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Chapter 48: Vials and Desires to Protect

Two months later, Dream's POV

I hear soft music playing somewhere nearby but try to keep sleeping, shifting under the warm blankets. Then I realize that it doesn't feel like I'm in my bed. I open my eyes, only finding darkness to greet me. I reach up, finding a sleep mask on me. I glance around, seeing a nest-like bed around me as soft blankets cover me with pillows to match. All of it was made of familiar blue strings. I sit up, feeling the nest sway with my every movement. I can't even see out because the strings rise up and seal me in as the nest holds me in the air.

How'd I get here? When even? The last thing I remember is saying goodnight to Obscuro...Why would Error do this or take me? Where is he?

Then I hear a phone ringing and pat around, trying to find it. I pick it up, see Nightmare's name, and answer.

"Hello? Brother?"

"Heeeey Dream. You sound tired. Did you just wake up? There seems to be a situation."He says

"Definitely the weirdest way to wake up. What is going on?"I ask, glancing around.

"Well, your boyfriend is currently on a vial-induced destruction spree to put it simply."

"What?! How?"

"Ink was fighting him and managed to pin him down. For some reason, he thought of forcing Error to consume some vials even though he was losing them faster than he could drink them. You'd think he'd be more careful with something so limited. And he also mixed paints with chemicals so that's certainly impacting Error. Least to say, he got free and Ink's currently near a hospital...and by that I mean that Error was nice enough to drop him into a dumpster behind a hospital after giving him a thorough beating."He tells me

Ugggh, I'm going to KILL INK! I know he doesn't know about my relationship but he shouldn't be disturbing Error when he has shit to fix! Great! He drugged my boyfriend! Just great!

"I'm getting this all from Obscuro as he demands answers from Ink. Blip is trying to track Error's movements but his spree seems randomly selected so far. He is targeting AUs but there's no visible pattern,"

"What AUs has he targeted?"

"Well first he went for an Irontale timeline, then he went for a Littletale, Oceantale, Viraltale, and Epictale timeline in that quick order. After that he hit a Dancefell, Redemptale, another Epictale, Axetale, and Megatale timeline. After that there are dozens more without much time in between or indication of the next target. It's all so random, which is unlike him....Yet he's not touching any AUs that he knows people from or are close to so I guess that's a good sign that there's still some logic functioning in his head."He says

I type the AUs in a numbered list on my phone, looking for some connection between them. Then I noticed a message that could be read when looking at the first letter of each AU in the order that he attacked them....Why am I not surprised that it's a message of love when he's high off of the pink vial?

"What did you mean about this being the weirdest way to wake up?"

"Well, it seems like Error has done more than destroy AUs. I'm in some sort of nest of strings made to be a bed. I cannot see out of it to know if it's in his anti-void or not. Technically I can teleport out of here but that may upset him more..."

"I think it's best to stay where you are until we figure out how to handle this. I'll try to keep you in the loop."He says

"Alright then."I say

He hangs up and I adjust myself as my eyes adjust to the limited light my phone gives the space. Then my phone rings again with a call from Error.

"HeEeY dReAmY.~ DiD yOo0ou rEsT wElL?"

Yep, he SOUNDS so clearly like he's under the pink vial's influence.

"Yep, although I wasn't expecting to wake up in your strings. What exactly is this for, Erry?"

I heard him hum with joy after I used the nickname for him.

"It'S t0 k3e3eEp y0u sAfE! I wiLl b3 tHeRe s0oN, DreAmY!"He says

"Okay...Are you alright? Nightmare said that Ink attacked you."

"D0n't w0rRy aBoUt mE. I hAvE tHaT hAnDlEd."

I frown, shaking my head.

"Are you hurt?"

"ThAt'S iRrEleVaNt."

I'll take that as a yes....dear stars...How can I get him to listen? Oh, I know something to try.

"What is relevant then?"

"Y0uR sAfEtY aNd hApPin3Ss. I cuRrEnTlY cHeCk oFf b0tH b0x3s!"

"But Erry...You only check off one if I'm being honest right now."


