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Chapter 5: Questioning a Bond

Two weeks later, Dream's POV

"Swap? What's your usual experience with Error?"

Swap quickly turns to me as we walk through a town together. I gaze into a library, reading the book titles on shelves or in the window while also watching our surroundings reflected in the glass.

"What did he do now? Is everything ok?"He asks

"It's nothing bad. He has been popping up to discuss books or chat. But part of me is concerned...Is it normal for him to switch from hostile fights to casual conversations?"I tell him

"Hmm...It could be."He says

"I notice him checking in or watching me. He closes his portals whenever he is caught or uses them to talk to me. He always seems puzzled by something. I'm not sure what caused the shift."I say

"Oh, that's normal. He can become more social without Ink around and the switch usually happens when he's intrigued by something. He's very calculating and prides himself on understanding the most things. Give him something unknown that he can't crack with code alone and he has a new mission. My bond with him mainly grew from him getting intrigued by my passions and behavior. He was trying to understand what he calls the core reason or why I do so. He can't get all his answers from code as much as he may prefer that option. So it really depends on what you could've done to catch his attention."

I shrug.

"I don't know what that can be. There's hardly any part of me that Ink hasn't shared with the multiverse that would be so intriguing. And most of my actions follow my duty or reputation, which anyone is aware of at some point. Nothing I think would be desirable isn't already common knowledge."I say

"Oh come on, Dream. You're more than an aura and title. Give yourself more credit."He tells me

"Alright..."I say, shaking my head.'s genuine but for an ulterior motive. What could he want from me? Is he frustrated hearing me talk but not giving answers? Are the books just a tool to get closer or slip in questions aimed at me? Subtle ways of getting his answers? Will he just go back to hostility once he gets what he wants?

"I'd say that you should be careful since you don't know. I also wish you good luck since Error rarely stops until he is pleased. On one hand, he may be looking for info but on the other, he could be unknowingly forming a new connection with you. I have seen that living in an empty space with puppets and voices doesn't give the usual social skills nor the knowledge of social cues and norms. What he is doing to get information is taking the initiative in conversations or learning interests. That would normally be for nurturing new friendships and forming connections but he may not know that and even deny it. Trust me when I say that making a connection with him won't always be clear and could be a complicated path before a name is even given to it. Don't push or rush things and assume anything. He will be genuine but it will be a while of having it undefined before he's comfortable to move forward."He explains to me

I glance at him and shake my head.

"When have I ever been one to push or rush anything? To favor assumptions? You know how I feel about connections."I say

"Right. You want them to be built naturally and genuinely. I just wanted to be clear for you that his way of naturally may not be the average."

I shrug it off.

"Better than growing hostility."I say

"Just be careful."He says

I nod, then feel my body tense up.

"Dreeeeaaaam!~"A voice coos eerily

"Cider-Addict coming in fast at 6 o'clock. Get out quick."He tells me quietly.

I nod, teleporting away. I land carefully on grassy ground and stumble forward.

"Hello again, Dream! I have some leftovers and I don't think you've eaten lately. Come along."A familiar voice says before I can realize where I am.

I glance over and smile, seeing Sprout beckoning me over as Farmer works in the fields. Farmer spares me a glance and nods with a grin. I smile, walking behind Sprout, and wave to Farmer. This is one of the few places I can feel truly safe.

Meanwhile, Error's POV

I sit in my antivoid, reading with a grin. I feel relaxed and accomplished today. I just finished some destruction to keep Fate off my back and tossed a few souls into Nightmare's dungeon for him to feed off of their negativity. I even did a few demands of the voices so now it's quiet enough for me to enjoy myself. And Dream is currently a few chapters ahead so I should get a few pages in if I want to have another discussion about it. I do not want spoilers in the conversation, as good as it is to listen to him theorize how the story will progress.

I only got a chapter done before I heard footsteps stomping closer. I glance over and groan. Nightmare is back to complain again.

