Chapter 7: A Surprise and a Laugh
Error's POV weeks later
"Blah blah blah blah fucking Dream blah blah blah blah Ink sucks blah blah blah Star Sanses blah blah dee blah blah brothers suck blah blah da blah blegh blah get this right blah bla-"Nightmare endlessly rants, explaining another scheme
I grin, sitting in another one of his meetings with the gang. He only pauses to slap Killer on the back of the head with a tentacle whenever he dozes off. Dust is hidden under his hood and resting his head in his hand. I can see Horror drooling, probably already thinking of the food he will cook or make. I can't blame them though. We have enough of these meetings or plans that they start to sound the same and get boring. Hell, even I'm tuning most of it out since it's nothing new. My mind is elsewhere anyway. With my brother, Blip.
The past few weeks have been full of enjoyment for me as I get to catch up and reconnect with Blip. We've spent hours filling each other in on what has happened and hearing his laugh, seeing his smile again have been great. I couldn't believe that I got him back at all. All the voices claimed that there wasn't a chance of finding him after Ink separated us as his way of pulling a "prank" on us. Yeah, a prank followed by doubling the amount of those stupid AUs and encouraging who he calls "creators" to do more, making the multiverse expand to its limits. Not only did that lessen the chance of me finding him, but that also made Nightmare, Fate, and the voices breathe down my back with demands for me to complete more work. For their benefit and the balance. When he wouldn't answer the phone or the code couldn't locate him, I thought I lost him for good. But Dream got me a chance to stargaze and watch UnderNovela with my brother again. To see his scrapbooks and contribute photos to them as he works on puppet ideas with me....How wonderful...
Of course, I keep all this joy hidden under anger at Ink for causing the mess and continuing to meddle with things. You can't sit in a meeting with joy in your soul without Nightmare ruining it or at least having suspicions. Especially regarding brothers...
"So that's why I plan our next attack for next Thursday. It will be the perfect place and time. It's obvious that AU has had it good too long and it is the perfect bait since it's too normal for Ink not to try to invade and twist up."Nightmare says, catching my attention.
No, that can't least, not for me. Blip has this big surprise planned for that day. He hasn't said anything about it but has been sewing a lot more and wants me to follow him on that day. Hmm, spend time with the brother I haven't seen in months and thought I'd never see again or do the same routine with the ally I've done so much for? Nah, that's easy. And this'll be the first time I skip out on a plan for an attack or ditch a battle before it even starts. He'll throw a tantrum but it's worth it.
I check my phone to confirm, smiling at the picture my brother set of us as the lock screen. I go into the calendar and see that the day is blocked out for Blip's plan.
"NaH, s0rRy. CaN'T mAkE iT. I g0t hIgHeR priOriTiEs f0r tHaT dAy."I say, shaking my head.
"I swear if it's an UnderNovela special, Error-"
"FiRsT oF aLl, I aM a BuSy dEsTr0yEr wiTh m0rE t0 d0 tHaN sIt iN tHeSe mEetiNgs liStEnInG t0 y0u wHiNe aBoUt tHe sAmE sHiT. I hAvE pLaNs aNd deSiReS oF mY oWn aNd I'vE d0ne vErY wElL aT squ3eZiNg y0u aNd y0ur d3mAnDs iNt0 iT. S0 eXcuSe y0u f0r AsSuMiNg tHaT i'M diTchInG aS iF i'M beiNg lAzY. I hAvE m0r3 t0 d0 aNd s0m3tHiNg cAlLeD a liFe, rEmEmbEr? So y0u cAn uSe tHe gAng y0u pUt t0gEtHer t0 heLp iN tHis pLan oR y0u cAn m0ve tHe dAy t0 fiT mY sChEduLe. RegArDleSs, I sh0uldn't bE tHe deCiDiNg fAct0r iN y0ur pLaNs iF y0u're aS sTroNg As y0u cLaiM oR sMaRt eNoUgh t0 lEad tHis gAng aS y0u AcT tHaT y0u aRe."I say, crossing my arms.
He pauses, shutting his mouth. He takes a second to glance at the gang he formed and back at his board with his written plan. His tentacles sway with his back turned to me, clearly trying to think of something.
"What could possibly come before this?"He asks, facing me again.
"I pLaN tO sEe mY brOtHEr aNd sPEnD tImE wiTh hIm. My br0tHeR iS mY pri0riTy."I say with a shrug.
"You have a brother?"He asks
"Mhm."I hum
"Why is this the first I've heard about it?"He asks
"NiGhTmARe, yOu tReAt tHe wOrD bRoThEr like a FoRbiDdEn cUrSe in tHiS cAstLe. Your tEntAclEs shArpEn aNd yOur moOd wOrSeNs wHen sOmEoNe sAyS iT. AnD I juSt fOuNd hIm aGaIn sO I wOuLdn't mEntIoN hIm. NoT wHeN i tHoUgHt i'D nEvEr sEe hiM aGaiN."I say
There's a clear shift in him and his gaze softens slightly.