"I'm not happy if you're dismissing yourself and your needs. You know that. So if you're hurt and dismissing it as irrelevant to push through it, then you're only keeping your unhappy boyfriend here safe."

"WhAt wiLl mAkE y0u hAPpY?"He asks quickly

"If you're hurt, stop what you're doing and get help. It's not like I'm going anywhere. I want to know that you're okay."


"I love you, Error."

"I lOvE yOu mOrE dReAmY."

"I guess I should keep an eye closed so I don't get blinded by your aura then, right?"

"There he is! Someone grab him!"Nightmare shouts in the background

"YeAh...i guEsS s0...iS tHaT eYe d0iNg OkAy?"

I glance around, opening my other eye. I can see through the strings with this and tilt my head when seeing someone approach me....their soul at least.

"Yeah, I strangely see someone walking closer. Where did you put these strings exactly?"

"To0 hiGh f0r aNyOnE t0 reAcH you aNd cErTaInlY nOt aBlE tO wAlK yOu."

I frown, feeling the aura radiate with positivity for all the wrong reasons. The soul is a scheming one, I can tell that much. I summon my spear to my hand and grip it tightly.

"I see...They don't seem to have good intentions either."

"WeLl nOthIng cAn gEt tHroUgh mY sTriNgS sO yOu sHouLd bE sAfE. I aM cOmInG nO-AAGGH! WhAt tHe helL?!"

"I got him! Oh look, he was calling Brother! That explains why he was so distracted!"Obscuro says

"GEt oFf mE! I hAvE tO g0-!"

"You're going nowhere in your condition! Don't think I don't see that broken leg wrapped in strings! Don't worry, Brother! I'll make sure he gets the care he needs and we will get this vial out of his system!"Obscuro says

"We should have Error show us where he put Dream now. Given how Dream was after getting drugged by the vials, Error's mind may be fuzzy and he may not remember at all when he comes back to his senses."Nightmare says

"LeT gO oF mE!"


"What was that?"Nightmare asks

"I might have to call you back."I say as I see a blade cut through the strings above me.

I hang up to focus on the issue as the blade digs further through the strings. I've never seen anything rip through his strings but this blade seems to glow unnaturally so maybe there's an enchantment or coding for this achievement.

I see it cut all the upper strings and the bed sends me plummeting down with it. The sliced strings smack me down before I can try to fly out of there. I hit the ground roughly and tried to sit up with the spear pointing up. I feel something press into my back, then something locks around my neck.


"I'm only going to say this once. Drink it."A voice says, putting a red vial in front of me.

Ink's red vial. A thumb pushes the cap off, lifting it closer. I know how this is going to go given the experience with the pink one. No real clue what they intend with me under the influence of this but I don't think I'll want to remember either. Then it gets shoved into my mouth and I cough it back out as the foot presses harder on my back, preventing me from ever getting up. I focus on anything that I can see while repeating the thoughts in my head, thinking that if it is connected to my fear then maybe it will reach Nightmare and he can know where to look.

"Good, now to just turn this on."

I feel an electric shock from whatever is locked around my neck, making me scream and my body stops any form of resistance that remains. Then I feel the person step off of me, dropping the empty vial among the strings as I get dragged by a wing through a portal. I see bricks and stones stacked high to form an arena with a cage-like dome to seal it all in. While my enter body is aching from the electric shock, another vial with an unknown liquid is forced into my mouth, yet this one made me feel better. Maybe it was healing magic of some sort?

"That should help you adjust...Now, I will have the next step in the process start. I have a proposition for you."A voice says as the hand releases my wing.

I hear fingers snap, followed by screams and the humming of electricity as it generates power in machines. I look ahead, seeing many of the demonic creatures made to look like the bullies are hooked up to machines. They scream in pain and seem to lose their demonic monstrous transformations as they shrink down to only their old original bodies that I remember from the village...They quickly get dragged away out of sight.

