." I tell him.
"Where did that come from?" He asks.
"Clint and Jeff had it so I stole it."
"Oh. Well.. Baby will be here soon." he says.
"Yeah. I'm excited and nervous." I say.
"Honest reaction" Fry says.
"Obviously, I'm like 17 and having a baby!' I yelp.
"Well.. I don't know what to say to that.." Ian says..
"I'm back!" The boy runs in grinning. "My name's Chuck!"
"Welcome to the Glade Chuck!" I smile.
"Is there any food?" He asks.
"Yeah." I stand up and walk over to the toast pile and put some on a plate for him handing it to him.
"Thank you!" He grins sitting down beside me.
"You never told me your name." Chuck says.
"Vivian" I tell him with a smile.
"Nice to meet you." He glances down at my stomach. "Do they have a name?"
"Huh?" I ask.
"Your baby.. You are pregnant right?" He asks worried.
"Oh ya, I'm pregnant and no I don't have a name." I tell him.
"I think it's a girl" He says.
"A girl huh?" I look down.
"Why is it a boy?" I ask.
"Don't know. It also could be twins. We don't even know." I say.
Newt looks down with a frown. "It doesn't look like two kids."
I look up at him. "It doesn't but the stethoscope picked up on three heart beats."
"Three?" Ian yelps. "Three babies?!"
"No.. My heart beat plus the babies." I tell him. "But Jeff also said it could be one baby who moves a lot."
"Imagen two babies running around this place!" Chuck gasps.
"it will take awhile for them to be able to walk!" I tell him.
"It does?" Ian and Chuck ask in unison.
"Yeah.. At least a year.. They can't talk, walk or really anything for awhile." I tell them.
"Really?!" They ask looking more shocked then they sound.
"You really didn't know that?!" Newt asks.
"No.." Chuck admits.
"Well now you do." I smile.
"What can babies do?" Ian asks.
"They can cry, poop, cry.."
"You said cry twice" Fry notes.
"Whatever" I tell him with a joking eye role.
"Babies are boring.." Ian says.
"Yeah they are. But after awhile they can do everything we do." I tell him.
"How long?" Chuck asks.
"It takes about 2-4 years to talk properly and about a 1-3 years to walk." I tell them.
"Weird." They say.
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