"WeRe ThE h0stAgEs nOt sCaReD eNoUgH fOr yOu? Why mUsT y0u c0m3 wHeNeVeR i sTaRt t0 enJoY mYs3lF?"I ask

"Dust says that he saw you speaking with my brother again."

"N0t ThiS aGaiN...FiRsT y0u bel1eVe tHe buLlsHiT eXpErT aNd n0w y0u b3liEvE tHe 0n3 wh0 seEs hiS deAd bRoThEr?"I groan, shutting my book.

"Did I get the right source this time?"

"JuSt bEcAuSe y0u'v3 sTaRtEd t0 h3lP m3 dEsTr0y d0esN't mEaN i aM oPeN t0 sHiTtY aCcuSaTi0ns."

"I'm not accusing you. I trust you to give me a proper answer and tell me if you have."

"PeRhApS thE voiCeS requEsT3d iT. It'S n0t to0 bAd. He giVeS g0oD iDeAs aBoUt sToriEs, eVeN oF c0nStElLat1oNs."I say

"If you wanted a reading buddy, you could've come to me."

"AlL y0u rEaD iS paPeRw0rK aNd diScuSs h0w t0 mAkE y0uR sChEmEs w0rK. TaLkInG aBoUt w0rk 24/7 cAn gEt tiRiNg. CoMplaiNtS 24/7 cAn gEt tiRiNg. I kNow y0u liVe 0n tHaT, bUt aNoThEr nEgAtiVe v0ic3 drAinS mE. YoUr liBrArY iS cUrRenTlY c0lLeCtInG dUsT aNd c0bwEbS s0 y0u w0uLdn't bE tHe bEsT t0 bUdDy uP wiTh. S0met1m3s iT iS niCe t0 hAvE aN iNteLliGeNt c0nv3rsAtiOn tHaT do3sn't baSh whAt i liKe."I tell him

"Are you befriending him?"He asks

"NaH, i aM jUsT lEaRnInG tHe tHiNgS tHat yOuR aU's cOde cAn'T tElL mE. It iS aMuSiNg t0 c0nSiDeR oR oBsErVe."I say with a shrug.

"What could possibly be intriguing about my brother?"

"WeLl, f0r sTaRtErS hOw hE hAs lAsTeD tHiS lOnG tO bEgIn wiTh. YoU hAvE aN eNtiRe cAsTLe aNd gAnG aT yOuR diSpoSal, yEt yOu cAn'T oUtmAtCh a HomElEsS bRoThEr tHaT hAs a sLeEp dIsOrDeR, An eAtInG diSoRdEr, a dEvElOpIng bUrnOuT wItH oNlY a bOw aNd ArRow rEliAbLy aT hIs dIsPosAL. AnD yEt yOu'rE tHe oNe cOmpLaInInG tHat yOu dOn'T hAve EnOuGh, ciTiNg iSsUeS fr0m dEcAdEs aGO. It iS oDd hOw hE hAs s0 liTtLe yEt aCtS uNboThErEd bY iT liKe iT's jUsT aNoThEr tUeSdAy. AnD uNliKe yOuR dEmANDs f0r mE t0 pRoVidE mOrE iN mEeTiNgs, hE aPpReCiaTeS wHaT i mAnAge t0 d0. HoW iS tHe eNeMy, th3 p0siTiVe oNe, aBlE tO aPpReCiaTe a NegATiVe, dEsTrucTiVe eVeNT? AnD sOmeTiMeS iT iS jUst iNtErEsTiNg tO hAvE a c0nVeRsAtIoN tHaT iSn'T jUst pLaNs tO cAuSe oR fiX mEsSeS. AnOmaLiEs cAn pRovIde iNtErEstIng pOinTs aNd oPinIoNs tO cOnsiDeR. YoU'rE bOth wOrkAhOliCs bUt iT'S iNtErEstIng tO sEe tHe diFfErEncEs aNd hOw dIffErEnt pEoPle rEaCt t0 siTuaTiOnS."I point out.