"Listen very carefully. I have collected hundreds of those creations and those beasts. I know what their original forms mean to you. They seem to keep making more of those things. Your collar is now activated so don't think your aura will be detected and your powers are restricted so don't try getting out of here. But don't get too upset. You're free to go if you put on a good show of eliminating all of these through some trials."

Normally, this should cause more questions and resistance. Yet unfortunately, I can feel the vial clouding my mind and the idea of beating those bullies didn't sound so bad....I end up agreeing.

"Good, I'll start with five for you."

I see five bullies get dragged out and I get another red vial fed to me. I get pulled to my feet and my grip tightens on the spear. They seem to tremble at the sight of me.


I can't tell if it's just the sight of them reminding me how much I hate them for what they did to Nightmare or the vials influencing me, but I listened to that order. I wasn't going to let this chance go to waste. They'll pay and less of them mean less of a threat to Nightmare. My feet push off the ground, charging at them and swinging at them. I quickly slice through them, making them scream and try to run. More of them are sent in as more of them start dropping from their wounds. When running and flying are both abilities of mine, they don't get that far when trying to run. And I could always push off the walls if needed. I have training for fights, they don't. I seem to have all the advantages now along with a red vial fueling me as my mind is consumed with memories of what they pressured me into, how they hurt Nightmare, how they used us, how they're the ones that made me lose my brother for years, and how much I want to make them pay.

So yeah, I released my anger and hatred onto them. I don't think I say anything to them, even when they plea for me to stop. At some points that just triggered me to toss my spear aside and throw myself at them with angrier punches. Then another pleaded for to stop and I glared at them.

"How dare you ask that of me when you've done nothing but hurt me and my loved ones. You used me and abused my brother. None of you care for anyone but yourselves. How many times did I ask any of you to stop pressuring me? Better question, how many times was my brother in your position pleading to you for mercy, help, or just an end to the beatings? Huh? How many times? Go on, tell me! You should remember just fine given the fact that none of you ever stopped making him suffer and that's what made him eat the apple that resulted in all of your deaths. You never helped me, you certainly didn't help him, and you really have a way of pissing me off. You're only saying this because you're the one in the powerless position now and can't use that demonic form to make others suffer. You were brought back with that form to make my brother suffer again. Well guess what? You're going to be the one suffering this time and I'm going to enjoy making you pay."

Then I stabbed them with the spear. I feel an electric shock that makes my body freeze up.

"You handled thirty of them...not a bad start. Well done but we should keep things reasonable so that things don't get boring. Rest with your victory and the arena will be arranged for the next session for audiences to watch."

So there's an audience...

I glance up, seeing cameras set up on the walls separating the arena battles from where people would actually sit to watch it. The fading red glow tells me that it was recording earlier and somehow I'm proud of being recorded like this...maybe it sends a message to others to leave my loved ones alone and serves as an example of what happens to those who don't. I get led away and shoved onto a bed before a metal gate snapped shut, trapping me in the small room. I feel another shock and get knocked out.

A few days later, NO POV

"Okay, so Ink doesn't know where Dream is. The empty vials are probably the stolen ones he is supposed to retrieve..."Obscuro says

"I sensed an overwhelming amount of negativity from him. His aura told me that he was fed red vials before something cut me off from it...I don't know why an abductor would want him angry of all emotions unless they're stupid and making things challenging on purpose..."Nightmare says

"At least Error is back to normal. Have you spoken to him?"

"NoPE, bUt I hAVE aN AnSwEr On DrEaM's wHeReAbOUtS."Error says as he drops through a portal on a string hammock with a proud grin.

"You just got the vial out of your system yesterday and already found answers? How?"

"I wORk QuIcK aNd fOlLoW tHe eViDeNcE oR viAlS iN tHiS cASe. ThOsE hAvE sPeciAl cOdE siNcE tHeY'rE gIvEn fRom CreAtOrS oR mAdE fR0m oThEr rEaLmS lEaKiNg iNtO oUrS, maKiNg tHe code mUcH rArER tHan oTHerS. I jUst tRacEd it's cOdE tO f1nD wh0 mAy bE coLleCtInG iT oThEr tHaN iNk. THeRe iS cUrReNTLy a piL3 oF f0ur dOzEn rEd vIaLs sOmeWhErE thAt i'M tRacINg. So fAr tHe cOdE pOiNtS t0 a dArK WeB stReAmEr bEinG tHe cUlpRiT aNd iF yOu cHeCk hIs stReAms, iT mAy ExpLaiN wHy DrEaM wAs gIveN rEd vIaLs:EnTerTainMenT."

