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Chapter 9: Recipes and a Gift

Dream's POV a week later

"Okay, the carrots are replanted and collected. I also picked the pumpkins for you. What would you like me to help with next, Farm?"I ask

"Good job, bud. This helps so much. I think my brother needs you in the kitchen now."He says with a grin.

Over the past few weeks, I have befriended Farmer and his brother, devoting some time to helping them around their farm.  It's nice since they thank me or appreciate me when I help them, which is the kind of thing I don't hear much anymore. And they sound very caring and it's nice to get to know them. They're already content here so my aura doesn't seem to affect them that much.

I nod and head inside to see his brother working in the kitchen. He smiles at me and I start helping him cook. He carefully instructs me, leading me through the steps and smiled when I got it right. He even pats me on the head with a gloved hand after I put the lid on the pot. I smile, feeling happier and proud of myself when he did that. It felt earned and it's good to know that I did it right.

"What's going on in here? What's he doing here?"I hear a voice growl

I glance over, seeing Horror standing in the doorway. He glances between me and Sprout, frowning.

"I thought I was your cooking helper!"He says

"Oh, yes Horror! You are! It's a joy to experiment with recipes with you! I'm just taking the chance to teach Dream!"Sprout says with a smile.

Horror narrows his eye at me.

"Why are you here?"He asks

"I like to come here and help them."I say

"Don't you have other AUs to help? Why this one?"He asks, stepping closer.

He raises his axe to my neck, glaring at me.

"Can't I help friends? I've done plenty for other AUs the past few days so it makes sense to make time for them....doesn't it?"I say, hearing the front door shut.

"Horror, lower the axe. There will be no fights in this house. Our buddy Dream has been helping with the increase of crop demands lately and he makes good company. Paps enjoys teaching him the basics."Farmer says from behind Horror.

Horror tenses up and lowers the axe, turning to Farmer.

"I just don't want trouble to come to you...I want you to be safe..."He says

"And what's that supposed to mean?"Sprout asks

"He is friends with Ink of all people. If he gets here, he will mess things up. And if Boss learns that he is here, then it would be a short amount of time before this AU is included in a plan. I don't want this place to become a battlefield. The only reason I'm able to sneak away here is because Error covers for me."He says

"Is Ink the stranger with a giant brush?"Sprout asks


"Dream chases him out of here on a regular basis."Sprout says

Horror looks at me in surprise.

"Just because I'm friends with him doesn't mean I let him avoid consequences."I say

The stove starts beeping and Paps turns me back to the stove, continuing the rest of the instructions. After a few minutes, I finished making the food. Sprout led me outside and I helped him pick the crops while Horror watched from a distance as he worked. Then after Sprout went to the barn, he stepped closer to me.

"Why do you smell like chocolate?"He asks

Somehow that isn't the weirdest question I've heard. Questions about my smell should be weird or creepy, right? But at this point, it isn't new.

"I've been learning to bake as well now that I have a home to stay in...that I won't reveal obviously. The last thing I tried had chocolate chips in it."I say

He tilts his head, looking confused.

"I live for more than battles with your gang. I want to experience more and see more than just violence, even for a little while. He wants to try different things and see what he's good at. I never really got the chance stuck in stone so I'm not going to waste the chance I have now. Cooking, baking, crafting, reading, I want to try it all."I say

He hums, nodding and his gaze softening.

"I was just a bit confused since the only person with a strong chocolate smell is Error...."He says

"He does eat those bars a lot."I say

"So you're trying to learn how to make food?"He asks

"Yeah, I've been told that I have to improve on my meal routine." I say

"I could give you a few recipes."He says

"No axe involved?"I ask, a bit surprised.

Minutes ago he was ready to take my head off so this shift is a bit surprising. I can't exactly tell how genuine he is or if it's a trick.

He nods.

"Okay, that would be nice. Thank you."I say

He smiles, then quickly runs off back to the house. Sprout chuckles as he walks over.

"I'm guessing you mentioned recipes to him? He loves practicing or sharing recipes and has a deep passion for cooking."He says

"I can tell."I say, smiling at how happy Horror seems to be.

"I'm going to handle the chickens now. You got this here?"He asks

I nod and he walks away.

Horror quickly runs back over, handing me a list of recipes. I thank him again as I tuck it in my pocket. Then his smile shrinks for a moment.

"Random question but do you know someone named Blip?"He asks

Hmm...Can't be completely honest with this question. He could go back and tell Nightmare what I say and I doubt he'd like to hear that I'm in contact with Blip as well and I doubt Error would like it getting out how he reunited with his brother...Ink would just take that as a challenge to try again if word got out...I'll just tell Horror part of the truth.

"Yep, I do. He's Error's brother and I met him about a month ago and he wasn't pleased with what he heard. Apparently Ink separated them at some point and that didn't help my case when he heard rumors that I fought the gang alongside Ink. He wanted answers and gave me a very stern warning. He doesn't seem to like anyone that has gotten near Error with very few exceptions. He also asked about rumors he heard about Nightmare that angered him and I gave him my best answers. He asked where to find Nightmare and I told him my best answer to that, too. I don't know where he is for certain outside of battles so I just told him what I hear he does. I apologize if that causes you or Nightmare any trouble somehow but he was going to hunt down Nightmare regardless of my answer and if I wasn't honest, he'd crush take my head."I say

"What were the rumors about Boss?"

