Chapter 50: Prophecy Complete
Dream's POV
"So, we all know about the prophecy now, right? What kept us from knowing it sooner?"I ask
"We didn't want to ruin your good times. We knew as soon as we told either of you that you'd start denying yourselves the chance to relax or enjoy yourselves. We could prevent it so we didn't want you to worry."Obscuro says
I sigh, shaking my head.
"I appreciate that but I have unfortunate news regarding your efforts. As far as Destiny shared with me, they're essentially pointless. Fate got desperate and set off something dangerous and unstoppable. The most they could do was edit what was already there and continue to do so or work around what is already done."I say
"What do you mean?"Horror asks
I snap my fingers and the prophecy appears.
When winged fear becomes winged strength, barriers shall break. When Chaos and Negativity fall, so shall the brother of Destruction. Only then will the Golden Ascension occur, making the vessel of Rebellious Goodness fracture into stone pieces and welcoming in a new era never seen before.
"This is what you saw, correct?"
Obscuro nods and the rest of them confirm this is the information they were working off of. I reach out, removing "Golden Ascension occur, making the" from the sentence and Nightmare frowns, seeing what remains.
When winged fear becomes winged strength, barriers shall break. When Chaos and Negativity fall, so shall the brother of Destruction. Only then will the vessel of Rebellious Goodness fracture into stone pieces and welcome a new era never seen before.
"Those few words are what they added to the original prophecy but you can see the difference it makes. There is a space in their realm that has connections between deities there and souls like us with images for each of us. Fate made mine turn grey for obvious reasons but Destiny called me there to change it...among other things. Every connection made changes the fates sealed in that space or how the events are depicted...That room is also responsible for making different events for the future. Once the image is crafted, it happens....We have a few days at most."I explain
"What's the Golden Ascension then?"Nightmare asks
"It's meant to be a temporary transfer of my consciousness instead of the death Fate intended. They're still figuring out the details but I'll help when the time comes. Unfortunately, Fate's intentions target everyone in this room and we're only lucky that Fate can't use these tools again for centuries..."
Error frowns, holding my hand as I realize that I'm trembling.
"WhAt diD y0u s3e t0 trEmBlE s0 mUcH?"
I sigh, waving my spare hand to reveal the incomplete tapestry burned into my memory. The gang rest wounded in the background but my gaze is fixed on the blade through Error's skull beside a wounded Blip and my brothers indicated to be torn to pieces with broken crowns. I see all their eyes shrink in shock, looking horrified.
"This outcome has been eliminated after Destiny showed it to me. It probably cannot be shown or the outcome will change again but I can assure you that it's better than this..."
The Murder Time Trio exchange concerned glances, remaining quiet as the situation sinks in.
"What exactly do they intend to do with you? Did they advise any next steps?"
"I think we should stick close together."Nightmare says
But Destiny's plan and advice say that I have to keep a distance...If I want to keep them safe after the events unfold, then I need distance so that I don't break the rules they use...And the warning of what may be used to prevent a worse outcome can be triggered easily. I can't let them get hurt or risk them.
"They couldn't really say much without risking influencing too much...I can assure you, Obscuro, that I will be ok and you'll know what they did when it happens. That sounds like a good idea for the rest of you, Nightmare."
"That includes you, Dream."
"I don't think I can...."
"Why not?"
"Well, E!Gaster still has that ban regardless of whether Error broke his barrier. I'm not supposed to be near Error or Blip until he says otherwise and I don't want to worry about facing his wrath on top of handling Fate. I've had enough of dealing with demanding parents for one day. I-"
"What's that supposed to mean?"Obscuro cuts in
"It's been a very long day. Also, I have orders to complete some tasks for Destiny by myself. I'm going to work on those...I'll all be okay."
"Br0tHeR, I tHiNk wE hAvE a dAd tO hUnT dOwN."
Error nods in agreement.
"Guess we'll just have to see, huh?"Horror asks
I nod.