"What could be entertaining about my brother being angry?"Obscuro asks

"ObScURo, yOu dOn't gEt iNtO tHe dArK wEb tO mAkE pOstS abOuT pEAcEfUl oR...lEgAl tHinGs iF yOu gEt wHat I mEaN. HeRe, i'Ll pULl iT uP whIlE I tRacK thE loCaTiOn."

"He kiLlEd aNoTHer dOzeN, BroThEr! THe cOuNt iS tWo hUndReD kiLlS aNd twEnTy viAlS cOnsUmEd!"Blip says

"AnY sHoCkS?"

"JuSt tWo."


"BliP hAs bEeN wAtChInG dReAm's cOndiTIoN. ThEy bAsiCAlLy pAy tO viEw hIm kiLl tHoSe fReAkS mEanT tO bE yOuR oLd bUlLiES, NiGhtMaRe. They aRe dRainEd oF tHeIr pOweRs aNd hE iS reStrAinEd bY el3cTrIc sHoCks. VieWeRs pAy eXtRa tO hAvE anOThEr vIaL fEd tO hIm. ApPaReNtLy hE fIghTs tO eArN hIs fReEdOm bUt hE iSn'T bEiNg mErciFuL aT alL. I wAnT tO gEt ThErE bEfOre tHey oVerdOse hIm oR giv3 hIm tOo mAnY shOcKs."Error says, leading them through a portal to Blip as he watches a stream.

They watch and see what he means. The last thing that those bullies see is Dream's eyes burning with rage and hate but it certainly isn't quick and painless as he ends them. No, he breaks every joint and knuckle, making sure they feel unbearable pain before he puts them out of their misery.

"He seems like he learned from you, Nightmare."Obscuro says

"How...Can vials make him this cruel? Why is he so set on torturing them?"Nightmare wonders

"NiGhTmArE, tHiNk oN iT. He hElD 0nt0 l0viNg yOu fOr oVeR 500 yeArS. Don'T yOu tHiNk tHaT h3 wOuLd aLsO hAvE ReSeNtmEnT aT tHe peOpLe wHo HuRt yOu? 500 yEaRs oF rEsEnTmEnT aNd nOw He hAs a ChAnCe t0 fAcE tHeM oN TOp oF haViNg vIaLs ThAt rEmOvE aNy sElF-ReStRaInT hE mIghT'Ve hAd. ThAt rEd viAl pRoBaBlY uNl0cKeD aLl th0s3 yeArS Of aNgEr."Error says

Nightmare processes his words, then glances ahead and watches. The only indication of a streamer was a voice thanking donations and an occasional hand on screen waving or pointing to parts of the arena. Nightmare appears amazed at how far Dream goes to make his old bullies suffer...even he wasn't that cruel after he ate the apples...He just eliminated it but Dream is dragging their last moments out....Crazy how this was the same brother he once believed loved his bullies and the popularity he got from them....His old self would swear that this wasn't true or AI generated if it was shown to him before but right now he understand that it's real and that Dream is releasing all the anger he was forced to keep in...And to be honest, he can't help but be amazed to some extent by what he is witnessing and how powerful Dream is. In one hand, it scares him how strong Dream is and that this is the same brother he used to fight. If it weren't for him obviously holding back in those battles compared to now and his love for Nightmare, it's very evident that he could've been ruthless. It's sort of scary thinking how close he was to his own doom if Dream took his cold words and insults the wrong way and met them with violence instead of acceptance. On the other hand, the lengths Dream would go for revenge against those that harmed him ages ago...made the king of negativity feel how deep Dream's love goes...He can only imagine what Dream would do if facing the Chameleos or those that harmed Obscuro given what he is seeing...Apparently he didn't have to imagine for too long.