"You could've told me about him."He says, trying poorly to be sincere.
"NaH, I dOn'T tHiNk yOu wOuLd'vE beEn oPen tO heAriNg iT. YoU hiSs heArInG tHe wOrD bRoThEr sO hOw wOuLd yOu rEaCt hEaRiNg of a bRoThEr tHaT's poSiTiVe, chEeRfUl aNd cArInG? The mAjOriTy of tHesE meEtiNgs aRe aBouT kiLliNg yOuR bRoThEr sO cAn yOu mOVe tHe dAtE? If NoT, cOunT mE oUT."I say
"I do not hiss about that word! I only react negatively to my brother."He says
"Brothers are the worst! They're the most annoying pest to exist! Siblings should've never been created! Anyone with brothers is cursed and I'm the expert that can confirm it! I could write an essay explaining it if I had the time explaining why they should all perish! End of recording at 2:13 PM today."His voice echoes before a robotic voice speaks
"What was that?"He snaps
Dust lifts up his phone.
"I recorded your tantrum or what you call precise reasoning of plan today as proof of why I don't say anything to you about Paps. You ask all the time why I'm sad or grumpy but you'd never like the answer and you don't believe me when I tell you that so here's the evidence. Error, you are so lucky to have your brother back. I get why you wouldn't say anything about him, alive or dead, to us. Not with Boss around. I don't mind getting tentacle slapped if it proves a point. Not all of us hate our brothers Boss and just because you hate yours doesn't mean we can't enjoy them."Dust explains
I grin, nodding in thanks to Dust. Horror leans over to me.
"Does this mean I have an uncle?"He whispers
I chuckle as he gazes at me full of hope. Then his face turns red and he glances down momentarily.
"Uncle figure....I meant uncle figure..."He says
"I kNow WhAt yOu mEaNt."I say
"So what'll it be, Boss?"Dust asks
Nightmare frowns, seeing that he'd be outnumbered. I think sometimes he hates how well I work with his gang and how I earn their favor. But that's not my problem.
"Fine, we'll move it to another day. Now onto the next discussion topic. Killer, you are becoming too expensive again with your damage caused in the castle."He says
The victory was short as Dust and Horror groan, realizing they got stuck in another group meeting hearing Killer get scolded now. I shake my head, realizing how little he values his group's capabilities. They may not be powerful like me but they can certainly cause some damage and carry plans out without me. Hell, all Nightmare has to do is let Killer loose and he will rip through cities! Causing enough chaos and wreckage for weeks of negativity! He just has to use them or direct them with their strengths in mind and they'd be fine. But that's for another day. Right now I'm glad to have time with my brother.
Horror slides his phone to e quietly with a message typed while Nightmare verbally rips into Killer for the 30th time. I glance at it, seeing it read: I'd follow you away in a soulbeat if you needed me to. Leaving to join you isn't a tough decision.
I smile at him. I type below it.
Trust me, I know. This just seemed to be the best arrangement at the time.
Then he types below my message: I know. You gave me the security of food, a warm bed, and a roof over my head. Enduring Boss seems worth it but you know where my loyalties lie after you took me out of my suffering. I'm sure the feeling isn't much different from Killer's after you helped him train in combat and comfort Dust when he was struggling. You validated him and his voices with understanding and guidance so I think he'd support you too.
I glance at Dust, seeing him give a subtle nod. I grin wider, seeing them turn to me with smiles. Nightmare doesn't know half of what it took to help get his gang in order aside from the paperwork or scolding and healing. He did the clean-up and orders, I worked on what came in between that and battles. Part of that meant building connections and building them up from their weak points instead of telling them to do better like he does. So it's rewarding to see how my efforts have paid off and gives me another reminder that Nightmare has more to thank me for the next time he starts getting on my case again. I'm the reason he has Horror at all anyways. Perhaps that's why he wants me at everything. Because he already knows who put in the work to earn loyalty and respect instead of only demanding it. Perhaps he knows that part of that results in knowing who they'd really follow or turn to and put their best efforts out for. Maybe he needs me there to feel secure with his gang knowing that he's not their biggest priority or that their loyalty to him could be outweighed by their loyalty to me. The slightest doubt of control or secure leadership at the top must drive him nuts to even consider.