"Can we wake up now?"Killer asks
I nod, snapping my fingers to allow anyone who wants to wake up to do so. They just had to walk out the door. Everyone filed through the glowing doorway but Nightmare shut it. He and I are alone now.
"Dream, I can sense your fears almost as much as I can sense your racing mind. I don't like these weirdos giving you missions. What's really happening?"
I sigh. Of course, he is the one who notices that there's more to this.
"I sense a lot of instability in your soul. It's unsettling. Are you okay?"He asks, stepping closer to me.
I feel my body relax a bit in his presence as we're alone. He isn't someone looking up to me like Obscuro nor someone ready to go to extremes on my behalf like Error. Not someone who seeks my protection or demands action from me. A brother...ready to listen and just seeking answers...He isn't someone that I will burden...He's just...An equal as I feel okay being honest since it won't scare or endanger him...
"To be's a lot to take in...Even with all their assurances, it is unsettling...Fate has their hooks into you and Error right now and can determine anything they wish at any moment...Seeing what Fate crafted didn't make me feel any better...Mom weaved Obscuro into her territory in that realm so nobody can manipulate him...Nobody had a claim on my soul since Fate determined that my time would end...I heard some deities discussing a replacement before Destiny silenced is a lot to take in...I didn't want to show any fear but I am still feeling scared right now...My soul is the only thread keeping Fate's outcome from happening...That thread changes the outcome based on my actions or what I will do...What if I do the wrong action and screw it all up? What if I cause worse circumstances? I can't lose you all or bear seeing you all get hurt! I---!"I explain, pausing when he pulls me into a hug.
"If it's basing the future on your soul and predicting your behavior, then there's nothing to worry about. Well, this whole situation is worrying but the last thing you need is to doubt yourself. If you do what your mind and soul tell you, then it has already been decided that you won't fail. You'll never be replaced. You can't be replaced, Brother."He tells me
I smile, giving into his hug and kind words, then pull away and grip my arms tightly.
"The thing is...Destiny warned me that their plan wasn't as stable as expected because of their limited time and options. Destiny added something unstable to my soul. They warned that it could be set off with strong emotions but not my aura, which is part of why they gave me different tasks...Destiny wants to put some distance in place so that it isn't triggered or hurting the wrong people...I honestly don't know at this point..."
He frowns for a moment, then shakes his head.
"I can't wait until this Fate mess is behind us so these bastards stop using you for their unstable experiments. You're a balance keeper and my brother, not their toy to mess with."He says
"Yeah, I can't wait for that time to come as well..."
"You'll tell me if anything changes, right?"He asks
I nod.
He grins and we walk through the door. I follow behind him, getting blinded, and open my eyes to find him waking up in an empty room. Everyone else left. He sinks away into a puddle, sneaking off somewhere. I focus on an AU's faintly positive aura, then teleport to it. I find an area untouched by other people, climbing a hill to a tree I can sit under. I sit and start to meditate, focusing my energy on maintaining stability. That quickly turned to just sleeping after such a long day.
Weeks passed as my main job was to stay here and do what Destiny said. Stay in a distant AU and keep myself in check until the tapestry finishes. That way the tool doesn't get activated at the wrong time. Then I get an idea, going to a space full of echo flowers. I sit in the center of a field and start speaking my thoughts to each one. Each flower is meant to have a message to a different loved one. I leave comforting words in the messages meant for Error, Palette, Obscuro, or Nightmare if they ever stumble across this area after the events unfold. Then I get a call from Horror of all people.
"Dream, it's happening. They're attacking and Swad is targeting Error."
"I'm on my way."I say, summoning my spear.
I teleport to him using his sense of hope, seeing the land torn into a broken battlefield already. I spot numerous Chameleos among the dozens charging toward Dust, Blip, and Killer. I see Owl Demons chasing Nightmare and clawing at Obscuro as they try to stay out of the beasts' reach. I see Error high in the sky firing blasters and swinging on his strings to avoid Swad as he dives toward Error like a hawk.