Words appear on the screen to announce a special guest arriving at the arena. Bodies and dust lay around the arena filled with arrows or covered in slash marks from spears. Blood and dust mixed with the dirt and Dream is fed another vial. Error works on cracking the coded barriers keeping this location hidden and Blip notes another tally for another vial forced into Dream's system.

Nightmare and Obscuro watch as Dream tugs uncomfortably at the shock collar around his neck.

"How many more assholes until this comes off and I'm free to go?"He asks

"You actually eliminated them all. Unless we catch more of those beasts, you made them an endangered species but not extinct. You're done with them."

"Holy shit...."Obscuro and Nightmare say

"Now I want to see how you'd do with a different kind of foe."

A metal gate opens and two figures in dark cloaks toss a bag into the arena, a few feet away from Dream. The rope loosens and a head pops out with overgrown silver hair hiding the face of the new victim. Slowly a woman crawls out of the bag, gasping as a few cuts clearly dig into her and cause some difficulty for her movements. Those wounds must be from the altercation that led to her abduction as far as Nightmare can guess, only able to tell that the woman seems terrified. Obscuro's shrink and Nightmare quickly notices how speechless he appears as he starts to tremble. Nightmare gently curls a tentacle around him, seeing Dream's eyes narrow at the woman.

"You....These games are just bringing all the garbage here, huh?"

"W-W-What do you mean?"

Dream points a spear at her neck, glaring down at her.

"Of course I would recognize the fool that fed my little brother to the wolves. We may have never met, but I've seen you multiple times. You're the one who called him a burden, worthless, and too much trouble to love. You're in many of his dreams where he wonders that if things were different, if he was different or picked a different game then maybe he could earn the love you said he didn't deserve...that you wouldn't leave and things would be better. Do you know the kind of pain you have to cause by abandoning him and saying those cruel words for him to remember after decades without you? To think that changing would earn him unconditional love? I do and you caused him that. You left him to a bunch of abominations to torment him so don't even tell me that you suffered at his hands. He suffered because of your neglectful, cruel actions and you're going to pay for the pain you caused him."

"'re talking about HIM?! But he's not-"She begins, gasping when the edge of the spear threatens to dig into her neck.

"I'm not here to listen to your bullshitty excuses and you're not in the position to tell me who isn't my family. He is the best little brother to have and so bright and energetic, a marvelous that you disowned and hurt. You cannot tell me after you toss him away what place he has. Nobody deserves a fool like you as a mother but I know Obscuro wouldn't want you dead despite all the pain you caused or allowed him to endure. His bullies won't be as lucky as you. So tell me this only if your memory serves you right. What game do you want to play?"

"Umm...You might have to refresh my memory..."

"That's fine. We can play all of them."

They proceed to see Dream drag her around the arena to play different games that he learned from Obscuro. Then Error grins and snaps his fingers.

"GoT hIs l0caTiOn! LeT's g0!"He says as a portal opens to that location.

Nightmare and Obscuro quickly march through it and Error glances at his brother. Blip glances back at the stream and updates his tallies, showing Error the ending total. Forty five vials consumed and fifteen shocks in total after following the stream since yesterday. And that's just the ones they know Dream was given. They both frown and nod before going through the portal together. While Nightmare and Obscuro leap from the seating area down to the bloodied arena to run to Dream, the two glitchy brothers quickly locate the streamer and crack their knuckles.

Dream notices the cameras turn off yet doesn't feel any electric shocks telling him to stop. He glances over, seeing Error and Blip's backs facing him as they loom over the one who gave all the orders, clearly scaring the shot out of them. He glances back down at the bleeding "mother" that just failed miserably at hide and seek.

"Dream!"Nightmare shouts, making him jolt.

Dream drops his spear and quickly turns around, seeing his brothers run to him. The menacing red glow fades from his eyes as if someone pulled the plug from a tub and let it all drain out. His eyes shine a bright yellow again and his wings unfold as he soars with a smile toward them.

