Chapter Eleven
Todomatsu sighed, not quite sure how to even treat the unknown day ahead of him. What would happen? Would Karamatsu keep a close eye on him again? Would Karamatsu tell everyone else?
Still resting on his futon, he pushed those questions aside as he listened out for the sounds of his brothers, whom were all going about their daily lives.
Ichimatsu strolled past their bedroom in his normal, hunched over fashion with Osomatsu by his side. The two were muttering things to each other. From time to time, Ichimatsu would glance uncomfortably around, as if he didn't want anyone to hear the things they were speaking of.
"Why would Ichimatsu be so uncomfortable with a conversation...?" Todomatsu thought to himself, still feeling half asleep.
Ichimatsu spat out some kind of unheard insult at Osomatsu, grimacing.
"You shouldn't say that about your beloved brothers!" Osomatsu laughed loudly. "We all know you love us deep down. So don't even try to hide it! We really do care."
"This isn't about me!" Ichimatsu snapped tartly back at Osomatsu, storming away from his older brother in a matter of seconds.
It was only a moment before Todomatsu heard the front door slam. The clock, which hung on their bedroom wall, shook from the sudden disruption.
"What were they talking about..." Todomatsu wondered, feeling as if someone had hit him in the stomach with a rock. To put it simply, the man felt nervous. Dangerously nervous.
Osomatsu stood in front of the doorway of their shared bedroom, his mouth hanging open in shock.
"Jeez," Osomatsu sighed, rubbing under his nose, already pretending that Ichimatsu was acting normal. "He's in a salty mood today, isn't he Karamatsu?"
Karamatsu laughed a little, rubbing the ends of his hair, attempting to appear cool as he passed the eldest son in the hall.
"He's following the beat of his own heart," Karamatsu replied.
"The beat...of his own heart..." Todomatsu thought, his heart skipping a beat, then began to beat faster. "I can't do that, can I..? Because this isn't..."
Entering their bedroom, Karamatsu rummaged through their mess of a closet. Just moments later, he let out a jubilant squeal as he pulled out his guitar case.
"Are you going to the roof to sing or something?" Todomatsu asked, hoping Karamatsu wasn't going to watch him closely again. He wanted to go under the radar, and for nobody to worry about him.
"Y-Yeah!" Karamatsu jumped, surprised to hear the youngest son speaking. "Why are you awake now?"
"Everyone else is...?" Todomatsu sighed, unable to meet his brother's eyes once again. He still felt guilty.
Karamatsu stared down at the floor, at least, that's what Todomatsu thought he was doing at first. When in reality, the second son was staring at the arm his youngest brother had abused only hours ago.
"Do you want to come to the roof with me?" Karamatsu offered kindly. "It's a nice day out. The birds are singing for you and me!"
At that moment, Mrs. Matsuno popped her head in the room, a piece of paper in one hand, the home phone in her other hand, up to her ear.
"Mommy!" Karamatsu exclaimed dramatically, only to be hushed by Choromatsu, who was standing behind their mother.
"Go somewhere else," Choromatsu snapped. "Mother has something to discuss with Todomatsu. Alone."
"Fine, fine," Karamatsu sighed, slinging his guitar case over his back as if he were some sort of cool idol. "I'll be on the roof again."
"Don't fall off of it," Choromatsu reminded Karamatsu. "It'd be just like Ichimatsu to try to kick you off later. Be careful."
Karamatsu exited the room without another word the moment Mrs. Matsuno ended her call.
"Todomatsu," she spoke, her voice sounding more serious than normal. "That was the hospital that just called."
Images of Kinkai flickered through Todomatsu's mind as he suddenly found it hard to breathe. He knew exactly what his mother was about to say. He wanted to block out the world right now. Nothing could be good if the hospital called.
"You'd be better off dead, wouldn't you?" Todomatsu's hallucination spoke within his mind. "You get scared at just the thought of having another heart transplant! So what? Kinkai never loved you, so it'd be fine to give up her heart. Toss it in the trash."
"No...stop..." Todomatsu thought, shaking his head a little. "I'm heart is absolutely fine..."
"And would you mind explaining why I have to be here to protect you?" the figure hissed back in reply. "You're worthless! I don't even know why I try anymore. Your life is more pointless than the life of a luna moth. They only live for a week, you know. They live and never even eat, because they have no mouth. And in that week, they're forced to live a better life than you've had for over twenty years."
"Luna...means moon in Latin..." Todomatsu thought, his stomach cramping. "Kinkai loved the moon..."
"Oh my god," the figure sighed irritatedly. "You're such an idiot. I mention a freaking moth and your mind drifts off to that piece of trash girl."
"They want to check your heart this afternoon. They forgot to check it last year, and it's quite urgent," Mrs. Matsuno sighed, breaking Todomatsu's thoughts. "I'm sure everything is perfectly fine, but it's better to be safe than sorry."
"I don't...want to go..." Todomatsu whimpered quietly. "I won't let them steal it..."
Todomatsu felt his heart pounding in his chest, feeling as if it would explode. His hands trembled as he clutched the blanket on his futon
"I'll go with you, if it helps," Choromatsu offered. "I know how much you hate hospitals, so I'm sure you'd feel better with one of us there."
"I can't go..." Todomatsu's voice shook as he sniffed loudly, already sobbing without realizing it. "I don't want to! You can't force me to go to that awful place! I'm never going back to that place! I'd rather just die!"
"Calm down!" Choromatsu ordered his younger brother, throwing himself to the floor next to him.
Urgently, he grabbed Todomatsu's trembling hands and squeezed them, making an attempt to comfort him.
"Listen," Choromatsu lowered his voice, pulling Todomatsu into a tight hug. "You're...You're going to be just fine. We won't let anyone hurt you, okay?"
Todomatsu retched, feeling as if his mouth was full of cotton balls. He had blocked out his older brother's words, only focusing on his "friend" inside.
"Kill yourself before the doctors kill you," the figure's voice echoed in Todomatsu's mind. He gave the man's heart a rough squeeze with his transparent, icy hands, as a reminder to who was still in control.
"Just leave me alone!" Todomatsu cried, struggling to break free from Choromatsu's somehow strong hug. "I'm not going! You're not in control! You can't win! If you hate me so much why won't you let me die!"
Choromatsu let go of Todomatsu, allowing him to fall to the floor, jerking around in unnatural patters, having some sort of fit.
"Todomatsu!" Choromatsu yelled. "Get a grip on yourself!"
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