"We were hunting down the beasts and our paths crossed with Error looking for his dad and went from there."Horror says, holding his wounded arm.
I nod, bandaging his cracked arm and unfolding my wings.
"Be as careful as you can at this point. I'll handle the bird up there."I say, taking off.
Error sees me and grins, unfolding his wings to fly to me. The strings of beads still shine on his wings. He reaches out to me, holding my hand before the barrier can force us apart.
"YoU rEaDy t0 t3aCh ThEsE aNoMaliEs a lEsS0n?"He asks, squeezing my hand.
I see Swad charging closer and grinning, so I fire my spear and swing it behind Error. It slices Swad across the chest and pierces a wing, causing him to start falling instead. Error looks shocked and I take a few deep breaths to stabilize my soul after feeling angry at Swad's incoming attack and extreme joy at seeing the attack fail. I can feel how unstable it is in this situation...the situation it was meant to activate in...I know what's about to unfold and sigh, trying to look confident.
"I sure am, Error. And however this unfolds, just know that it'll be okay. I love you. I want that to be the truth that echoes after this is settled."I tell him
He frowns, glaring at me.
"I t0lD yOu t0 st0p tAlKiNg liKe tHiS. I aM geTtInG tHoSe cUdDlEs."
I chuckle at the reminder, feeling happier already. His reminder feels so bittersweet. It's sweet how that's his goal for after this but it feels so bitter knowing that it will be a while before he can do so...I don't have the soul to tell him...
"Get down here and fight me!"Swad shouts
"Oh sHuT uP!"Error snaps, blasting at him
Then I hear a glitched scream of pain and see Blip get stabbed through the chest by a group of the Chameleos' followers, mainly consisting of creeps or Cider Addicts that I recognized from the meeting I sneaked into months ago. That quickly doomed the mob as both Horror and Error dove back into the fight to catch the guilty members while Killer and Dust kept ripping through the rest of the group. I quickly pull Blip away, trying to heal him and bandage him where I can. Then I hear a scream and see that Obscuro got caught by one of the beasts. I soar over to him, ripping him free as Nightmare handles a few other beasts with his tentacles.
"Brother, get a safe distance away or in the air if you need to and summon a platform for you to rest on. I can heal you but you cannot fight with these wounds. I love you too much to let you get hurt."I tell him, trying to heal him as quickly as I can.
He nods and when I release him, he soars upwards and makes a platform for himself that blocks any attacks. Then I start chasing the beast that attacked him, trying to help Nightmare get rid of them.
"How are you feeling, Brother?"Nightmare asks as he forces an Owl Beast into the ground.
"Like I've already sapped a lot of my energy, to be honest. Healing takes a lot of energy from me. And remember that unstable thing added to my soul? It feels very unstable now but I'm trying to keep it under control. We may not need it here with how things are going."I say, trying to stay positive.
"I don't see the need for it since we'll finish this easily at this point. This prophecy may be wrong."
"Brother, you will jinx us if you haven't already with that false claim. Obscuro and Blip both got hurt as the prophecy warned. You're the only one mentioned that hasn't fallen. Watch what you say and save the confident claims for when this is done."I say
"I guess you're right. Promise not to leave me?"
I glance at him as he tries to pin a beast down, seeing hope twinkle in his eye.
"You know I can't guarantee that, Brother. Not with the current circumstances. But I can promise that I won't ever be far from you for long and there will come a day where Fate can't touch you anymore."I say, putting on a smile.
"Now who is making overconfident claims?"He asks with a roll of his eye.
"A guy can dream, can't he?"I ask, slicing through another beast.
I reach the one that hurt Obscuro, impaling my spear into its chest. A golden glow spread through it and it loses the dark monstrous appearance to look like a golden owl with eyes glowing a blinding white. I pull my spear out, seeing the wound heal itself, then the beast charges to the rest of the pack.
"Wow! Nicely done!"Nightmare says
"I don't know how that happened..."