"Brothers!"He cheers, pulling them both into a hug.

They hug him back happily and Obscuro in particular squeezes him close, burying his head into Dream's arms and security of his wings as Nightmare tears the collar off of Dream. Nightmare spares a moment to glare at the painful device before hugging Dream closer. They smile, never feeling so happy and relieved to be reunited, especially Dream as he comes down from the hate-fueled high the red vial kept him on.

"O-Ob....Obscuro...?"A weak voice cuts into the moment.

They split away to see the woman weakly rising to her feet and daring to reach for Obscuro. Obscuro flinched and hugs Dream's arm, hiding beside him. He has so much power yet her presence alone unsettled him. The twins quickly notice and glare at her.

"You've...when did you get so big..?"

"You lost the right to know that the moment you thought to call him a burden and lost the chance to when you left him to a bunch of sickos."Nightmare growls

"Oh no...that can't be was just a minor mistake and p-p-poor word choice..."She says, clearly terrified of him.

"Poor word choice my ass, you knew exactly what you were saying and now you're just making a crappy attempt to avoid the consequences."Nightmare says, his tentacles twitching with frustration.

Obscuro now stands between the twins as they glare her down, safe in their grip. Dream curls a wing behind Obscuro and a few of Nightmare's tentacles gently curl around Obscuro unlike the jaggedly sharp ones rattling like a warning for the woman to stay away. Now there's two people scared by an angry pair of brothers in front of them as the streamer is being handled by Error and Blip for every shock that could've killed Dream or every vial they risked causing an overdose for his soul while this lady deals with Nim's precious twins. She looks terrified of Dream but even more of Nightmare given what Dream just managed to do as a reference for what the darker, more evil regarding reputation, tentacled brother could do. She wanted to do her best to avoid their wrath...yet fails miserably by trying to act a role she lost ages ago.

"Oh...Are you both...? Looking after...? Oh how sweet! This is just a misunderstanding! Obscuro, sweetie! Come to Mommy, darling! Time to g-g-go home with family!"

Obscuro shakes his head.

"You're refusing me?"

"You refused me first...200 years...You left for that long after telling me I was too much of a burden to ever get cared for...I tried to be good for you and make you happy but you left...I went through hell and you never cared or returned...Don't act like you do now just because they scare you."


"Yes, your favorite nickname for me, remember? They've shown me that you're wrong. They've embraced the powers you called a curse and show me how to improve it. I even get to play a few games! I have a home and feel loved, which is more than I can say about you. I had dreams of you returning and changing things to get your love but now that I see you again...I don't think it's worth the effort."


"You didn't think I was worth the effort to love so why should I bother with you?"

"I a-am your mother!"

Dream laughs at that claim and Nightmare spares a glance at Obscuro, who smiles at him before looking at her again.

"No you're not."

"Oh really? Call her then!"

"Your funeral."Nightmare cackles

"If you insist. MOOOOOOOOM!"Obscuro says before yelling as loud as he could.

Then Nim appears, glancing around worriedly.

"I heard my youngest yell for me for the first time, right? What's wrong?"

Then she notices the three brothers huddled together and glances between them. They don't look hurt to her while the lady behind her that she hasn't noticed looks even more scared than before like her soul is about to leave her body.

"Hey Mom. Ya know that lady I told you about that frustrated me? The one that Obscuro got hurt from? She's behind you and she tried to take the title of mother back from you after abandoning him for over 200 years without an apology. Called her insults a poor word choice which I call a poor excuse."Nightmare says

"I've already tried to teach her a lesson for the emotional pain she caused but no, she insisted on talking crap. She isn't too bright either, Mom. I made it clear that he's in our family now, our brother, yet couldn't connect the dots that you've accepted him into the family as a son as well. He's in our family yet she's shocked that the mother role has been filled in her absence."Dream says

"I see...I'll try to dumb it down for her then...You three go. I'll handle her..."

Nightmare nods and Nim turns to see the woman.