I get he embodies positivity but how can he possibly approve of something that goes against him and what he works for? How can positivity admire something like destruction that could only harm it? Why is he the one acting like an ally more to me than Nightmare and less of an ally to himself? He's endured so much yet hardly shows any issues to the world. Always thinking of others or his duty. I'd think he'd at least want his own situation to improve or become more positive, yet he kept getting shit and did nothing about it. Yet he has started to show cracks and mention issues, even if he tries to brush it off as nothing. It's remarkable that he's lasted and hasn't broken down as far as I can tell. What makes him continue knowing he'll fail or continue to get crushed? What pushes him to continue serving this duty instead of giving in? How broken is that mind of his to explain that and do these pointless things where he gains nothing and hurts himself? Anyone else would've given in and cut their losses or considered themselves a doomed failure. Anyone else would've improved their situation before helping others and would've avoided any enemies, including me, like the plague. But not him...Nothing logically makes sense about him or his actions. Not even his code explains it so is it even something that can be put into words or understood? Or is it just part of him that just happens without question or reasoning? Just a part of him that exists and constantly influences him? Is that all there is to him? No, don't assume.

"I don't just complain!"He snaps, taking me out of my theories about the golden fool.

"YoU mArChEd iNt0 mY spACE, inTeRrUpTeD mY pEaCeFuL rEaDiNg jUst t0 aNgRiLy cOmpLaIn aBoUt s0m3tHiNg tHaT d0Esn'T huRt yOu. Y0u t0ok g0oD t1m3 aNd tUrNeD iT nEgaTiVe. I tAlK to iNk aT t1m3s t0o bUt y0u n3v3r fe3l tHrEaTeNeD bY tHaT. Am i maKiNg fRiEnDs wIth EvErYoNe i tAlK t0 oR sHouT aT? Y0u c0uld'v3 c0me h3r3 t0 hAve p3ac3fuL t1m3 t0 r3ad, wHiCh y0u c0mplaIn y0u doN't hAvE, bUt y0u pUt tHis n0nsEnSe f1rSt. WhAt i d0 wiTh mY t1me iS n0t a ThReAt t0 y0u, NigHtmAre. I sTiLl g0 t0 meEtiNgs, heLp y0u iN bAtTlEs aNd r0uNdiNg uP y0uR gAnG, aS wElL aS tRy t0 hAvE a c0nNeCti0n wiTh y0u beYoNd ouR aLliAnCe. ThAt iSn't g0iNg t0 cHaNgE s0 d0n'T gEt s0 piSsEd 0v3r n0tHiNg."I say, rolling my eyes.

"I do respect your work...I appreciate it very much."He grumbles, crossing his arms with a pout.

"Th3 dAy AfTeR i t0lD y0u tHAt i wAs eXhAuStEd fr0m maiNtAiNiNg tHe bAlAnce bY deStr0yiNg AUs, y0u heLd a mEet1nG t0 mAkE qUotAs f0r tHe gAnG. YoU gAvE mE a qUotA oF a Th0usAnd AUs desTrOyEd aS tHe miNiMuM pEr m0ntH. GiViNg m0rE h0m3w0rK d0eSn'T sHoW aPprEciAtiOn f0r mY eFfoRtS, juSt a deSirE oR eXpeCtAti0n f0r m0rE. I hAvE eNoUgh oF tHaT aLrEadY anD i d0n't n3ed a fr1eNd aDdiNg tO iT. FriEnDs oR alLiEs r3duCe sTrEsS, n0t tr1pLe iT."I say

"Oh...right. I'll work on that."He says

"CaN i g0 bAcK t0 rEad1nG noW?"I ask, feeling my eye twitch with irritation.

He quickly leaves and I roll my eyes.

Now, back to reading...


(sorry if this part seems shorter, more is to come soon.)

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