"Maybe the instability of your soul is making your aura have more of an influence in your attacks. This certainly balances the odds for us."
I frown, remembering the prophecy. Winged fear just became winged strength for us...Now it's just the barriers and Nightmare that haven't fallen...Then I hear a crackle followed by a rumble and glance around, seeing the skies become a mix of various colors for various times of day or atmospheres as portals seem to expand and fight for territory. Swap starts to fall through one and I quickly fly up to catch him before he gets hurt. I catch him, taking the chance to glance down at the situation as I feel my soul pound faster. Many are facing the wrath of Error and the gang for hurting Blip, Obscuro remains safe on his platform, the Chameleos who were meant to lead are scrambling to find a strategy as they shout orders, and Nightmare easily handles the beasts now that one was morphed to our side. This would look like a success...If it didn't line up with the prophecy and seem like the barriers between AUs were breaking. I know what's coming and can feel it coming as the tool added to my soul and code is growing harder to restrain. It feels more like a ticking bomb about to go off at any moment, requiring its power to be released soon.
I set Swap beside Obscuro on the platform, then hear a horrible screech. I glance down and my vision goes blurry from the amount of auras that I'm seeing. I'm supposed to be looking at Nightmare as he screeches in pain but I don't see his tentacles or dark appearance with his cold green eye...No, instead I see my brother from ages ago radiating within the aura of his soul with tears in his purple eyes as he is stabbed through the chest. He's getting hurt and I see him get kicked down just like all those years ago.
I swoop down to help him but feel something pierce my back, shoving me to the ground on my knees.
"Maybe this will teach you to follow orders. How many ways can we break your so-called brothers, hmm? Let's find out."A voice coos with a taunting edge to it as the blade gets twisted through my ribs.
Then, it snapped. It couldn't be contained anymore. I feel a rush of energy leave my body as suddenly all my senses go numb and blank. Can't hear, see, or feel anything. The last thing I saw was Nightmare reaching out to me before white consumed my vision. After who knows how long of quiet nothingness, my vision returns and I can feel that my body is different. I glance down, seeing another pair of arms extending out to grip my spear as my wings now rest folded on my back. I see my clothes changed into a long robe shining a bright yellowish-orange with a green belt at the waist. I glance around, seeing various deities including Mom and Destiny observing me. Mom quickly hugs me, whispering apologies and promises to make Fate pay that only I can hear. I hug her close, trying to soothe her. Can't have my mom feeling guilt she doesn't deserve when I know who is at fault now can I? I hate seeing her so sad....She pulls away and I feel where I was stabbed, finding no wound there. It's sealed and looking at my bones, the scars of past battles are hardly visible.
"Welcome to our realm, Positivity. It worked out lovely."
"Lovely? My son could've died!"
"But he didn't! He joined us! There's a difference!"
"What's your first course of action?"
"How dare you ask him that now, Destiny! He needs to recover and pro-"Mom begins
But by then I already have the answer in my head, taking off quickly with the hope that it isn't too late. I soar through the halls to the tapestry room, seeing that I've grown since the halls fit for giant beings like them no longer look gigantic. I leap into the tapestry room, quickly going to the looms working to remake two special tapestries. I see that they're the ones I "accidentally" ruined and grin. I see the words DESTRUCTION and NEGATIVITY at the bottom of the tapestries and grin, knowing these are the right ones. I summon my soul between the looms and quickly a pair of golden strings are pulled from my soul and get woven into the tapestries. Fate's red threads start to tangle with the golden ones but with a firm yank or two, Fate's influence is gone again. And it'll stay that way if I can help it. The doors slam open behind me and I hear a gasp.
"I chose my two souls!"I say proudly
I grin, seeing Error and Nightmare's faces take shape on their tapestries.
Mine to protect for as long as this shall last....