"Wow, my usually sunny son really did a number on you...Guess my little moon king didn't see you as worth the time or you'd be hardly conscious right now. No matter, I'll handle you just fine like this as I make it very clear to you what a REAL mother is and what YOU are...."

Nightmare walks away with his brothers and Dream quickly seems to lose energy as if coming off of adrenaline. Without the shocks keeping him on a routine, there's nothing really keeping him from resting now. Error notices and leaves Blip to handle the streamer while he hops down to the three brothers.

"ThE viAL dOeSn'T cOnTrOl hIm aNyMoRE?"

"It looks like the vial was rejected as soon as he saw us somehow."Nightmare says

"I tHiNk tHaT sHoUlD sAy a LoT aBoUt hIs lOvE fOr yOu bOtH iF tHaT's wHaT cAlMed hIm aNd AlLoWeD hIm tO sNaP oUt oF iT."

Dream leans against Nightmare, hardly able to stay awake. Error notices and uses his strings to scoop him up and provide a cozy hammock to rest in.

"Hey, Error...I um..."Dream says

"LoOkS liKe iT sTiLl tAkEs a tOLl oN hIm. ReSt nOw, DrEaMy. We cAn tAlK wHEn yOu rEcOvEr."

Dream nods, closing his eyes. Error smiles, relieved that he's safe. Then he glances around and grins.

"I dOn'T kNoW aBoUT yOu, bUt I'm fEeLiNg lEsS tHreAtENeD bY tHaT cHaMeLEo pLaN. DrEaM jUsT eLimInAtEd mOsT oF tHoSe bEaStS aNd yOu hAvE tHe oWl oNeS iN your mAzE. AlL tHey hAvE nOw iS a WouNdeD sWAd, eNtiTlEd yet pOweRlEsS aNomAliEs, aNd tHeiR shApEShiFtINg abiLITy tO rElY On. ThEy'Ll bE sCraMbLInG tO rEgRoUp aT tHis pOiNt."

Obscuro and Nightmare glance at each other before frowning. Error seems so happy and hopeful...his confidence is back...they can't crush it when he makes good points can they? Nightmare decides to be the one to take the risk and possible backlash.

"I still don't like it, Error. That means they'll get desperate and I don't like when troublemakers get desperate. Desperation makes them unpredictable and try to take more extreme actions. Desperation makes them dangerous."

"TrUe...LeT'S gO bEfOre tHaT DeSpErAtiOn gEtS tOo cLoSe tHeN. LeT's eNjOy iT wHiLe wE cAn."

They nod and he calls to Blip, who throws one last punch before following him through the portal. Nightmare glances behind them to check on Nim, who smiles at him and motions for him to go. He steps through, leaving Nim to do as she wishes. He smiles, seeing Dream rest peacefully in Error's strings as they go inside Dream's home. He sees how carefully Error carries him in the strings to bed, all with a fond gaze full of love that could rival the pink vial's influence. Obscuro and Blip notice it as well and pull Error away for another check-up to confirm that the vial is out of his system after Dream was carefully tucked in. He chuckles, sitting on the couch with a grin. Then his phone buzzes and sees that his concerns did not go unwarranted. A message from the gang proved his point and requests him to join them.

"WhAt wAs tHaT mEsSAgE?"

"Just a reminder of some chores I have to do back at the castle. Making that maze consumed so much time that the other needs kind of went undone. Stuff like dusting, dishes, recalibrating the training spaces and figuring out contraptions like vacuums without getting my tentacles caught. That said, I'm going to head out. Make sure the vials are out of their systems and tell me how Dream is when he wakes up."He says, dropping hints to Blip and Obscuro while Error is within earshot.

They nod and grin. Error chuckles at the comment about the vacuum, having seen Nightmare struggle with the tool and times when his tentacles got caught in it when he tried to do it hands-free. Nightmare rolls his eye.

"Alright, you go handle that. We got things here."Obscuro says

Nightmare teleports to the gang and they start a meeting.

As determined as they may be, they had no real idea what was coming and how a tapestry of all things may seal their fates.


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