"He heard that Nightmare was hitting Error and mistreating him so he was reasonably angry. Any brother would be infuriated to hear anyone, friend or foe, hurting their sibling."

"Were you?"He asks

I jolt, feeling that question hit a very sensitive nerve.

"I didn't hear about anything but excuses and requests for favors. I had suspicions but never had proof or the ability to get closer. By the time I found out, it was too late. And as far as I know, it still is."I say

"But...Nightmare is alive."He says

I shake my head.

"He has made it clear that my brother died long ago."I say

"That's strange...He still refers to you as his brother in meetings. Just good ways...Sorry."He mumbles

I shrug it off.

"I kind of expect that at this point."I say

"Then why do still help people in AUs? If you're so angry, then why don't you act on it? Why do you defend souls that could just as easily been the ones in your AU?"He asks

"I spent about 500 years in stone, Horror. I had plenty of time to be angry and nothing better to do than run through my thoughts. That was the only real time in my life I could be angry without consequences...trapped in stone...But when I got out of stone, I didn't get the chance to be angry or process much. I had a job to do and if I didn't, then the multiverse would be worse than it is now. I'm not going to let innocent souls perish or suffer simply because of a hypothetical. They're alternate worlds for a reason. There's no guarantee that in another world we'd...he'd be mistreated so I'm not going to blame them for something they didn't do...And I'm not really expected to get angry or allowed to without it being counterproductive. It's complicated and I have other things to focus my frustrations on, like every mess Ink causes."I say, continuing to plant new crops.

He glances at me, quiet and pausing from his work.

"Sorry, I said too much. None of it matters now anyway...I hope that satisfied you, Horror."I say

"Well...Blip reunited with Error...."

I smile wider again, trying to act surprised by the news.

"Wow! That sounds wonderful! They must be so happy!"

"Yeah...But what you told me may explain why he hasn't introduced Blip to the gang yet..."

"I wish you all the best of luck if that day ever comes."I say

"Thanks, I think we'll need it..."He says

Then my phone dings from my pocket. I check it to see a text from Error saying: When are you free? You're not at your house so I assume you're busy.-Error

How did he even get my-? Nevermind...Probably from Swap or some other way...

I texted back that I'm free later this week. He sends a thumbs-up in response. I tuck my phone away and go back to work.

A few days later I wake up in bed and groan, knowing what today is and hating it. Usually I'd spend the day helping AUs to keep myself busy but now I don't feel the energy to go out. And what is this day? Well, my birthday.

I sigh, shaking my head as I sit up. I can't be upset. It's been the same thing for years. I should be used to it by now. And as usual, Ink either forgot or is too busy again. This time Swap's timeline runs a few days behind me so he's busy right now but he'll certainly give me a call when his it's my birthday in his AU. I get dressed and put on my crown, going through my morning routine as usual. Then there's a knock at my door, surprising me. Nobody has knocked at my door since Error made this house in such a distant area. Wait....

I open the door and Error smirks, marching right in.

"GoOd mORnInG, GoLdiE. HAvE yOu hAd bReAkFaSt oR dO I hAVe tO rEpOrT yOu tO sWaP?"He says teasingly as he lets himself into the kitchen.

"I just woke up, Error."I say, holding back a yawn.

He examines the kitchen carefully, nodding. His gaze fixes on my calendar for a few moments and I see his glitching pick up for a moment.

"You alright, Error?"I ask

"YEaH....I wAnTeD tO gIvE yOu sOmEtHinG bUt dOn't l0oK tOo de3p iNto iT."He says, digging into his pocket.

"Okay..?"I say

He takes out a necklace that has a locket shining a bright green on a blue string.

"ThIs Is s0mEtHiNg i mAdE s0 tHaT yOu w0n'T hAvE t0 rElY On bOoKs aNyMoRe. It iS cOdEd t0 disGuIsE y0u anD cOntAiN yOuR aUrA wHeN yOu wEaR iT. I tHoUgHt y0u'd eNjOy a bReAk fr0m th0sE pEsTs bOtHeRiNg y0u wHeNeVeR y0u waLk d0wN tHe sTrEeT."He says, dropping it into my hand.

"Umm...Why are you giving it to me? Why did you go through the trouble of making it?"I ask, trying not to sound rude or ungrateful.

It's nice but he could have just as easily put that effort into making a disguise for himself so he doesn't get harassed by anyone in other AUs.