Meanwhile, NO POV
Everyone else could hear Dream as he let out the loudest cry of pain they ever heard. Nightmare tossed away the attacker using a tentacle and quickly ran to Dream but it was already too late. Something snapped and a large explosion occurred as a wave of power was released from Dream and washed across all of their surroundings, extending out across the multiverse. It blinded all of them for a few moments but Nightmare felt the wave wash over him and it wasn't a positive one. When they could see again, they see that the fight was over. All of their attackers were turned to stone regardless on if they were a Chameleon or just a follower. Swad wasn't turned to stone but found himself in a bird cage that shocked him if he touched the bars. The only beast that remained was the one transformed by Dream's power. They glance around in shock at what happened. The battle's over and they're only wounded at most...Nightmare knows there has to be more to this and the wave sent out since the ground still rumbles like something is changing in the distance. He sees everyone checking their conditions or helping their wounded buddy next to them, slowly realizing the reality of things and shocked that it ended so soon. But a loud shout quickly redirects their attention as things sink in.
"Brother! Noo!"Obscuro shouts as he lowers the platform with Swap, both of whom could only watch things unfold in horror.
Obscuro tries to run but limps and drops to his knees in front of Dream, whose eyes have lost their spark of life and turned entirely to stone. Swap runs over, feeling the statue in disbelief. Then tears form in his eyes as he realizes that this is real and he hugs the statue as he cries at the loss of his friend. Nightmare steps closer, frowning and kneeling beside his brother's statue.
"I guess I did jinx it with my confident claims...Sorry, Dream, if you can hear me. You were right about the prophecy."
"What the hell happened to you, Nightmare?"Obscuro asks
"What are you talking about?"
"You look split down the middle after that blast."
Nightmare checks himself, seeing that Obscuro is right. His left side remains covered in goop and tentacles while his right side is in corrupted, revealing the white bones and purple clothes underneath. Then he sees a fading glint on the ground and glances down, seeing that Dream's crown had fallen off at some point and rests cracked on the ground. He picks it up and holds it tightly.
Then a second wave of power is released from Dream, blinding them all for a few moments and the rumbling grows louder for a few moments. This wave was warmer with more positivity than the last one. When they could see again, Swap was gone but Nightmare wasn't concerned since he doubts Dream's power could hurt Swap. It probably took him somewhere to protect him or something. Then everyone notices that their wounds are healed, which would've taken a ton of healing magic. Then a pair of crowns form on Nightmare and Obscuro's heads in bright gold but they quickly realize it wasn't just them.
Error steps closer and Nightmare watches as a spark lands on his glitching head, wrapping around to make a silver crown. Nightmare smirks slightly, thinking that Error certainly shined like royalty between the beads in his feathers shining like jewels and now the crown to match. Error stares at the statue, unaware that the crown formed on his head.
"CaN yOu seNSe hIm?"
"No. His aura is gone so he must have been taken away as his body rests here. Just like the prophecy said. But he did promise me that he'd never be too far from me for long. And something else that doesn't seem overconfident anymore..."Nightmare says
"I wish that I returned the I love you that he gave me before he left...I'll give him it and a big hug when he returns...I wish this never happened even when I knew it was coming."Obscuro says
The ground rumbles even more as Error just stares at the statue of Dream, feeling lost. Nightmare and Obscuro glance around, then gasp as they watch the battlefield get transformed. Gardens grew from the battle-torn land, trees grew and castles rose from the ground with villages forming in the distance. Echo flowers sprout around them, echoing softly with Dream's voice. Nightmare heard his name echoing from one and shifted beside it, as did Obscuro with another flower. Error feels his body tense hearing such a beloved voice softly call his name through apologies. He kneels near it, his face burning as he finds his hearing ambushed with compliments and loving words. He lifts his scarf up slightly, feeling his soul ache as he can picture Dream saying all these things to him. He shakes his head and stands up.
"I'm noT liStEnInG tO a fLoWeR uNtiL wE gEt him bAcK. ThEsE cHaNgEs dOn'T sEeM liKe sOmEtHiNg tHoSe bEiNgS wOulD pLaN."
Nightmare glances around and nods.