But again. That's not my problem. It's just the consequences of our alliance or the "favors" he called in for me to do since he couldn't be bothered to do so if it wasn't related to battles and negativity. Lately, he has tried to be more sincere and aware of his connections to his gang, but the impressions and foundation were made years ago. Dust and Horror have become distant and doubtful of his attempts because of it and he asked me for help again so I gave him guiding books to relationships or social etiquette, especially for building connections and trust or conversations in general. I even gave him a book to specifically help him try to support them without it looking like he's preying on their weaknesses for his negativity benefits. That happens to be a major part of what raises doubt about his efforts. Is he helping them during a breakdown cuz he cares or is he just using them for more power? It's a frequent question that blocks him from getting closer to them. If he doesn't read them or apply those tips then it's not my fault that I got better results.
I wouldn't mind having more support and having them either. I'd make their conditions much better if I could and have them play to their strengths while also making sure they're safe and cared for. Keeping them pleased and healthy as they should be. Part of the natural balance and my personal opinion after the suffering they endured in those pesky AUs. They've become more than anomalies in my eyes, especially Horror. But for now, their best chance at security in this messy multiverse is with Nightmare so they'll stay here. Although it is a tempting thought...
Soon the day came and Blip finally gave me a clue as he gathered beach towels, an umbrella, and other gear. He leads me through a portal and we arrive on a beach. He walks along the sand, glancing around before striking the umbrella on the ground and opening it. He lays towels down with a spare stack set on the two laid out. Then he sets his bag and cooler down, putting sunglasses on his head.
"I s3t tHiS aReA t0 b3 fr0zeN f0r tHe dAy. N0boDy wiLl b0tHer uS aNd aNy0n3 wh0 s3eS uS w0n't r3m3mbeR iT. I aLs0 iNv1t3d tw0 fr1eNdS t0 j0iN uS."He says
I snap my fingers, changing my clothes to fit the beach day. My scarf and jacket would be too warm for the beach. My glasses change to sunglasses and I smile.
"S0uNdS aMaziNg pApS. WaS h0rRoR eXciTeD wHeN y0u iNviTeD h1m?"I ask
"WhY w0uLd i InviTe niGhtmAre'S go0n? ThAt aNgRy 0ctoPuS iS h0rRiBle t0 y0u eVeN w1tH y0ur aLliAnCe aNd h1s pe0pLe aRen't aLl0wEd h3re."
Right...He has heard across AUs about the alliance I formed with him and how Nightmare acts. Most of it is him pushing me aside in battles or shouting at us for "fucking his plans up" or whatever. Paps doesn't approve since his actions are disrespectful and trigger my phobia. No amount of explaining from me fixes that. Just that and how he bosses me around makes Nightmare the worst in his book without redemption.
"BuT....HorRoR iS oNlY tHeRe b3cauSe i t0oK hiM tHeRe foR hiS sAfEtY. He iS cl0s3r t0 m3 tHaN nIgHtmArE."I say
"0o0h...I s3e...."
"S0, wH0 diD y0u iNviTe?"
"Y0ur buDdi3s DrEaM aNd SwAp!"
Two of the Star Sanses? Nightmare's brother instead? Thank the stars I got the attack moved or Nightmare would get suspicious...
"PaPs, DrEaM aNd I aReN'T eXaCtLy friENdS. We-"I begin
"ThEn wHy wOuLd hE hElP yOu? He rEunItEd uS eVeN aFtEr I thReaTeNeD hIm! YOu mAdE hiM a HoUsE! YoU hAvE tO bE On gOoD tErMs To dO tHaT oR wHy dO iT aT aLl?"
Okay, he brings up good points.
"GoOd tErMs stiLl dOeSn'T eQuAl friEnDs. We'Re....iNtElLecTuAl AcQuaInTanCeS wItH a MuTuAl uNderStanDiNg."I say
"ThAt's a WeiRd pHraSe foR friEnDs. Is tHiS bEcAuSe oF yOuR aLliAnCe wItH nIghTmAre? DoEs hE blOcK yOu fRoM cOnsIdErInG iT?"He asks
"It w0ulD bE hArD tO bE alLiES t0 boTh siDeS aNd I heAr eNoUgh oF hiS tAnTruMs nOw."I say
"WeLl nO mAtTeR! ToDaY iS a bReAk fRom aLl fRuStrAtIoNs! A bEaCh dAy!"He says
"Mwehehehe! It's so good to see you again, Blip!"Swap says
"HeLlO! So gOoD tO hAvE yOu bOtH hErE!"Paps says
I glance over, seeing Swap walk over with a bright smile as he pulls Dream by the hand. Dream waves to us and clearly tries to pull his hand free and failing.
"Swap, you can let go of my hand."Dream says
"Not until you sit down. I can tell you tried to go on an AU spree again and know that drains you until you're unsteady. I won't let go until you're stable."Swap says with a stern voice and scolding glare.
Dream sighs, sitting down.
"AU sPrEe?"
"He tries to get through as many AUs as he can at once to please them. To satisfy his duty and improve the balance. I lost count of how many times I had to explain what a break is to him and some of the AUs he helps harm him more than they appreciate him."Swap says
"OOoH. DrEAm diD yOu gEt aNy sLeEp?"