"I sAw h0w hApPy yOu wErE aT tHe bEaCh aNd diDn'T sEe aNy rEaSoN wHy s0m3 aNoMaLiEs sh0uLd kEeP yOu fr0m hAvIng tHaT kInD oF eNjoYmEnT aGaIn. AnD iT wAs a FuN eXpEriMeNt. CoNsiDeR iT a gIfT fr0m a FriEnD oF a FriEnD."He says

I catch onto the change in him. His excuse shifted again. It's not for questions or books again or for the voices. It's because Swap is our mutual friend, which seems like a step up. I recall what Swap told me and grin. Error still hasn't given a real name for our connection in any of his visits to me but it's starting to be less about the voices or books and seem more like a friendship. He's acting like a friend even if he won't admit it like Swap said he would. I smile wider, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Thank you, Error."I say

"NoW WhEn y0u fInIsH bReAkFaSt, cAn wE rEaD t0geThEr? Y0u shOuldN't w0rK f0r 0tHeRs 0n y0uR bIrThDaY."He says, sitting on the counter.

He gives me a stern look with his last comment that tells me not to try denying that or refusing that. So I shrug and nod. I didn't have the energy to go out anyway. I made a bowl of cereal and he watched as I ate. I noticed that he checked my fridge and pulled a new gallon of milk through a portal to place in it, saying nothing about it. He shut the fridge with a frown and smacked a new note on the door, which turned out to be a reminder to check for when things run low or stale. After I ate, we sat on the couch reading books. He smiles as he pushes his glasses up and I set the necklace aside for now. It's mostly quiet as we enjoy our books. Then he feels his head with a groan and a frown.

"Are you alright?"I ask

"ThE v0icEs aRe gIvInG mE a hEaDaChE aGaIn. ThIs uSuaLlY hApPeNs wHen iT iS dEtErmInEd tHaT i aM nOt dOiNg eN0uGh bY a giAnT cOmpLaInEr."He says, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that."I say with a frown.

"I'm uSeD t0 iT. ThE dEmANDs aNd hEaDaChEs aRe n0tHiNg NeW, jUsT fe3Ls liKe a goAl tHaT kEePs geTtInG bIgGeR 0r 0uT oF rEaCh. SuRe iT iS fRusTraTiNg bUt iT's w0rSe wHen oThErs AdD dEmaNds oR quOtAs oN t0p oF iT aNd cLaIm t0 b3 a fRiEnD tRyInG tO hElP wHen iT OnlY bEnEfiTs tHeM. AnD tHen TheRe'S tHe TanTrUms wHen I stRaY fr0m 0nLy bEiNg mY r0lE f0r tHe mUlTiVerSe. HoBbIeS? jUsT dIstRaCtIoN fRom dEstRuCtIoN. FrIeNdS? UsElEsS iF nOt aLlIeS f0r woRk. I hAtE haViNg oNly wHat ThEy bENeFiT fR0m bEinG aPpRoVeD 0r bEiNg tReAtEd liKe tHat'S aLl i Am aNd aLl i aM g0od f0r. So evEry t1m3 i aM rEjEcTed 0r deNiEd f0r s0meThInG, I oNly tRy tO d0 it m0re."He explains

I listen as he vents his frustrations, only nodding and not saying anything. I can understand his frustrations as it isn't much different from how AU residents treat my work at times and Ink often tries to set goals for me to "improve AUs" or "make them more fun" for him as "favors for a friend". That is told to me often when Swap is telling me to fix my sleep schedule. But I don't say anything because I also know how annoying it can be to hear "I know how you feel" or "I understand" from others who aren't living your life.

He glances at me and quickly shakes his head with a grin.

"It'S riDicUloUs tHAt tHeY tHiNk tHaT tHeY cAn liMiT mE. I kNoW i Am fAbulOuS aNd nOt jUsT bEcAuSe i'M a GliTcH oR dEsTroYeR." He says with a confident grin.

I smile, having another moment to admire him. Even after admitting how trapped or frustrated he is, he finds a way to stay confident. And how bold he is to keep pushing the limits whenever someone tries to restrict him. I've found a lot to admire in him lately.

"Indeed you are."I say

He glances at me, taking a moment to process what I said.

"No sArCaSm?"He asks

"Why would I be sarcastic about that? It's true. You are fabulous as you say. Crafty, smart, creative, more than just those labels. Why would I be sarcastic about that when I have no intentions to mock you?" I say

His gaze scans me for any hint of a lie or issue as it seems my response confuses him. Then his glitching picks up again and his cheeks turn a bright blue that makes the marks on his face shine. I see a twinkle in his eyes but then he catches himself and shuts his eyes. He quickly raises his scarf, turning his head away and grumbling.

Did that...just happen? I've never seen him react like that...That spark in his eyes seemed like a spark of joy...Did he like my compliments? Why was he confused by me agreeing? Has he never had anyone genuinely agree with his statement? Who else has he told this to and gotten negative responses from them?

"CaN w3 f0cuS oN tHe bOokS agAiN? I d0n'T wAnT tO vEnT oN yOuR bIrThDaY."He says

"Of course. But I don't mind hearing you express yourself Error...just so you know. It's better than hearing endless complaints or opinions of strangers."I say, opening my book back up.

He doesn't say a word, pulling his scarf up higher to hide most of his face and focusing on the book. By the evening he left and I smiled. It was nice to have his company or to just not be alone on my birthday. Then I glance at the gift and smile a bit. I wonder what I should use this gift for first.....


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