"This looks like the villages of my AU mixed with fairytales Dream read so that might've influenced it. It was definitely Dream's power causing this so that may explain it better. Yet I don't know why that would split my forms...."
"We should see where Swap got dragged to."Obscuro says
They watch as the ground pulls Horror, Killer, and Dust in three different directions. Blip sees a pebbled path form, leading to a village and then a crossroad sign rises from the ground with different arrows.
"BrOtHer lOoK aT tHiS! ThErE aRe sECtOrS wiTh thEiR nAmEs! DuSt'S QuiEt sEcToR, KiLlEr's ZoNe, HoRrOr's wOoDmaKinG diStrIcT, FarMeR's fArM, pAlEtTe's aRt lAnE, FriEnDs' rElAxiNg aReA, tHeN tHiS oNe diReCtS uS tHaT wAy t0 me3t ThE lEaDerS!"
"ThAt aLl sOunDs liKe tHinGs tHey'd liKe...put tOgeThEr iNtO a uTopiA...WhAt iF hiS dReAm oF sOmEtHiNg bEtTeR wAs rElEaSed iN tHe bLaSt?"
"Good idea but none of those arrows mention us."Obscuro says
"He did tell me he'd find a way to keep Fate from touching us....Maybe in this land, we're not mentioned for our safety...Or this could be his dream made reality and incomplete..."Nightmare says, rethinking Dream's words.
"Well let's go check the relaxation area for Swap. *Gasp* Then we can check the directions to the leaders! Dream has to be a leader of his dream! He could've been transferred there!"Obscuro says, excitedly running ahead with hope.
They follow after him as he follows the signs to the relaxation district of the group of villages. Obscuro spots Swap inside a shop meant for a spa. Swap looks quite confused on what he is doing in the waiting space but looks relieved when he sees them through a window. He opens the door and smiles at them.
"What a relief to see you're all okay. I was put here and there's a barrier preventing me from leaving. A message appeared from Dream, apologizing for all the trouble he thought he had caused and telling me to take the chance to relax. Where are you all headed?"
"We're off to see the leaders! Hopefully, we'll find Dream there! Enjoy the spa day!"Obscuro says as the others catch up to him.
Swap glances at Error and shakes his head.
"Part of me is surprised that you weren't taken somewhere as well but I guess the answer is obvious."
"Have you seen anything to indicate where the leaders are? I know the signs pointed that the leaders would be located near this area but I don't see any signs to guide further."Obscuro says
"YoU aRe aLsO rUsHiNg tHroUgH tHe sTrEeTs s0 tHeRe miGhT be siGnS yOu mIsSeD."Blip says
Swap looks between Nightmare, Obscuro, and Error and tilts his head. How have the crowned trio not realized the answer to that question? He sighs, guessing that he could be wrong or they'll find out soon enough.
"There are posters and flags in the area depicting four kings ruling, yet one is hidden in shadows so I think only three are actively here if that has any indications or meaning behind it. I think you'll have to head to the large castle at the end of the street. It should be visible from here."
Obscuro zips ahead and Nightmare shakes his head, following close behind him. Swap notices that Error seems to still be processing things. He sighs, knowing that the next few weeks are going to be tough and unpredictable. Maybe he should say something to snap his friend out of overthinking or hearing voices.
"Nice crown, Error. I know now isn't a good time but I must say that Dream really knows what suits you."
"WhAt aRe y0u taLkiNg aBoUt?"
"He really seems to know gems and what fits you. Who knows, maybe jewels are his craft just like your knitting is. I see that you know what style to make for him."
Error feels his head and jolts when his fingers touch the crown. Yet that sounds to be grounding him and calming his mind. It's one last sign of Dream's love, and his mind can't help but fixate on that as it soothes him. Dream's words keep echoing in his head, drowning out the voices. Then a pair of guards walk up to him and Blip.