Dream nods.
"DoEsN'T lOoK liKe iT."
"DrEaM, yOu hAvE a bED aNd hOuSe. USe iT iNsTeAd Of wOrRyInG tHoSE aNomAliEs sO mUcH."I say
"Well even in stone I wasn't able to sleep. Not even then was Nightmare very merciful so 500 years of sleep deprivation isn't going to go away completely after a few naps. I have been trying to catch up on it though and have been using the bed."
"And that's on top of the years that you insisted on helping AUs instead of caring for yourself. Self-care comes before care for others, Dream."Swap says
"Right...Got it, Swap. Where are we, exactly?"
"Th1s iS tHe b3aCh."I say
He glances around and his jaw hangs open in awe.
"It looks as good as it did in the books!"He says
"ArE yOu wEaRiNg a sw1msUiT uNdEr tHaT, DreAm?"Paps asks
Dream tilts his head at Paps, looking confused. Paps glances at me with a mix of concern and confusion. I shake my head and he smiles.
"G0oD tHiNg i br0uGhT eXtrA iN cAsE oF cl0tHiNg mIsHaPs liKe iCe cReAm sTaInS 0r s0meThInG."He says, handing Dream a folded outfit.
"Oh! Thank you!"Dream says
Swap leaves with Dream to get changed. They return within minutes and Swap puts their outfits in his bag. Dream glances around with a big smile, shifting his feet in the sand slightly. Then he runs toward the water quickly, hopping in with a splash. He starts swimming around and Swap chuckles.
"The last time he got to swim was when Ink dropped us in OceanTale by accident....That was a lot of swimming."
"WhY aM I n0t sUrpRis3d?"I say, shaking my head.
"I aM gLaD hE iS hAvInG fUn."
"Wanna start with a sand castle, Blip?"Swap suggests
Blip nods and they start building in the sand. I glance between the water and the sand, deciding who to join. Then a hear a strange sound that seems to mimic the high-pitched whistling squeak that ducklings can make. Except those sounds are usually when ducklings are alarmed and this sounds more cheerful. I glance around and obviously don't see any ducklings. Instead, I see Dream lying on his back in the water laughing. I've heard his laugh before haven't I? I've seen him laugh around those anomalies in other AUs and it sounds nothing like this...This is different...His smile is so much wider now...
It was like my mind completely shut down and I didn't react, except I didn't crash either. It's like I got fixed on his laugh, wanting to appreciate it.
"What happened to him?"
"Error? You there?"
"Error! Do something!"
"Why'd he even let Dream stay?"
"His soft spot for his brother is too big to say no obviously."
"His brother is a weakness then."
"Is not! Have you seen Blip? A single hug can crush anyone! And he's clearly protective of Error so I think he's more of a strength."
"Then why is he frozen?"
"Is he glitching more?"
"Maybe the aura is finally getting through and affecting him."
"Infecting him you mean."
"It was only a matter of time. It's only downhill from here. He's doomed."
"Error! Don't get hypnotized! You're a destroyer, not some weakling to that trance!"
I shake my head as the voices snap at me or argue amongst themselves. They think I fell for his aura or something? No, I'm not infected by it like the disease they compare it to. I feel no different from before in the ways that others change under his aura's influence. I don't feel ridiculously happier or carefree, I was just surprised hearing that laugh. It's like something clicked in my head and I grin.
It's a wonderful laugh free from stress or fear. Almost innocent....It's cute.
"Wow, I haven't heard his real laugh in months."Swap comments
So that's his real laugh? The others were fake?'s cute...Those anomalies don't know what they're missing out on. Funny how the voices are so concerned about the aura yet his laugh is the one to surprise me. Part of me wants to hear that laugh more.
"GoOd, He dEsErVEs s0m3 t1m3 t0 eNj0y s0m3tHiNg difFerEnT." I say, going into the water.
Dream glances over, smiling at me.
"Y0u s3eM t0 b3 eNj0yiNg tHe b3aCh."
He nods.
"ThAt'S g0oD."I say, swimming past him.
He spent most of the time just floating there and then helped with the sand castle. I swam or explored underwater for a bit before I enjoyed relaxing under the umbrella. I watched as they each made sand castles and I found it funny seeing the differences in their methods. Paps was very methodical and tried to make his sand castle detailed, having a blueprint with him. Swap was just going with the flow, doing whatever he felt like adding so his was quite simple but had flags on top. Dream took his time and walked across the sand to find seashells fit for his castle, yet he had trouble choosing between whatever he found. He was fascinated by each one and thought each one was special, so he made a protective circle around his castle with whatever he couldn't fit on the castle. Paps also had ice cream in a cooler that we shared together when they finished.
Overall, it was a nice day off.
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