"Ah, I see that Your Grace is never far from Your Highness as usual. We must get you back to the castle, especially now that his Majesties returned as well."The guards say
It clicks in Error's mind and his eyes shrink. Blip and Swap chuckle, then Swap gets pulled away for some relaxation.
"WhY s0 suRpriSeD bRoThEr? If tHiS wAs mAdE bY dReAm's...welL, dReAmS, y0u aNd hiS bRoThErS w0ulD b3 plAcEd vErY hiGh. ThAt s3eMs 0bv1oUs."
They're quickly escorted away to the castle. Nightmare stares in shock at the throne meant for him. Now it is clear to them that they are three of the kings meant for this place. Each throne is marked with a letter or symbol. Error's has E carved into it, Obscuro has an O, A moon surrounding an N for Nightmare, and a B for the seat beside Error meant for Blip and a fourth throne with a sheet tossed over it. Nightmare grips Dream's crown tighter.
"Excuse me? Can someone tell me where my twin is? I assume he's the one in charge around here."
"No no no. The three of you are. You don't need him around, Your Majesties. You're all very capable and powerful."
"That's what he kept saying. The glorious and intelligent twin himself, King Nightmare. The wonderfully creative brother, King Obscuro. And of course, the crafty and respected star, King Error. Nobody can doubt you and while he may be gone, that doesn't take anything away from you. You're all powerful leaders. You don't need him to lead and he doesn't want that belief to stick. You're all equals. Nobody outshines anyone."
"I think now that we're back we should remind everyone of the forbidden list."Another guard says
"Good idea."
Orders start getting thrown around as trumpets start to play, summoning a crowd into the throne room.
"And this isn't strange at all?"Nightmare asks, pointing to his split form.
"You're His Majesty's beloved twin regardless of what shape you take, Your Highness. You're king regardless of your looks."A guard says, shaking their head.
Nightmare sits on his throne, clenching Dream's crown with a stern frown. He realizes what kind of world Dream envisioned in his dreams now: A world that sees them as equals and not stuck in each other's shadows...And it's deeply touching that he was essentially told that in Dream's mind, he doesn't see a difference in him. Corrupted or his old self, Dream loves him regardless. He hides his face behind a hand, feeling everything hit him harder and make it harder to keep it together right now. Error's face burns at being referred to as a star, sitting on his throne and Obscuro smiles in his seat, enjoying every bit of the world Dream's power made. He can't help but admire each detail. He can't wait for Dream to step in. He will return at any moment, right?
The guard proceeds to read to the crowd a long list of forbidden words to use when discussing the royal trio, many of them being insults that they've been called in the past like useless, pathetic, freak, glitch, broken king, abomination, toy, and others. Nightmare groans, hiding his head in his hand as he realizes Dream's sentiment behind this part of his carefully-made vision of the world. He hates that Dream isn't here...that he couldn't protect him and that Dream's desire to protect him was the thing that broke him. He's gone because of Nightmare's weakness in battle, even if it was prophesied to happen. So for this world of Dream's creation to treat him so kindly...doesn't feel right.
"So...Where is my brother?"Obscuro asks once they finish, not really caring for such pointless words.
"He is off elsewhere most likely but we all know he is never far from any of you. He'd never abandon you if you needed him. His Majesty is probably doing something to keep this land and you all safe."
"So...He's not here?"
"Afraid not. He sent himself on a solo trip from what I hear. But do not worry, all is well. This land is meant to lift the burden of loved ones after all and the last ones he'd want to trouble is you."
"I...I see..."Obscuro says, visibly disappointed.
The guards quickly send the guests away and look to the four for orders.
"You're all dismissed. We should rest and...consider things tomorrow."Nightmare says
The room empties out and Nightmare exchanges looks with the other three.Blip sighs, nudging his brother.
"Let's rest and process this is the morning."
They go to find their bedrooms and lie in their beds. Error frowns, holding his crown while Nightmare does the same with Dream's crown. Obscuro goes to sleep as quickly as he can, wishing that maybe, just maybe, Dream will visit him in it.
Little did they know what was coming.
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